The Fittest Men Ever

Actually I have been told that my Uncle, in his youth, got himself into better shape by being late for the bus. He could see the stop just before his from his house and that is when he would leave to catch it. However that meaent running (not jog a full on run) for about 3/4 mile to catch it. He later spent some time in Pro basketball, but that was when 6'3" was tall in Basketball

Were they still using bushel baskets nailed to a board?
However to get back on track, does anyone have any idea what the criteria was the Men’s Health used to come up with this list?

It's Mens Health... I'm sure it was based on in depth research and solid science.

OK. I choked a little, but now I'm ok.
Most likely? The writer (not author and not journalist...) sat down with a deadline looming and said "oh crap, I need to get this list done!"
Nope, can't sprint, I use to like to sprint. I had to run with my youngest to catch the school bus yesterday and I could barely walk back to the house. But I have a stationary bike and a few other toys in the basement so I am slowly working my way back..

Ouch I am sorry I misread your post. :(
It's Mens Health... I'm sure it was based on in depth research and solid science.

OK. I choked a little, but now I'm ok.
Most likely? The writer (not author and not journalist...) sat down with a deadline looming and said "oh crap, I need to get this list done!"

I doubt that...I mean we all know Brad Pitt is in MUCH better shape than Usain Bolt, Terrell Owens and Michael Johnson :rolleyes:
Ouch I am sorry I misread your post. :(

No worries.

But back to the post, I do agree with Michael that the society in which we live has a lot to do with the fitness of that society. But I think as this applies to the list I think part of it, at least is based on attractiveness and fame and who society expects to be in the list


I also suspect if this list came out a few months ago Lance Armstrong would have been on it
No worries.

But back to the post, I do agree with Michael that the society in which we live has a lot to do with the fitness of that society. But I think as this applies to the list I think part of it, at least is based on attractiveness and fame and who society expects to be in the list


I also suspect if this list came out a few months ago Lance Armstrong would have been on it

and those who are the exception to the rule of that society, stick out and make it on to a list like this.
I think it should be split into two distinct categories, "runners" and whatever you want to call the other category.

Yes, runners are phenomenal. They damn well better be when we meat eaters chase their ***.
and those who are the exception to the rule of that society, stick out and make it on to a list like this.

Well to some extent yes but if that is all it is then I still cannot understand why Brad Pitt is higher on the list than Usain Bolt, Terrell Owens and Michael Johnson. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt Brad could out run or out preform any of them. He is fit, no doubt there, but more than Usain Bolt.... no
I`m suprised Batman isn`t on the list.

If it helps Wolverine came in a 53, James Bond came in at 50 Hercules at 27 Rocky at 12 and Conan at 3 :D

And I think 17 to number 1 need to worry since Chuck is only at 18 and I am sure he is not happy about it...that is unless Bruce was still alive then all bets are off.... either way number 1 would be in trouble :D
If it helps Wolverine came in a 53, James Bond came in at 50 Hercules at 27 Rocky at 12 and Conan at 3 :D
Thanks for making my point :D

And I think 17 to number 1 need to worry since Chuck is only at 18 and I am sure he is not happy about it...that is unless Bruce was still alive then all bets are off.... either way number 1 would be in trouble :D

Pff, just wait until Steven Seagal hears about not being on the list and starts breaking wrists!
I give you the Fittest men...Royal Marine Commandos ( contact me if you want the 2013 calendar!)


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