The power of intuition in self defense (?)

wck dallas

Yellow Belt
Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
Let me share an instance of intuition in my life...

This happened 15 years ago, and it still raises goose bumps when I think about it. I'll make it short... when I was 17 I came home from school one day and was home alone, as usual. I sat down at our bar to have a bowl of cereal, and suddenly got a strange feeling ... I can't explain it other than to say I felt like I should "get out" . I tried to ignore it, but the feeling got intense so I got up and went to the front door. Standing there, I thought what the hell are you doing man...your 17 and standing at the front door trying to decide to go or stay because you're "spooked" . At that moment a 12 foot mirror that had been hanging on the wall directly behind the barstool I had just been sitting in fell, for no apparent reason and smashed into that very barstool, into hundreds of razor sharp shards. I ran like a little girl to my friends house until my parents got home. lol
Even though I was grounded for "breaking" the mirror, and nobody believed me... to this day I try to listen to those "feelings" that tell me somethings not right. And I have walked away from many situations that may have ( or may have not ) proved to be a dangerous situation, as far as self defense is concerned.

Perhaps this is way off topic, but I thought I'd just see what other ppl think about following their feelings about situations they find themselves in...or could find themselves in. In my mind this is a subtle side to "situational awareness".

Anyway...any thoughts are welcome.
Always pay close attention to what your senses tell you. You should read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin De Becker.
Hello, Always trust your "Instincts"..."Intuitions"..and when you get the "strange feelings" is your unconscious mind at work to protect you!

TRUSTED ALWAYS! something seems spooky? could be your 6 sense warning you!

Our brains recognize more around us than we give them credit for.
I don't know if it's a sixth sense or if it's just our senses piecing together stuff that doesn't quite make sense (maybe the mirror was lightly shaking or something). It doesn't matter to me which it is, the end result is that our subconscious mind knows things that our conscious mind won't recognize, and we should pay attention to it.
Interesting story indeed, wck. I concur with the words of those above in that intuition is just as much an important sense as touch or smell.

What makes it hard to utilise sometimes is that your conscious mind over-rules whatever subliminal data the non-cerebal is knitting together. However, the time when you really should 'listen' to it is when you're out and about in crowed places (bars and the like). In such circumstances you cannot consciously process all the information about the people around you so you must be able to depend upon your intuition to let you know when it's time to not be around a certain person.
Interesting story. I have one too.

When I was 21 I was working on a house & installing exterior electrical outlets. This was just after a major blizzard. So I, laying on my side on the snow cutting a hole for an outlet with a sawzall (reciprocating saw). As I'm cutting, I "heard" something telling me to move my head. At first I ignored it but then I "heard" it again. So I sat up & suddenly a gigantic icicle (looked like 30 lbs) crashed right where my head was. I was pretty freaked out & didn't finish the hole until an hour later.

_Don Flatt
Hello, Always trust your "Instincts"..."Intuitions"..and when you get the "strange feelings" is your unconscious mind at work to protect you!

TRUSTED ALWAYS! something seems spooky? could be your 6 sense warning you!


Always, Always obey the little voice in your head..It will keep you alive..
You have to listen to that voice! Try to cultivate it so you can hear it better! I can not tell you how many times in my personal life, when I was in the Marine Corps and as a LEO going with that felling has saved my butt!!!

For self defense purposes it is good if you can feel someones intent before anything happens!
I had a similar experience when I was 14. Swimming in the ocean about 30 yds out and had a "bad feeling" didn't see anything but went in to shore, about 30 seconds later there was a shark right where I was swimming. So I definitely say listen to the little voice.
I've had a couple run-ins involving that little voice, unfortunately they are rather personal so I'll opt not to share. But I agree with what pretty much everyone else has said anytime that little voice tries to tell you something, you better believe it's in your best interest to heed what it's trying to tell you!

That "little voice" is your friend. What is commonly called the sixth sense is, IMHO, the compilation subliminal cues and clues that trigger something in the back of the mind, left from our days roaming the savannah, when missing those clues would lead to death... and it still can today.