The rise and fall


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
TKD was a founding force for Martial Arts back in the 60's and 70's, in the 80's and 90's it became a kiddie thing. Now it is the 2000 and it has become what some would say as childcare and a very bad Martial Art. Can a Art that had so much to give really rise from the ashes and back to top for society or has UFC and that become what the mainstream is looking for?

Do people view such arts as a time piece for the era it was or can it overcome everything and return to the roots of years past.
I think it is already happening. More and more instructors are researching and developing realistic bunkai/applications in the patterns. In England we have Stuart Anslow (a regular poster on here) doing for TKD what Iain Abernethy has done for Karate. This will only grow and grow as I think that there is a real movement and passion at the moment and proper TKD will re-surface.
Terry, Twin Fist makes an excellent point.

At any given time in a popular martial art, there are instructors out there of varying competence and philosophy.

One need only look at Tai Chi in America today to see a wide variety - from the classic to the cultish.

An art flourishes as it decays - one school at a time.

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