The Gaza War

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
The Gaza War


29 Dec 2008 11:24 am
If someone was sending rockets on my house where my daughters were sleeping at night, I would do everything to stop it, and I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.

These aren't my words -- they're Barack Obama's. But I attach myself to this sentiment. Obama said this in July
An elected government, such as Israel's, has a basic, overriding responsibility -- to protect its citizens from the organized violence of their enemies. Of course, it can do this in part by negotiating with its enemies (assuming its enemies recognize Israel's right to life) but its immediate mission must be to stop the violence, which is what Israel is now trying to do.

The name of this website is Martial Talk, a large portion of us are martial artists. So, lets put this in those terms.
How many times are you going to get kicked in the groin before you start fighting back?
The Gaza War


29 Dec 2008 11:24 am
If someone was sending rockets on my house where my daughters were sleeping at night, I would do everything to stop it, and I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.

These aren't my words -- they're Barack Obama's. But I attach myself to this sentiment. Obama said this in July
An elected government, such as Israel's, has a basic, overriding responsibility -- to protect its citizens from the organized violence of their enemies. Of course, it can do this in part by negotiating with its enemies (assuming its enemies recognize Israel's right to life) but its immediate mission must be to stop the violence, which is what Israel is now trying to do.

The name of this website is Martial Talk, a large portion of us are martial artists. So, lets put this in those terms.
How many times are you going to get kicked in the groin before you start fighting back?

If someone tries to kick me in the groin, in a friendly match, I will give them their first and only warning. Granted mistakes happen, but we all know the difference. I don't feel that we should continue to warn someone about their bad behavior. MA is all about respect and character building, not about taking advantage of each other.
Agree with you....and Obama.... and most especially the Israelis.

Isn't it heartwarming to see al-jazee... I mean the American media playing up the accidental civilian casualties in Gaza? There are not even claims of many of those, so Hamas must have been caught even before it could hide behind children this time.

By contrast EVERY Hamas rocket is aimed at a civilian target in Israel. Every one. Don't you miss the days when that used to be called what it is: Murder. Cowardice. Terrorism.
Agree with you....and Obama.... and most especially the Israelis.

Isn't it heartwarming to see al-jazee... I mean the American media playing up the accidental civilian casualties in Gaza? There are not even claims of many of those, so Hamas must have been caught even before it could hide behind children this time.

By contrast EVERY Hamas rocket is aimed at a civilian target in Israel. Every one. Don't you miss the days when that used to be called what it is: Murder. Cowardice. Terrorism.

thoughts on the cyprus boat bringing aid to gaza getting rammed by the Israeli navy?
Palestinian suicide bomber blows up killing several innocent Israeli citizens.

Israel, tired of the non-sense and justifiably so, responds with military aggression.

The international community pressures Israel to stop attacking the poor Palestinians.

Israel reluctantly stops attacking after the beaten down Palenstinans conceed to a cease-fire.

Palestinian terrorist recover, reorganize, and here we go again.....

How many times now? This story is older than the dirt on
Methuselah's shoe.

Israel has bent over so far backwards over the past few decades to promote peace that they've come full circle a hundred times over. Even after they gave more land to the Palestinians they still can't have a lasting peace. I really don't think peace is possible as long as one or the other exists.

No other nation on the planet would tolerate what Israel has. I say cry havok and let loose the dogs of war. Let Israel off the chain to go take care of business once and for all. I think if they did the end result would leave no doubt in the minds of other countries that support the utter destruction of Israel to leave them the hell alone.
This sums up the difference between Israel and the "Palestinians" quite nicely. They put their missile launchers in schools, mosques, and civilian areas so that when Israel finally hits back they can run to the media and say "Look what they have done!" The media eats it up, the anti-capitalist left eats it up, and as far as I'm concerned they are just as guilty for the death of those innocent Arabs as the terrorists who fire their rockets into Israel. There is no more immoral or inhumane culture on the planet than that of the "Palestinians".

“We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us” - Golda Meir
This sums up the difference between Israel and the "Palestinians" quite nicely. They put their missile launchers in schools, mosques, and civilian areas so that when Israel finally hits back they can run to the media and say "Look what they have done!" The media eats it up, the anti-capitalist left eats it up, and as far as I'm concerned they are just as guilty for the death of those innocent Arabs as the terrorists who fire their rockets into Israel. There is no more immoral or inhumane culture on the planet than that of the "Palestinians".

“We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us” - Golda Meir

Emplacing military assets next to civilian ones - or in civilian ones - is, of course, a war crime. But these cannibals always get a free pass, and the tactic comes with an impressive pedigree.... its worked well in Iraq, and before that in North Viet Nam, and before that in Nazi Germany.

As long as you don't mind endless lying, mass murder, hiding behind children...... but, hey, put it all together and it spells HAMAS.
Emplacing military assets next to civilian ones - or in civilian ones - is, of course, a war crime. But these cannibals always get a free pass, and the tactic comes with an impressive pedigree.... its worked well in Iraq, and before that in North Viet Nam, and before that in Nazi Germany.

As long as you don't mind endless lying, mass murder, hiding behind children...... but, hey, put it all together and it spells HAMAS.

The link between Nazi Germany and the Palestinians is a very real one, I've posted this up on the other thread about the situation in Gaza.
thoughts on the cyprus boat bringing aid to gaza getting rammed by the Israeli navy?
Those idiots should be happy the Israeli navy didn't open fire and sink them. Giving aid and comfort to terrorists, wow, what a wonderful group of people was on that boat.
Provide some sites, and your views, and I shall endeavor to provide some thoughts.

mixed feelings, they were in a dangerous spot, but the Israelis are helping their PR image, to be blunt.
mixed feelings, they were in a dangerous spot, but the Israelis are helping their PR image, to be blunt.

Oooh lets think about this one shall we.... PR image versus saving Israeli lives, my, thats difficult!

The boat wasn't rammed btw it refused to stop and it turned into the Israeli ship and that caused light damage. To both vessels.
Oooh lets think about this one shall we.... PR image versus saving Israeli lives, my, thats difficult!

The boat wasn't rammed btw it refused to stop and it turned into the Israeli ship and that caused light damage. To both vessels.
The terrorist sympathizers aboard the YACHT claim that the engine was damaged in the bumping. It's a shame there was someone from CNN aboard... yeah, there are pictures... Few Yachts have their engines in the bow...
If anyone's PR image was hurt by this, it shouldn't be Israel's, but, the collection of defectives who took Cynthia McKinney anywhere.