This is embarrassing


Yellow Belt
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, So Mr Explosive Rage Disorder was assualted recently. And the guy's OK. I didn't mess him up although there was a concrete stairway right there that had his name on it.
The details are kinda funny. But the court case is in a week and I have to get ready. The Crown Prosector doesn't want me mentioning the background I have and I agree. If Our little Drug dispenser and Waard of the STate comes back for round two after he's out, well everyone loves a surprise.
But here's what happened as I'm sure everyone wants the juicy stuff not the cerebral aspects which is what I need help with.
This twit threw a rock at me that I didn't see. He hit my knee on the side. As I didn't see him do it and no one saw him, it wasn't assault. A few minutes later, nah not even that, he hurls a half full tall boy of Canadian, (Waste a good beer) at my head. Should have hit me too. Honest. That one was coming straight into the grill.
But, here's where it gets weird. As the situation gets serious, and the beer can goes ballistic I see it coming and think "Gee, that looks just like a punch, move left or right? Stairs on left." I moved to my right. Ashi Sabaki. Then I saw this Arc of Beer. Honest. It was all foamy and um, beery. And I thought to myself, "That looks like a sword cut. Cool" I jumped out of the way. Just a little jump like in Rocky Horror. And that was the assault. The Ward of the State decided fat white boy moves well, gotta go. I'm certain that had the beer can drilled me he would have followed up. Turns out he has a history of assault, who knew.
the thing that I can't understand is that time dilation thing that went on. Hurl a beer can from here to a wall fifteen feet away. That's how much time I had. Yet at no time was I stressed out or pressed for time. I had lots of TIME. What was that effect? Does it have a Japanese name? That for court in case it comes up.
The other questions we have, I have shared this with my buyu, is how does one get this, Skill? Proper training? Proper Instruction? Proper Budo? Luck? Good looks is out of the question for me. Hehehehe.
Anyhow I hope someone knows what this is called if it has a Japanese name.

The bad guy has plead innocent. However it is expected to change once the victim, Moi, and the Witnesses show up. I'll keep y'all posted. He is expected to get ranch time so he can visit his Dad and relatives.
I have a new scanner and the subpeona here if anyone want's to see it. Hehehehe.

So... foamy beer was heading at you... you were seeing things in slo-mo, had plenty of time to react...

And you dodged the beer instead of catching it in your mouth?

You, sir, are guilty of alcohol abuse.


Ive experienced that same slow-motion thing durring an accident I was in... it is a weird thing.
Moko said:
The Crown Prosector doesn't want me mentioning the background I have and I agree. If Our little Drug dispenser and Waard of the STate comes back for round two after he's out, well everyone loves a surprise.

Welcome to the traditional ninjutsu section Robert. Good first post.

Now repeat after me for when the officer asks you what martial art you do.

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

And when the court officers ask you what the heck that means, explain how the Bujinkan is a training orginization made up of several diferent traditions, etc. When their eyes start to glaze over you know your safe.

I don't think I have to tell you to avoid the "N" word as much as possible. People tend to get the weirdest impressions from that word.

And the experience you went through is not only known in Japan, but there is even a word for it in English. I will try to find it. Tachy- something or other.

And the problem with trying to figure out how to get it is that no one seems to have made an effort to figure that out by means of trial and error. Take a look at all the things you have gone through in your training. Can you say which one gave you that ability? Maybe if we cut out everything you did in training except one and then sent our test subjects out to play with the local drug dealers we could start to figure out what part is the most important. Any chance of that happening?

It may be that facing honest to goodness dangerous situations while in training has somethign to do with it. If you ever have had a bokken come at your head with intent and enough force to cave it in, a glass of beer is not that big a freak out factor. The thing is, we can't say anything like that for sure.
Don Roley said:
And the experience you went through is not only known in Japan, but there is even a word for it in English. I will try to find it. Tachy- something or other.

Either tachypsychia or tachycardia; but since he didn't feel stressed, more likely the former. ;)
Guilty of the Beer wastage thing. However the can belonged to a drug dealer and probably user.

As for the word, Tachy means fast. So fast heart beat is tachycardia. And I was NOT stressed. Dale is right. I want to say I was relaxed but A: I can't remember and B: That would make me sound just a bit too good. Perhaps I was relaxed and that allowed the good body movement. I did get a couple of drops of brew on me so it wasn't great body movement.
Also my eyes did not follow the beer can as it whizzed past. Had I watched it I would have gotten the "Beer Sword" in the bean.

Don, I like the line about the BBT thing. That should work. However there was a witness who will collaborate what I say. The Crown Prosecutor thinks he'll change his plea so it shouldn't get to the stand sorta thing. This wanker has a long history of assaults and it's winter time so he won't mind the warm, dry lodging and the free food, medical, dental et al that goes with being a Ward of the State.

It's a great deal for him. Costs him half a can of beer for half a years support. I will update you guys when this goes down next week. Thanks again all.

I am not sure if it would be good to use all the martial arts names. As a commuication major I would recomend that you just tell them if it wasn't for the martial arts you would have been hurt. I would also tell them that is what kept you from walking over their and having a discussion with him. As for your reaction I would go back to your school and thank you teacher for all the drills you done over and over and over and over that taught you what to do. I would guess you probly use some close range fighting. Southern praying Matis uses the threo that if you can block a puch at 0 distance the ones coming from three feet away is like slow motion. let us know what happens
Coming from the UK I do not know much about the US laws, but from my experience in the UK using complicated language only makes you look like a know it all and does not help your case. I would use simple language to describe what you experienced, remembering that the court officials are not martial arts experts.

Also remember that in the eyes of the public a martial arts master is someone that could easily defend themselves i.e take a machette off a knife weilding maniac, put them in an arm lock, or do some kind of Spock pinch to render them unconscious. We martial artist know of course that it is different. But these people watch TV and get their opinions from there.

As for the time dilation thing, and yes there is a technical term for it is due to firstly experience. Remember when you first drove a car and doing 30 was incredibly fast, and now you do 70, and can easily cope with it, well thats part of it. The other part is that when you are in a stressful situation i.e a street fight your hearing shuts down (Audible suppression) as do other bodily systems and your peripheral vision narrows, which mean you are only processing information from one area, hence time seems to slow down. This could also be why the beer looked like a sword cut, because it was outside your peripheral vision and hence blurred. I would however not think that someone cutting at me with a sword blade was COOL.

However in reference to the above I am no expert, but this was explained to me when I attended a home office approved control and restraint course, and if it wasn't for the fact that my notes are stored away I dare say i could give you the term. Anyway my advice

1/ Don't act clever, do not use complicated jargon the court does not understand.
2/ describe it how it was and how you felt. You believed your life was in danger (right)
3/ Play down your martial arts. You are a beginner.
4/ For gods sake do not use the term NINJA, NINJUTSU etc.
Above all tell the truth, and stick to the facts
And getting worse....

For Sifu Adams: my teachers are many. From my Soke whose movements I still doon't understand enough to claim to be his student to his many varied senioor students who have spent their valuable time with me. This includes but is in no way limited in the following list, Bill, Dale, Brin, Jack, Mark, Ed, Jeff, Glenn, Dick, Steffan, and plenty more.
And this is where it gets really embarrassing; Beyond training with those teachers for a weekend, I was the sensei in our school. I considered myself and still do the senior teacher. So do I buy myself a brewsky? But it was not my training that saved my prodigioous butt. My original training in Ninjutsu would have gotten me clobbered I think. I started with a guy who was essentially a fraud. It was only learning valid techniques and the proper Budo associated with them that made what worked, work. So my right training and correct drills were a result of input from lots of very good teachers and fine people too, and a strict adherebnce and trust that this was correct. We trust our teachers. I got lucky in them.
(Well I did some research too.)

As for my teachers I do offer them Cubans, big ones, Potatoe vodka, virgins and ferrets. So yeah I do try to look after them. Hehehehe. (We actually did have a virgin lined up for one of the teachers but the teacher didn't like the look of him. )

For Gary, I have no idea what the laws in the States are like either. I come from a land of Hockey Superstars and Demigods. Oh wait they're on strike. I don't think this will go to trail. We show up dummy changes his plea and gets to spend more time sucking up valuable resources all on the Taxpayers largesse. There was no way I was going to let the "N" word slip out. My belief that I'm a beginner is part of my self-depricating makeup. I have thoroughly bitz slapped other trained fighters around but don't consider that a fight on the same calibre as this one. There was a serious attempt, an effort made to harm me while the other guys only sought to beat me in a challenge. There was always an aura of gentlemanliness there. This dreksack is cannot be mistaken with a gentleman.
Nor is this about moi. He attacked me. The Crown Prosecutor will not let the questioning go to the hobbies I have.

And last but not least, I googled and read up on tachypsychia. Seems Dale is right. Is it me or does that happen often?

To all thanks for the concern and help. I will keep you and y'all posted.
Moko said:
As for my teachers I do offer them Cubans, big ones, Potatoe vodka, virgins and ferrets. So yeah I do try to look after them. Hehehehe. (We actually did have a virgin lined up for one of the teachers but the teacher didn't like the look of him. )

The Cuban cigars and single-malt Scotch were great. However, I'm still waiting for a suitable virgin. You shouldn't make assumptions just 'cause I'm from San Francisco and wear a skirt. . .
Dale, good to see you posting here again, but I'm thinking your wife may have a different opinion on the virgin topic... :D

That was Glenn. We tried tossing him Dave Button but.... After I posted this I realized I forgot the Scotch that you and Glenn always punish. Should I mention steaks? Hehehehe. (Bert's not doing too well. 86+ Ma can still take a punch though at 70. )
When things get going again up here perhaps we can bring you AND Ter up.
What's more embarassing is when you avoid the attacks you can't see--or see only peripherally in your case--and get hit by the one right in plain sight. Happened to me about 7-8 years ago...

The time distortion is very common, as is the detached thinking you experienced. It gets more refined the more you operate under that kind of pressure. BTW, I mean drills and so forth, I'm not advocating fighting.
You guys should all be on stage at the local Comedy Club! I'm going to bookmark this thread, just so I can read the jokes!:lol: As for a resource on training for the whole time adjustment thing, there is some attention paid to it in the book, "Time For a Change" by Richard Bandler. He's best known for his study of Milton Erikson, and of course, for helping to co-create NLP. I dont' think it's his best book on the overall topic, but it addresses this particular issue.
I showed up in court at the appointed hour. Constable Appleyard was there and the witness, Phillippe Heuruille. Or something like that. All three of us had weirdo names. The person "In conflict with the law" (Our enlightened society up here doesn't call them criminals anymore. Even if they hold elected office) was definately going to show up. The Sheriffs had him in custody. Seems the poor dear was in jail over the weekend. When we found out there was much mirth, let me tell you. That charge was Breach. He was not off to a good start. Then his lawyer shows up. A public defender with aspritions of public office. He just recently started his own political party. So, I have a lot of respect for him. I will not QUANITFY what kind of respect. Worse yet, he knew me from a previous trial. My Ex-Brother-in-law and his beautiful, beautiful wife managed to scam several couples with the lines that they were recruiters for the UN. Into the 100s of thousands of dollars. He is doing four years. Tom M. was their lawyer and they told him what a bad and violent man I am. True, but the Sheriffs in court wear pistols right? And I will pick my time and place.
I digress.
After a few hours, honest, the "person in conflict with the law" suddenly changes his plea from innocent to guilty. Go figure? At the trail Tom says that his client would like a few words. They were brilliant.
He starts off by apologizing to me. Odd sentiment considering he was innocent just a few hours ago. Then he tells the court that he's a grandfather. I guess that was to mitigate the criminal record that starts as an adult in 1978. But the best part was when he said he felt sorry for assaulting the OTHER guy. See, he assaulted a buddy of mine three months after he assualted me! Tom cringed, the judge looked up from his notes and I was in tears in the back row.
Some young native kid in the back row asked me if I knew Robert Vernon Jones and I said only in passing. Oblique joke to the whole thing.
"He's my uncle." the kid said with obvious pride.
"I'm sorry to hear that." and I turned away.
The lawyers yakked some more and I headed out. I have left several messages at Tom's office to find out how long a suspended sentance Robert got but....
Glad to hear that things went for the side of justice for once. But while reading your account, I could not help but think of the scene from "Blazing Saddles" right after the sherrif got away by holding himself hostage.

"Oh baby, you are so gooooood! And they are so duuuuumb!" :roflmao:

It would be kind of nice if the local courts can send jackels like this away without having to rely on their own stupidity to convict themselves.

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