The Wing Chun Curl


Master Black Belt
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
St.Louis Missouri
Does anyone Know about the Curl. The Curl is a way your suppose to curl your chest in like its convex. An concave your back. It is suppose to allow you absorb blows to body to lessen the impact. The curl also gives you like an inch of width. It can also add power to your punches if you use it correctly. There are two ways you use your curl to increase power.

1.Going from straight body posistion to curl upon impact of your fist to his face.(Don't forget to Breathe).

2.Going from curl to straight body posistion upon impact of your fist to his face.(Use the Breath).

Please share what you are taught concerning the Curl in Wing Chun


Master Black Belt
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
That's really cool! I'm going to try that one.
The first one will hurt my neck, will try #2. (since I'm a sloucher anyways! May help me with correcting posture too)
#1 seems like it would just jam me up when punching. Like collapsing.
But I've done #1 when hit or kicked in sparring, and it gives you alot of room to absorb a punch or kick. (in other arts) espectially on people that "snap" or "pop" when they punch or kick.


Master Black Belt
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
I think I know what your saying. I'm just not familiar enough with it to type in coherantly in text. Hubbie keeps confusing me with medical terminology, and I just don't think like that. (I'm a computer techie! give me a break! lol!) He's the one with the sports phyology minor, I just fix stuff with little pay and no thanks! lol!

I'm glad you brought this up though. I totally forgot all about that detail in punching, since I've been out of training a bit. A good reminder for me to play around with that concept.


Master Black Belt
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
St.Louis Missouri
Yea since the body is pushing the shoulders foward it allows you have like an inch more of arm length.

Check out the pics of their chest curl inward:


Videos showing the curl being utilized
Chum Kiu video showing Curl from the side view​

Sifu Colin Ward has the curl when he goes against Ip Chun

The Curl should be natural(Practice makes natural)

That's really cool! I'm going to try that one.
The first one will hurt my neck, will try #2. (since I'm a sloucher anyways! May help me with correcting posture too)
#1 seems like it would just jam me up when punching. Like collapsing.
But I've done #1 when hit or kicked in sparring, and it gives you alot of room to absorb a punch or kick. (in other arts) espectially on people that "snap" or "pop" when they punch or kick.
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mook jong man

Senior Master
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
Matsudo , Japan
Nah we didn't have anything like that , in ours your chest is slightly pushed out , shoulders back , and a very straight back always .


Brown Belt
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score

Actually, it is not a curl.

It is a realignment of the hips so that the spine is straight and the spine is vertical under the head.

Happens also with bending of the knees into stances, yet in a horse stance that is stable you will see it more explicitly.

Also, extension of reach comes from movement of the shoulder; if you move your shoulders to curl, you are destroying your stability needed to transfer the energy to target.

The movement is in the hips and bending of the knees.

Hope that helps.

Juan M. Mercado


MT Senior Moderator
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Apr 19, 2007
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Lives in Texas
Does anyone Know about the Curl. The Curl is a way your suppose to curl your chest in like its convex. An concave your back. It is suppose to allow you absorb blows to body to lessen the impact. The curl also gives you like an inch of width. It can also add power to your punches if you use it correctly. There are two ways you use your curl to increase power.

1.Going from straight body posistion to curl upon impact of your fist to his face.(Don't forget to Breathe).

2.Going from curl to straight body posistion upon impact of your fist to his face.(Use the Breath).

Please share what you are taught concerning the Curl in Wing Chun

This curl is not taught in Okinawan GoJu but it is reveled in kata Sanchin.

Many styles of MA turn the hips on a 45 degree angle to generate power from the hips. Okinawan GoJu is influenced greatly by CMA and therefore many of you will know about whipping power. Very penetrating , and disruptive to your opponents internal organs. Hard to explain on line and must be experienced for yourself. Power travels up and out through the hands. The shoulders play a very important part in the transfer, as they round forward and the chest sinks in. This movement stabilizes the whole area and allows power to travel down the arms and out of the hands. Try this exercise right now, stand up from your computer and go to the nearest wall. With your chest out, place your hands against the wall and push. Now from this same position with your chest out and your hands against the wall, drop your shoulders and sink your chest, and squeeze. If done in one fast motion you will feel this power. Weight lifters do this all the time when doing a bench press. They bring the weight down to their chest, which makes their chest expand, once the bar touches their chest they drive the bar up as they round the shoulders and sink the chest. Since the punch is a whole body experience you will find while standing and punching the hips will pivot up and the shoulder will drop and round while the chest sinks in and it will feel like you are squeezing. Do this fast and you will begin to feel a whip action. This action is not something you will feel right away. This body mechanics will allow you to generate power while you are in very close to your opponent. If you want to feel punching movements while lifting weights, then instead of a bar, try dumbbells while on a bench. Dumbbell benches will give you the whole movement from chest expansion to the rounding and sinking. As you breath, in weights, you will also breath this same way while punching. I hope this all makes sense. J


Master Black Belt
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Nah we didn't have anything like that , in ours your chest is slightly pushed out , shoulders back , and a very straight back always .

That's what I work on most of the time. We've drilled this curl while hubbie holds a kickng pad, as a drill to get more power in punching.
But mainly we work on posture, chest out, shoulders back and head up.

mook jong man

Senior Master
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
Matsudo , Japan
Sifu Jim once described it to us like this , he said that your structure is a bit like a plastic ruler standing on its end , when it is straight it is very strong and will withstand a fair amount of pressure on the end of it . But if it starts to get a bend in it the ruler will weaken dramatically and lose its structural integrity .


Master Black Belt
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, and this is very good for withstanding a stronger opponent's force when deflecting.
But, I think this thread has made me realize what hubbies been trying to explain to me this week.
He says "I'm doing this curl thing already" (and I'm thinking my posture is 'rusty').
But, this is what my body wants to do when we drill applications where I'm ending up body to body with him.
I felt like I was losing posture by crunching my torso when closer to him (which I am). What I need to do, I think, is keep the "curl" close into him, just bring the shoulders down out of my ears.
It feels like the boxing position my dad taught me when I was a little kid (He boxed for the Navy in Nam) used when your about to be in a "boxers clinch" so you can get more power with a body uppercut to get yourself off the ropes, or out of a corner.
Anyways, maybe I could keep the curl when close in just drop the shoulders, that's what's putting to much pressure on my neck. Then when I strike from so close in be able to expand with my spine to get more forward force or power in striking from up close? And not feel so "jammed" up against hubbie.


Master Black Belt
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
St.Louis Missouri
That was well explained. Its funny how so many styles interelate!

This curl is not taught in Okinawan GoJu but it is reveled in kata Sanchin.

Many styles of MA turn the hips on a 45 degree angle to generate power from the hips. Okinawan GoJu is influenced greatly by CMA and therefore many of you will know about whipping power. Very penetrating , and disruptive to your opponents internal organs. Hard to explain on line and must be experienced for yourself. Power travels up and out through the hands. The shoulders play a very important part in the transfer, as they round forward and the chest sinks in. This movement stabilizes the whole area and allows power to travel down the arms and out of the hands. Try this exercise right now, stand up from your computer and go to the nearest wall. With your chest out, place your hands against the wall and push. Now from this same position with your chest out and your hands against the wall, drop your shoulders and sink your chest, and squeeze. If done in one fast motion you will feel this power. Weight lifters do this all the time when doing a bench press. They bring the weight down to their chest, which makes their chest expand, once the bar touches their chest they drive the bar up as they round the shoulders and sink the chest. Since the punch is a whole body experience you will find while standing and punching the hips will pivot up and the shoulder will drop and round while the chest sinks in and it will feel like you are squeezing. Do this fast and you will begin to feel a whip action. This action is not something you will feel right away. This body mechanics will allow you to generate power while you are in very close to your opponent. If you want to feel punching movements while lifting weights, then instead of a bar, try dumbbells while on a bench. Dumbbell benches will give you the whole movement from chest expansion to the rounding and sinking. As you breath, in weights, you will also breath this same way while punching. I hope this all makes sense. J


Master Black Belt
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
It is also not so funny, how so much is lost, but for a few.

That's why we should all share. If all the WC/WT people got together and combined everything it would be a totally new system. If everyone from other arts were more open to sharing "secrets" with one another, they'd find that these "secrets" aren't so secret, and would benefit everyone.


Master Black Belt
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
St.Louis Missouri
Thats great Si-Je

By the way what does Si Jeeee mean anyway?

That's why we should all share. If all the WC/WT people got together and combined everything it would be a totally new system. If everyone from other arts were more open to sharing "secrets" with one another, they'd find that these "secrets" aren't so secret, and would benefit everyone.

Seasoned what do you believe was lost?


Master Black Belt
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Because I'm mouthy and uppitty like that. lol!
It's your "reputation" rating. Mine was a little higher until I lost my temper with a law enforcement officer who was calling me a criminal for the way I teach women's self defense.
Had to post Texas law to "prove my innocence" to a guy from another state.
Didn't mean to get so mad, but I don't like being called a criminal when I'm trying to help people.
Plus, I think the alot of the women here ignore me. :(
Oh well.
Your rep will increase. When people leave positive comments on your profile for posts you make, it will go up.
Here's the video that the gal's don't like so much, because it's so aggressive. They want to run away sooner. I say, why run away when they can still run after you? make 'em limp after you. ;)

What is rep power?

How come you have three rep power and I only have one?

Thats great Si-Je

By the way what does Si Jeeee mean anyway?
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