The Art of punching


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
In your particular style what type of punching do you use is it more of a boxer punch or more of a sweeping punch or more like a push instead of a pinch.
We acctuly include Wing Chun (so, knuckles verticle), Shotokan (so, knuckles horizontal) and Bestern boxing (that sweeping thing). We also include Vovinam which includes a vareity of knuckle positions (likr with one bent finger out) most meant to strike pressure points. So, we include all of the abouve.
Each has there values. The Wing Chun punch is good for close range. The Shotokan is good for long range. Boxing is good for the tranistion. The various Vovinam knuckle postions are good for pressure point strikeing, which is good for differnit situations.
Answer your question?
I find a right cross to be 1000 times more effective than a gyaku zuki. I find rolling the ball of the foot far superior to keeping it planted. I'm right handed but primarily a southpaw (on Bruce's recommendation) for a killer right jab and mobility. I also like to punch attacking limbs. I've always found the vertical punch makes the horizontal punch useless for me for the most part. I beleive in hardening the hands and I love nakataka-ippon-ken (middle knuckle punch).
More of the boxing here...but...I started with the boxing so...thats where mine comes from...but have no idea where most Ryukyu kempo practioners(sp) pic up there punching style