The true test

awwwwww.. :D
man your paws are as big as his head~!!
when you get your billion you can hire a lawnmower dude for him and someone to capture that pesky mugwump in the back yard ~!
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Yesh Charlie is a youngun Rusty.. :)
Looks just like Chad but shorter and a grayer goatee :D

dontcha mean I look like him...just taller and no gray...? ;)
Originally posted by KenpoTess
the Queen of Pain Benevolant.. Bite your tongue~!

Yesh Charlie is a youngun Rusty.. :)
Looks just like Chad but shorter and a grayer goatee :D dad hardly looks like me...maybe the fact that i'm not DEAD pale in winter, and my big nose...:(
Originally posted by KenpoTess
yesh.. you look just like him but taller and no gray.. yet.... :D

the hell...yet....the only reason I'll ever have gray is because of you people...!! :shrug:
Originally posted by TheRustyOne dad hardly looks like me...maybe the fact that i'm not DEAD pale in winter, and my big nose...:(

and the fact that you're FEMALE!!!! :hammer:
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
well...that's a duh factor!'re the one that said your dad hardly looks like you....I do believe there's a "duh factor" there.... :rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I can loan ya some lady clairol ..
and If I had all that money.. I would have my hair tattooed.. *ponders if they do that*

You can dye my hair for me. I'm getting tired of my color. But I don't know what hair tattoos are.
i need to put more blonde in my'd be fun...does that count as a tattoo for the hair?
Originally posted by Chronuss
...methinks I'm gonna get mine dyed...when it gets warmer...:D

what is blondish from the medicine is cute :)

...mine's gonna start getting blonder soon...
Originally posted by Chronuss
...there's already enough blonde......look...shiny thing!!!

*looks around* where?!

with a billion dollars i could buy lots of shiny things!

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