The Journey



We have made several references in here in the Kenpo/Kempo area about the The Journey, so I am starting this thread for everyone to know a little more about the book and so people can give their opinions of it.

As the cover of the book says it is, "The Oral Histories of 24 of the most proficient American Kenpoists of Today." First off in my opinion the artwork is amazing, each of the 24 biographies has a portrait by Ed Parker Jr. and that alone make it worth the price. Even better in my opinion is the biographies are in the words of the people they are about. It is a great book very inspirational.

The book features: Doreen Cogliandro, Dennis Conatser, Skip Hancock, Brian Hawkins, Dave Hebler, Sean Kelley, Steve LaBounty, Bob Liles, Paul Mills, Michael Robert Pick, Richard "Huk" Palanas, Vic LeRoux, Rainer Schulte, John Sepulvada, Jeff Speakman, Chuck Sullivan, Dian Tanaka, Larry Tatum, Frank Trejo, Gilbert Velez, Lee Wedlake, Bob White, Donnie Williams, Steve Muhammad, Joe Hyams(who wrote the foreword).

I hope you enjoy the book as much as I do.


After reading the journey a couple times, I have to say my favorite bio is that of Doreen Cogliandro. It is so inspirirng and then when I met her recently I knew there was much more to her than some pretty words in a book. She has a gusto for life and kenpo that is truly inspiring.

There was also this one guy in there with a pretty neat fro on page 187 that scared me a little. I wonder what he is doing these days, probably hard time somewhere.


If you look at the cover of the "The Journey" you'll not only see Ed Parker Jr's fantastic artwork but when looking closely you'll see that in that artwork is a watermark of his Dad's face, the late SGM Ed Parker.

If you look even more there is another face watermarked into the picture along with Ed Parker.



Sokoli Stalina is the style of Systema I have been studying. In Russian there are various groups that teach and study Systema. Systema is almost the same as saying "Karate" in that it's a generic catch phrase. Over here in North America there is very little systema so they can easily say Systema and people think of one style. However, R.O.S.S. is a style of systema as well, except that they call it R.O.S.S.

Sokoli Stalina is the style that the spetsnaz unit that Vlad and and his teacher Mikhail train in. Mikhail was taught by one of Stalin's bodyguards and Vlad was a Spetsnaz trainer for the elite force. Sokoli Stalina literally translated means "Stalin's Falcons" and the style was created for the personal bodyguards to Stalin and later also became the top unit for the highest risk missions. The first time I saw and understood what Vlad was doing I knew I was going to start training in it but wasn't aware it would start to take over as it has started to do.

A little story related to me was during the Soviet era when they were at war with Afghanistan. The Afghani's took over the Soviet embassy. They brought the Spetsnaz in and they kidnapped one of the terrorists. They cut his head off and sent it back to the rest in a bag with a note telling them to surrender. The terrorists did. Now that's my kind of negotiating.

So I have been very busy as of late trying to get more of this facinating art and system. Aside from that I have also been accompanying friends to Kenpo seminars. Also assisting my friend Jaybacca when he teaches his seminars and classes and picking up Kenpo/Arnis from him. I have been working out at a friend's Kenpo/Arnis school assisting him in teaching and helping out and learning in any way possible. I have also been getting back into Judo. So I have been very busy. In fact I only work out in boxing now in "The Dog Pound" and not at the gym as I have not enough time to do all I want to do and often find myself in "The Dog Pound" in the wee hours of the morning pounding the heavy bag and skipping rope to my round counter.

As for the watermark of SGM's face and the "mystery face" you have to look on the left side of the cover's picture. Looks for the eyes on both men. That's what gives it away. If you hold it on a certain angle with the light reflecting off the cover it's easier to see. I have checked with sources and it IS there.


I just got done working out and painting my living room and it's late and I have to work tomorrow so I'll try and answer everyone's questions.

First, yes I am back. My dance card is a little full right now with training, work, and renovating my house. So it'll be a bit before I get back into massive posting and making the site hum like the bum of a skunk gone mad.

Dot - The top one is the Old Man. As for the mystery person, well, it would ruin it if I told you. I suggest you look at the pictures in the book and try to match them. Yes it is funny that people will be looking at the cover now trying to figure it out. Most will never see it. Probably because, much like Kenpo, people miss the forest for the trees. It'll sit under their noses forever but they'll never see it.

Ronin - I don't know you. Not sure if you're talking about me. I'm not Mr. C's student if you are. I like to think of myself as a friend of his. By the way, Darth Maul was misunderstood. The poor guy was just trying to be friendly.

Renegade :erg: When will you be here? This weekend? If so, I suggest the Ballet might be in order. Let me know as I'll have to drop some stuff to hang with you. You're kewl in my book buhbuh!

Klondike93 - Yeah, systema is very kewl. How's that for testing your skills. "We gave that guy a knife and told him he could go free if he got by you. Show me what you know." Ha ha ha! Yeeesh. When they tell you they are going to break your arm or stab you and give you a choice you have to wonder what kind of soldier they were turning out eh? I've been at systema for about 8 months now but only seeing Vlad once a month or so but recently I started getting there every two weeks. Your instructor should love the seminar. In fact, I suggest you go see him too if you can. You will be blown away. In either case try and get a hold of "The Russian System Guidebook." It's a good primer for the art.

Ok, I'm off to bed.


Just to prolong the fun I will not say who it is until many people have guessed or at least looked at it. So let me ask you, why would you say it was Mr. Trejo? For the record, YES, I do know who it is.

Aside from that I suggest you talk with your teacher regarding the Systema videos. I believe they are cheaper at seminars. There are vids regarding knife work, empty hand, seminars, groundfighting, and even improvised weapons.


We have one vote for Frank Trejo as the mystery man.

Anyone else care to chime in?


Maybe it is just my eyes but the vague facial structure looks like Huk Planas to me. Maybe it is just what I want to see.


We have one vote for Frank Trejo.
We have one vote for Huk Planas.

Anybody else?


Mystery man vote

1 Frank Trejo votes

2 Huk Planas votes

We'll let this go a bit longer and then we'll have a big unveiling with cake and cookies and everything!



1 Trejo vote

3 Planas votes

If no more come in soon we'll reveal the mystery man! Then we'll start to discuss why these 2 lone men are even on the front page.


1 Trejo vote

3 Planas votes

1 Elvis vote.



Ok. We have:

1 Trejo vote

3 Planas votes

2 Elvis votes

Just as an aside, if you look at the portrait of Elvis in the book you'll see that while it is his face the body has been borrowed from one of the other people in the book? Can you guess which one?


Well would that make it the "Young Elvis" or the "Old Elvis?"


1 Trejo vote

4 Planas votes

2 Elvis votes

Soon, soon we'll talk about more...


Okie, if you've been looking at your copy of the Journey for hours on end to figure out who is on the front cover then look no more!

The mystery man on the cover to the lower left of the watermark of SGM Ed Parker, which if you think about it makes it on SGM's right hand side, is none other than...

Richard "Huk" Planas!

You can stop looking. Or start looking harder for some of you...Elvis indeed...Sheeesh!

Now, the debate can begin as to WHY they are there!


I was going to say that the SGM is there because it's his Dad. Huk is there because Huk is like an Uncle to him. I don't know where you got this right hand man thing from.

Quick joke.

What is the one answer that most of the Kenpo seniors can agree on when asked who Mr. Parker passed his knowledge to?


Ah ha ha ha!


On my Bookshelf. I was lucky enough to get it signed by four of the subjects (Planas, Cogliandro, Tanaka, Trejo) at Jeff Blay's camp in New York last summer.

I have yet to have to opportunity to get Mr Big Golden Emperior D Dragon to sign it for me ;) , but I am hoping to get many signatures next year when the IKC comes to Buffaloo. Ms Cogliandro is hosting it and I am hoping to be there.

Revere Karate Academy

IKC - 2003

I have only read about half the book so far, mostly just the seniors I am familiar with. Of course the above mentioned Dragon fella, was the first chapter I read.

I hope there will be other volumes with many more stories to come.


But which is which. I believe the higher one might be Mr. Paker. :asian:

lower one is located right by the left edge in the White/grey smoke just at the height of the guys shoulders..

The other is also on the left but about an inch in. where the blcack clouds turn to yellow.

You can definitely see the eyes. Pretty neat stuff.

Who's the Mystery guy? Can't tell much from the eyes.


p.s. you realise that because of your post Gou, there are dozens of kenpo people staring and squinting intently at the cover of the Journey at this very minute. Funny Stuff. :D