Thought Provoking Phases of Friendships

at first glance I thought it said "Thought Provoking Friendships"....and all I could think about was everyone at MMA...:rofl:
Originally posted by Chronuss
at first glance I thought it said "Thought Provoking Friendships"....and all I could think about was everyone at MMA...:rofl:

wait....we think?
Originally posted by RCastillo
Whoa, my heart stopped fora sec, be careful with those!:eek:

If only I had a digital camera...

...i'd sell it on e-bay!
(i dislike digital)
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I am sure with you here.. I have quite a few acquaintances ... friends? That depends on one's definition.. Someone who has been through the thick and thin with you, who doesn't ask for anything in return, one who cares about you from the inside out... and could care less about the outside, Someone who knows by the expression on your face that you just need a hug, Someone you can sit in that wondrous rare comfortable silence with. the list goes on.. it's a rarity indeed.. and I can count but 2 people in my life that are friends..
The others.. fun people to be around.. but I'm not a part of their lives.. nor they a part of mine..
I guess I am a hermit of sorts, betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow.. and trust when once freely given .. is a now a challenge.
I forgive easily... I never forget.. I don't hate anyone.. the people that have hurt me.. are no longer important enough to have any emotion spent on them..

Just rambling :)

Well, your "rambling" has hit some of my views on friendship right on the head. Always thought it was just me that viewed things this way - well it sure seemed like it. My definition is also on the extreme side. I have 3 people I've known for 14 years these are my friends in every sense of the word even though we don't see each other alot. Along the way, there have been numerous acquaintances, but no new real friends. I guess I'm a hermit too, but that's okay. I can amuse myself greatly. Friendship is a relationship, just in a different capacity from a romantic one, it needs work too to thrive and survive from both sides. I'm always open to seeing how things develop with people, because you never know when you'll meet the ones that will be in your life forever as your friends.

Originally posted by RCastillo
Whoa, my heart stopped fora sec, be careful with those!:eek:

Oh great! You have found another female on here to flirt with?:rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I am sure with you here.. I have quite a few acquaintances ... friends? That depends on one's definition.. Someone who has been through the thick and thin with you, who doesn't ask for anything in return, one who cares about you from the inside out... and could care less about the outside, Someone who knows by the expression on your face that you just need a hug, Someone you can sit in that wondrous rare comfortable silence with. the list goes on.. it's a rarity indeed.. and I can count but 2 people in my life that are friends..
The others.. fun people to be around.. but I'm not a part of their lives.. nor they a part of mine..
I guess I am a hermit of sorts, betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow.. and trust when once freely given .. is a now a challenge.
I forgive easily... I never forget.. I don't hate anyone.. the people that have hurt me.. are no longer important enough to have any emotion spent on them..

Gosh, I was going to go past this little piece of the forum then I decided not to. Now I need to go back through and see if I ever had any friends.:(
Originally posted by MartialArtsChic
Friendship is a relationship, just in a different capacity from a romantic one, it needs work too to thrive and survive from both sides. I'm always open to seeing how things develop with people, because you never know when you'll meet the ones that will be in your life forever as your friends.

Very thought provoking. Between your posts and Tess' posts I'm not sure about any of my friends in life:( :eek: . Beginning to think I should leave this thread alone now.

Oh, what a lovely day for a drive to the east side today. Filled with rain all of the way up and all of the way back. Hopefully your turkey day was a good one. Mine was filled up with 3.5 hrs there and back from the east side.:asian:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Very thought provoking. Between your posts and Tess' posts I'm not sure about any of my friends in life:( :eek: . Beginning to think I should leave this thread alone now.

Oh, what a lovely day for a drive to the east side today. Filled with rain all of the way up and all of the way back. Hopefully your turkey day was a good one. Mine was filled up with 3.5 hrs there and back from the east side.:asian:

Everyone has their own definition of friendship. Unfortunately for me, I've had to re-evaluate rather early on what true friendship is to me in my life but I have learned. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something you never knew that may help in the future by reading this thread instead of passing it by. :) But, if you were sure about your friends in life before reading this, then there's no reason to not keep being sure about them after reading this.

I horsed around all day and then drove 10 min. to my sister's house to just sit around and play with my niece while the turkey cooked..and cooked...and cooked. They need a new oven!

You're my friend, Jason :D

as for my turkey day, i can't mention mom's "friend" to dad. shh. *sighs and grumbles about strange fam-damn-bly sitiation* but it was cooked by my mom, my sister, her friends Christine and Eve, me, and Seth and Liz (two more of my sister's friends), and the aforementioned mother's friend Ernie. It went quite well, and the cat sat under the table where the turkey was set COMPLETELY EXOPOSED and didn't once try to take any peice till after everyone had their fill. then i had a brownie, felt the adverse effects while driving back to dad's place.
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
You're my friend, Jason :D

as for my turkey day, i can't mention mom's "friend" to dad. shh. *sighs and grumbles about strange fam-damn-bly sitiation* but it was cooked by my mom, my sister, her friends Christine and Eve, me, and Seth and Liz (two more of my sister's friends), and the aforementioned mother's friend Ernie. It went quite well, and the cat sat under the table where the turkey was set COMPLETELY EXOPOSED and didn't once try to take any peice till after everyone had their fill. then i had a brownie, felt the adverse effects while driving back to dad's place.
:rolleyes: Oh Please!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
You're my friend, Jason

Oh, cool! Thank you,

As for the post below yours here; just remember Castillo is just plain weird.:rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Oh, cool! Thank you,

As for the post below yours here; just remember Castillo is just plain weird.:rofl:

Aren't we all weird?
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
You're my friend, Jason :D

as for my turkey day, i can't mention mom's "friend" to dad. shh. *sighs and grumbles about strange fam-damn-bly sitiation* but it was cooked by my mom, my sister, her friends Christine and Eve, me, and Seth and Liz (two more of my sister's friends), and the aforementioned mother's friend Ernie. It went quite well, and the cat sat under the table where the turkey was set COMPLETELY EXOPOSED and didn't once try to take any peice till after everyone had their fill. then i had a brownie, felt the adverse effects while driving back to dad's place.

A spiked brownie!:eek:
Hey you... *hugs* I think I need to clarify my post a bit.. when I wrote the above posts, I was feeling rather blahish.. the holidays in the past weren't the best of times for me (the times spent with my ex).. and I was 'waxing nostalgic' so-to-speak... As far as 'friends' go...
I have often retreated into my own world rather than host a retinue of relationships. Just because of my past history of innane times.
You, Jason and I have a friendship indeed. I wasn't referring to you .. I was lashing out at someone that has rather suddenly cast me aside without any explanation.. someone that I considered a very close friend who shared with me everything.. then suddenly "Nothingness'.
So don't fret Jason. you are a good friend :)

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Very thought provoking. Between your posts and Tess' posts I'm not sure about any of my friends in life:( :eek: . Beginning to think I should leave this thread alone now.

Oh, what a lovely day for a drive to the east side today. Filled with rain all of the way up and all of the way back. Hopefully your turkey day was a good one. Mine was filled up with 3.5 hrs there and back from the east side.:asian:
Tess, I have always found those times when I am feeling "blahish" to be the times when I am able to best analyze my feelings and my life in general without having a moment of "oh, well, that doesn't really matter" get in the way. The blahs can bring into stark clarity all of the little things that have been naggin' you for a while that you haven't been able to put a finger on. The trick is to be able to stare those little things in their beady little eyes and decide just how much power you are going to give them. It's when you turn a blind eye to them that they get together in a pack and sneak up on you. That's not to say that everyone that has a little "something" odd about them needs to be cast aside. It's often those little "somethings" that make the friendship/relationship work. The "blahs" are a time to deal with all those little things one at a time and decide just how much power they are going to be allowed. I spend a minimum of 46 hours each week alone in the cab of my truck at work. That's plenty of time to work on these things. It's a lonely job and one that requires that I be very comfortable with myself lest I drive myself even more nuts than I already am.

Sorry to hear of the conflict in your friendship there, Tess. You've still got plenty of folks that care a great deal about ya and I'll tell you the same thing I tell my kids in this situation..... "If they were truly your friend they wouldn't have split in the first place." Sounds trite, I know, but it's the "dad instinct" coming out. Best of luck
Thanks so much Letch :)
I sure hear you about the being alone part.. I have never had problems with entertaining myself.. not quite the same as being alone in a truck cab all those long hours.. but during the day Seig sleeps, he gets up at 5.. we eat dinner.. then on weekdays.. off to class, come home he changes and leaves for work for the midnight shift.. so yeah I'm alone 90 plus percent of the time. The 'Blahs' I'm glad to say never go further than just that.. I have tempered my emotions through the years to not allow anything deeper than blahs to touch me..

I'm not a great communicator outside of the keyboard.. so realize alot of my issues with keeping in touch with people is my own fault.. I despise talking on the phone.. (my car accident few years back caused mega nerve damage in my thoracic (ribcage etc region) so holding a phone.. my hand not only goes numb.. but the arteries under my arm get impinged and that causes lots of problems .. plus had reconstructive jaw surgery and well yapping alot.. hurts~!
Typing sure alleviates that problem :) Plus with my rather quiet lifestyle.. There's not a whole hellova lot to talk about to others~!
Now people who commonalities with me.. Same likes such as MA's Art, Photography, same type of book-likes, sculpting, sailing, Art of all kinds, now then maybe I can carry on a half-way decent conversation.. :)
all in all.. I am not one to get together with the 'girls' *even if I knew any my own age* to go shopping.. *much rather find it on the net and buy it without facing madhouse 'Mauls' I'm not into 'women's gatherings' or egad, Bridge, or tupperware parties.. *snickers* I don't belong with the college crowd.. and not ready for shuffleboard.. I guess I'm kinda lost at this ridiculous young age.

Sorry for the ramblage.. :eek:

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