The Million $$ Question...



Just who in the heck in Dun Ringill? I must tip my hat to you, sir/madam, as you have managed to get me, and a bunch of other kenpo hooligans roped in to this little game, trying to figure out just who you are. I wasn't planning on attending the homecoming, due to family commitments and lack of funds, but now I figure, whattheheck, I may just have to bring the family along to witness the unveiling of the Dunmeister (or would that be Ringster?).

Anyway, you missed your calling. You should've been in PR. In all seriousness, I bet just about everyone on this forum will be waiting eagerly for Clyde's post Friday night.

I look forward to possibly seeing you and watching you display your years of mastery or your humble purple belt skills. Either way, I'm sure it will be educational.

I am also very interested in the identity of Dun Ringill. I am about this close to booking the next flight from Minneapolis to LA. I hope that I would be able to participate in the Homecoming with last minute notice. Dun please e-mail me, as I have a few questions for you. Thank you sir.

Guiseppe Betri
To those wondering about my identity:

The art of Kenpo is a beautiful thing when it is broken down to its purest form. By pure, I mean when all the political squabbles, egos, and backbiting are dismissed and nothing but principle, concept and applied technique are left. It's a funny thing, getting pissed off at someone in the bar and not having any idea who they might be or what kind of knowledge that person might possess, and watching as the "little" guy cleans your clock. But I digress, when SGM Parker passed on to the next life he left an art that was incredible in its inovations, yet even 13 years later we are still vying for his approval and jockeying for power plays politically. I've been studying this art longer than most people have been alive. I was there when most of the traditions that are now being changed were started. Or, I could just be a purple belt with nothing better to do on my evenings than convince the greater kenpo community I am a high-ranking kenpoist with years of study under the SGM. I guess only time will tell. I will be at the Pasadena Homecoming. If you want to find out who I am, be at the Pasadena Homecoming. I was going to reveal myself only to Clyde, but now that it has become a tidal wave that has swept the proverbial Kenpo Nation, I will reveal myself only if it is a mass group opinion (with respect of course). Other than that I will let my identity rename as it is, and my techniques and knowledge speak for itself.

Salute and in respect,

Dun Ringill
Dun ...

I will give you this... You are a master at getting little hearts all a-twitter! :rofl: :asian: :rofl:
It's the Great Ashida Kim!:D

But I do have a question. What does exchanging techniques in a drill have anything to do with greatness? I keep saying, the real enemy is the one in the street, not in the class.

I'll bet it's the Goldendragon. The betting window is now closed!
Originally posted by RCastillo

I'll bet it's the Goldendragon. The betting window is now closed!

Boy! Someone has to be quick to get in on your bets. :D

don't forget your cup and mouthguard, it is important to have all your protective equipment. I don't want any training accidents. Purple belts like myself sometimes don't have the best of control when they are performing their techniques.
Originally posted by Dun Ringill

don't forget your cup and mouthguard, it is important to have all your protective equipment. I don't want any training accidents. Purple belts like myself sometimes don't have the best of control when they are performing their techniques.


Have a great Kenpo day

Yeah, it's pretty impressive how much Dun Ringall has stirred up the community.

All he had to do is make a number of inane comments, pronounce on one forum that another unrelated forum should be shut down on his say-so, and make repeated threats to another poster. Great guy.

Clearly he is letting his prowess speak for itself, and not getting political at all. (sarcasm alert, for those who are sarcasm-challenged)

Threaten me, too, if you like, Dun. I'm just a blue belt so I'm sure you could paste me. But, that doesn't make you any more mature, disciplined or wise (ever hear of that end of the art?). I want to know who you are, so I can know which senior (if that's what you are) likes to behave like a spoiled child on forums, and anonymously dodge responsibility to boot.

We are judged by what we do. Stand by your words or shut up.

Somehow I am reminded of the line Alan Arkin, playing Sigmund Freud in "The Seven Per Cent Solution," delivers: "I do not know who you are, sir. But I know what you are."

It wasn't me! it was a British intelligence report!

Oh, and Scott? I'd probably get pasted too...
I'm sorry you are so angry with me. Well if you wish to find out who I am come on over to the homecoming. I don't think I threatened anybody, but obviously Scott you are upset. I humbly apologize if anybody took it as a threat. That would be against martial talk policy. The reason I felt the Kenponet should be shut down was the inability to clean up the foul language and disrespectful posts that had infested the forum. I'm sorry I have children that really look up to some of the men that were being spoken about on the forum. So I felt it necessary to do something about it. Evil is what happens when good men do nothing.

Did you try going to the men who run the site? Did you try going to the site itself and trying to do some damage control? Did you try to even deal with Kenponet's issues on Kenponet?

Or, did you think a good first step was to go to another forum entirely and just start talking smack about it? Seems that was the option you chose. You speak of inability to clean it up; surprise, they did a pretty decent job, and no forum, not even this one, is safe from exactly the same kind of crap without pre-screening. I don't think anyone from Kenponet would start clamboring for MT to be shut down if MT had those kind of troll problems, but you sure as hell thought it was good to go to do exactly that from over here. (You had sullied MT's reputation for me, until the moderator locked the thread.) Pathetic behavior.

You dodging responsibility for this behavior by hiding behind anonymousness speaks exceedingly poorly of you. I don't know or care what Kenpo knowledge you have, but your life knowledge, like standing up for what you do, being responsible, is sorely lacking.

It is precisely your behavior that I am responding to, as your identity is unknown. Ever hear a writer talk about using a new pen name to see if their new books would still sell without their name on it? You've done that; you know how highly people think of your actions when they don't know your name and previous laurels. How grand you appear. (sarcasm here, for sarcasm-deprived) Learn from it.

There's no other way to read your posts to Clyde than as a threat: "don't forget your cup and mouthguard, it is important to have all your protective equipment. I don't want any training accidents. Purple belts like myself sometimes don't have the best of control when they are performing their techniques." I can hear you at your keyboard laughing "duhut duhut" after typing that crud.

I give respect easily and freely, but only where it's due. You've _earned_ a lack of it.


P.S. I would love to come to homecoming, whether you were there or not, but I'm not rich so can't indulge in such pleasures. Sorry.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Somehow I am reminded of the line Alan Arkin, playing Sigmund Freud in "The Seven Per Cent Solution," delivers: "I do not know who you are, sir. But I know what you are."

It wasn't me! it was a British intelligence report!

Oh, and Scott? I'd probably get pasted too...

I can't reply to everyone personally, however, Larry Tatum is a good man, a good martial artist, and a person of incredible character. Every time we post we are a reflection of our instructor. I keep that in mind every time I write something. "Is this something I would want SGM Parker to read and carry as a representation of his art?" If I can honestly answer yes to that question I post, if I cannot, then I reflect on what I have to say. You are good kenpoist Mr. Mcrobertson please don't allow negativity to affect your training.

Salute and in kenpo always,

"Dun Ringill"
Originally posted by Scott Bonner
Did you try going to the men who run the site? Did you try going to the site itself and trying to do some damage control? Did you try to even deal with Kenponet's issues on Kenponet?

Or, did you think a good first step was to go to another forum entirely and just start talking smack about it? Seems that was the option you chose. You speak of inability to clean it up; surprise, they did a pretty decent job, and no forum, not even this one, is safe from exactly the same kind of crap without pre-screening. I don't think anyone from Kenponet would start clamboring for MT to be shut down if MT had those kind of troll problems, but you sure as hell thought it was good to go to do exactly that from over here. (You had sullied MT's reputation for me, until the moderator locked the thread.) Pathetic behavior.

You dodging responsibility for this behavior by hiding behind anonymousness speaks exceedingly poorly of you. I don't know or care what Kenpo knowledge you have, but your life knowledge, like standing up for what you do, being responsible, is sorely lacking.

It is precisely your behavior that I am responding to, as your identity is unknown. Ever hear a writer talk about using a new pen name to see if their new books would still sell without their name on it? You've done that; you know how highly people think of your actions when they don't know your name and previous laurels. How grand you appear. (sarcasm here, for sarcasm-deprived) Learn from it.

There's no other way to read your posts to Clyde than as a threat: "don't forget your cup and mouthguard, it is important to have all your protective equipment. I don't want any training accidents. Purple belts like myself sometimes don't have the best of control when they are performing their techniques." I can hear you at your keyboard laughing "duhut duhut" after typing that crud.

I give respect easily and freely, but only where it's due. You've _earned_ a lack of it.


P.S. I would love to come to homecoming, whether you were there or not, but I'm not rich so can't indulge in such pleasures. Sorry.

I understand your loyalty to Clint Hughes, he's a good martial artist. The bottom line is we are arguing about internet kenpo forums. C'mon, Kenpo should be a family. About whether or not I have your respect doesn't really keep me up at nights. I"m sorry you feel that way. But in your journey I'm sure you will have the opportunity to attend one of my seminars and I'm sure we can put this aside and train the way SGM Parker wanted us to train--as a family.


Dun Ringill
Originally posted by Dun Ringill
I understand your loyalty to Clint Hughes, he's a good martial artist. The bottom line is we are arguing about internet kenpo forums. C'mon, Kenpo should be a family. About whether or not I have your respect doesn't really keep me up at nights. I"m sorry you feel that way. But in your journey I'm sure you will have the opportunity to attend one of my seminars and I'm sure we can put this aside and train the way SGM Parker wanted us to train--as a family.


Dun Ringill

That's the thing ... family .. or brotherhood, whatever you want
to call it. I've been slammed for posting musings, political rants,
interesting news, etc. I've posted those things to share with the
online community, or to engage a debate. I saw your post about
the kenponet in the same vain (sp?). I never took you seriously
saying that it should be shut down, I took it as you venting to
those who might share the same interests as you, or wouldn't
mind venting back, or at least discussing it.

Question: Why is it that only those fortunate enough to make it
to the homecoming get to know your true identity, Mr Kent? :p
Sorry, Elwood, not interested in carrying on a conversation with someone who won't use their name and appears in other ways disingenuous.

Joliet Jake
I'm not motivated by my loyalty to Mr. Hughes. I am motivated by my sense of right and wrong and personal responsibility, and my appreciation of what the Kenponet brings to those of us who can appreciate it. (And anger at someone actively trying to tear it down.)

You'll see me at one of your seminars? Gak, I hope you aren't someone I've already met and liked in real life, like Ed Parker Jr. or Zach Woodson or, heaven forbid, Huk Planas. I'd hate to have to re-order my opinions of any of these people due to online shenannigans.

I'll be able to learn Kenpo from you in any case. You haven't done anything to reflect on martial prowess, only life skills. It's like boasting -- not a reflection of martial prowess, but certainly a reflection of wisdom.

Apologies to Zach Whitson, if he ever sees it, for misspelling his name. Oopers.

Originally posted by Scott Bonner
I'm not motivated by my loyalty to Mr. Hughes. I am motivated by my sense of right and wrong and personal responsibility, and my appreciation of what the Kenponet brings to those of us who can appreciate it. (And anger at someone actively trying to tear it down.)

You'll see me at one of your seminars? Gak, I hope you aren't someone I've already met and liked in real life, like Ed Parker Jr. or Zach Woodson or, heaven forbid, Huk Planas. I'd hate to have to re-order my opinions of any of these people due to online shenannigans.

I'll be able to learn Kenpo from you in any case. You haven't done anything to reflect on martial prowess, only life skills. It's like boasting -- not a reflection of martial prowess, but certainly a reflection of wisdom.


Scott, regardless of your motivations, I think you are missing the point. The point was not about shutting the kenponet down, it was about stopping the disrespectful trolls who had nothing better to do than sling homosexual innuendo at the pinnacles of kenpo as a joke. We both want the same thing. I hope you understand that regardless of my rank, I am still a human being and when I had to answer questions to a 12 year orange belt about the sexual prefence of an outstanding martial artist like Larry Tatum (who is married to Professor Jill Tatum) than I begin to have a problem. The Kenponet seems to be fixed by two very good moderators. I was frustrated and venting with the status of the kenpo family and their attitudes online. It has been something I have been watching for quite sometime. Image is given more weight in today's kenpo world than substance. Scott I hope you and I can come to a peaceful agreement on this situation. Even if it is to disagree. There is no need to attack my character, I made a decision that you disagreed with, but what did you do to fix the problem? One time I was learning a technique from the Old Man and he was attacking me and making me respond (I was a brown belt at the time) and he attacked with a rear choke hold and I had hesitated with the technique and he screamed at me to continue with something, anything, just do something, and it is a lesson I have carried with me through the rest of my life. Good luck to you in your journey.


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