The Official "Samurai vs Vikings thread"

Thats a tough call ... the viking come in yelling... shouting ... swinging swords and axes... but you got samurai coming in on their horses with bows not to mention they carry swords too... I guess whichever uses a better strategy will win :)
My money is on the Samurai, because I'm part Japanese and I am the great grandson of Oda Nobunaga.

So… this is now the mid 17th Century, yeah?

C'mon, Chris. Didn't you know that the Oda family included a lineage of immortals, who could live and bear offspring for centuries unless beheaded by another immortal? BeeBrian's father was 300 years old when he was killed by an immortal Viking, and now BeeBrian is seeking vengeance in true 21st century fashion - on the fields of the forums.
Gunnar is to cool headed a Viking to be worked up over such lowly insults. His bill will make samurai-on-a-stick of old `Mushi in short order. :p


What, with that little toothpick there? Not sure Shinmen is worried…

Deadliest Warrior - Viking vs. Samurai

Deadliest Warrior - Viking vs. Samurai

Ha, thanks for that, Xue… I'd forgotten just how truly terrible that particular episode was… none of the "samurai" guys had a clue how to use the weapons… they dressed "samurai" in Chinese armour at one point… truly, truly terrible… ha!
Ha, thanks for that, Xue… I'd forgotten just how truly terrible that particular episode was… none of the "samurai" guys had a clue how to use the weapons… they dressed "samurai" in Chinese armour at one point… truly, truly terrible… ha!

I have never seen this before....
Who the hell are these people playing at JSA??
My sensei would kick my *** if I handled a sword like that. I would kick my students asses if they handled a sword like that!

I never said it was a good representation ;).... many things on that show were just plain awful :D

They would have been better off doing a show Samurai VS Viking this way




or these Vikings, take your pick :D

The better, luckier fighter on that particular day. I don't drive a recreational vehicle, I don't follow football, and Mars is the only planet known to be inhabited solely by robots, so that should give you your answer right there.

@ Chris Parker: Dokkodo?

Well, on the semi-serious note, we don't really know how combat with "viking" roundshields worked, but we're able to make some good guesses based on later treatises and literature of the period. Here's some of Roland Warzecha's theories on the subject:

C'mon, Chris. Didn't you know that the Oda family included a lineage of immortals, who could live and bear offspring for centuries unless beheaded by another immortal? BeeBrian's father was 300 years old when he was killed by an immortal Viking, and now BeeBrian is seeking vengeance in true 21st century fashion - on the fields of the forums.
So Ras' Al Gul was actually Japanese, and BeeBrian's real name is Talia?