This... is... AWESOME! Wii head tracking


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Johnny Chun Lee at the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnigie Mellon University has figured out something way way cool. Making a wii into a true 3-D game. He explains it in simple layman's terms and basically turns the Wii device backwards. Using infrared attached to a pair of safety goggles he can make it easier for someone to head track their gaming experience.


The future application to this innovated conversion of technology is boundless. While yes, it's only good for one person at a time it's good 3-D effects which can become a teaching tool.
Imagine writing a martial arts tutorial software for this where the user can get a 3-D interaction with an instructor and perhaps even be able (using the wii technology) "spar" with the program.
There was something similar in the movie "The Island" where it looked like at first the two characters were fighting each other but it was actually their holographic images fighting via their commands/body movements based on what they saw through some high tech goggles.
Something to think about.
Thoughts? Comments?

it's posted here because of the nature of the base site where this video is shown. :rolleyes: it's a cool site with lots of cool stuff... but don't click on home and you won't be offended.
Dirty mind, I was a bit leary to click the link seeing as it is in after dark... was thinking it was the other head
Dirty mind, I was a bit leary to click the link seeing as it is in after dark... was thinking it was the other head
Brandi... umm, unless I'm mistaken only men have TWO heads to think with... that's why we're confused all the time... if you got (another) one... umm well.. err..ahh. Well... okay.
nope i just got the one on my shoulders :)

But the clip was submitted by a guy, and in the after dark area ... but its a nice clean vid :)
Facinating video. It shouldn't stay in After Dark. With the info he shared, the video would be better in either computer forum or urusai bar and get more feedback.

- Ceicei
Facinating video. It shouldn't stay in After Dark. With the info he shared, the video would be better in either computer forum or urusai bar and get more feedback.

- Ceicei
Agreed, but the associated links are of adult and over 18 and thus it would be bad that someone underage on this site check out the vid and then out of curiosity clicks "home" or one of the links below it. I've searched on You-Tube for this same vid using the name given but unfortunately not... otherwise I'd placed it in the computer section of the forum. Until then I don't want to get MT in trouble for risking exposure of adult level content to the under-aged.
Now if I had learned how to pull the video straight from the site's html code or whatever and had a way of embedding it then that'd be no problem eh?
There is a YouTube version.


You're welcome.

- Ceicei
I found another YouTube clip made by the same engineer. He attaches sensors to his fingers--creating a user interface that can track his finger's motions. The possibilities are amazing!


- Ceicei
Agreed, but the associated links are of adult and over 18 and thus it would be bad that someone underage on this site check out the vid and then out of curiosity clicks "home" or one of the links below it. I've searched on You-Tube for this same vid using the name given but unfortunately not... otherwise I'd placed it in the computer section of the forum. Until then I don't want to get MT in trouble for risking exposure of adult level content to the under-aged.
Now if I had learned how to pull the video straight from the site's html code or whatever and had a way of embedding it then that'd be no problem eh?

Well, at least we learned a little about how BrandiJo's mind works! :xtrmshock :wink1:
Ok back to topic...
The application that I can see right off is someone making a MA program that a student can use at home... think about it... instructors can create/write their curriculum on to a program where a student using the finger tips and the head tracking display/3-D visuals can interact with a sort of on screen uke to practice on.

Is this likely? possible?
Discuss please what options are there for this type or what possible growth in the technology could be feasible in the future.
What do you think??
yay now its out in the main areas.

Personally i can see some great benefits from this, Practicing MA at home with a moving and realish target would be cool. It could also be used for those who are a bit gun shy to spar and make real contact with another body, or for those who have been traumatized and want to learn but having someone attack them (even in a controlled setting) is just to much.
I have stuff like this for my PC... all very cheap tech if you know where to look for it... My VR glove cost me 10 bucks and works great, my 3d shuttervision system was 30, and the head tracking unit I built out of, of all things, a Gyration mouse (which is a wireless mouse designed for holding rather than table use) using plans from a tech forum.