The Next HOUSE Majority Leader

According to the House Rules, member elected to leadership positions must step down from the elected position if they are indicted. While the citizen is innocent until proven guilty, duties associated with the House of Representatives Leadership team can not appear to be tainted by an indicted individual.

Of course, this is only the rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. There's no reason to think these rules will prevent Congressman Delay from continuing to serve as House Majority Leader. ;)

Anyhow, Look for Congressman Blunt, the current House Majority Whip to take over the role of House Majority Leader.
I believe he has stepped down, or plans to. They're talking about Dreier replacing him.

Looks like Abramoff is singing like a canary.
You know what I find amazing .... as I look at all of the articles concerning the indictment against Representative Delay, I can not find a clear explanation of what crime he is accused of breaking. It would seem to me, that this should be foremost in the reporters stories. Some of the stories don't get around to attempting an exlanation until the 13th or 14th paragraph.

Texas law prohibits corporate contributions to State political races.

Representative Delay stands accused of:
1 - receiving donations from corporations,
2 - channelling those donations through the Republican National Committee
3 - and then back to State candidates.

And while the Representative has loudly and clearly attacked this indictment as a political attack, the record shows that the prosecutor has actually indicted and convicted more Democratic political operatives than Republican political operatives.

Lastly, while the former Majority Leader may call the accusations 'baseless', he does not stand alone in this issue. Many of his associates have also been indicted, as has his Political Action Committe itself (I think it was Texas for a Permanent Republican Majority). Further, the Congressional Record shows that earlier this year, the Majority Leader Delay attempted to change the House Rule that required an indicted, elected leader step down from the leadership position.

It seems that Representative Delay saw this indictment coming nine months ago.
What he did, was, in essence, political money laundering...
regardless if he's guilty or not (which he most likely is, since he's a politician), further creating a media circus out of the ordeal is simply retarded. :rolleyes:

Coming Soon: The Ronnie Earle Movie
The DeLay prosecutor has let a film crew follow him through the whole case.

For the last two years, as he pursued the investigation that led to Wednesday's indictment of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Travis County, Texas prosecutor Ronnie Earle has given a film crew "extraordinary access" to make a motion picture about his work on the case.
Sapper6 ...

How many Republicans has this prosecutor indicted?

How many Democrats has this prosecture indicted?

Here's a hint ... try looking at the Houston Chronicle.
One way to avoid a 'media circus' to expose facts to the public, as opposed to the liberal media's spin.

disregard what i posted, entirely wrong thread.

thought this was the gay marriage thread.

**removing head from *** now**
michaeledward said:
Sapper6 ...

How many Republicans has this prosecutor indicted?

How many Democrats has this prosecture indicted?

Here's a hint ... try looking at the Houston Chronicle.
One way to avoid a 'media circus' to expose facts to the public, as opposed to the liberal media's spin.

he's definately known for prosecuting more democrats than republicans. that's not debatable. i just question the manner. seems more like a "hey look at me, I'm ronnie earle. watch me take this guy down. get in line for book deals" kinda thing. IMO, a little untactful.
"Looks like Tom Delay got some 'splainin' to do, too. He was just indicted."

He was just indicted be a democrat fund raiser who made plans to make a movie about the case before filing the charges. This is same democrat operative who previously tried to indict Delay but had to drop the bogus charges and aplogize.
JAMJTX said:
He was just indicted be a democrat fund raiser who made plans to make a movie about the case before filing the charges. This is same democrat operative who previously tried to indict Delay but had to drop the bogus charges and aplogize.
JAMJTX ... It's nice to see you have the Tom Delay talking points down.

Just so you know, Prosecutor Earle has, for 28 years, been the Travis County District Attorney. That job description does not equal, in any way, 'fund raiser'.

District Attorney Earle has indicted 12 elected Democratic officials in those 28 years.

District Attorney Earle has indicted 3 elected Republican officials in those 28 years.

Boy, that history sure sounds like a 'democratic operative' to me.


It's almost funny to see you use the words 'fund raiser' when talking in reference to Congressman Delay, but not talking about Congressman Delay. No, actually, that is funny.
Earle does raise money for the democrats and he was just recently speaking about this case at a fund raiser. That makes him a "democrat fund raiser" regardless of what his job description is.

In this case, he is acting as nothing less than a political hack, and has the added bonus of looking at movie and book deals.
He was an invited guest and spoke at a Democratic Fundraiser. Yes.

Care to address why he has prosecuted 12 Democrats to 3 Republicans?
michaeledward said:
He was an invited guest and spoke at a Democratic Fundraiser. Yes.

Care to address why he has prosecuted 12 Democrats to 3 Republicans?
Crap. I JUST heard the answer to this one on Hannity yesterday too....

It'll come to me. It'll come to me....
michaeledward said:
He was an invited guest and spoke at a Democratic Fundraiser. Yes.

Care to address why he has prosecuted 12 Democrats to 3 Republicans?

because there are more democratic criminals than republican criminals. :)

you left that door wide open.

or it could just be that rebublicans are better at hiding their "activities". :idunno:

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