THAILAND: Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images)

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I am not panicked, I am just willing to admit the truth

there are people out there that want to kill us, each and every one of us, and they will do anything to achieve that goal.

they are fanatics and they cannot be reasoned with.

I am not panicked, but I am likewise willing to admit the truth.

There are people out there that want Islam to be wiped out as a threat to humanity, and they will do anything to achieve that goal.

They are fanatics and they cannot be reasoned with.

And I might add, their fixation with ALL THINGS MUSLIM is what I see most on MT Study forum. It does not seem to matter to them what else might be wrong with the world. A crazed gunman can drive onto an Army base and shoot it up with AK-47 rifle fire and they're not interested in the slightest - unless he's Muslim. A man can try to open the emergency exit door of a plane while it is in flight and have to be subdued; but they're not interested unless he's Muslim. White powder sent in envelopes to various politicians - from the 'real' Anthrax attack to the latest, every-day-now talcum powder attacks? Yawn; it's not Muslims doing it, so it's of no interest. Someone burns down a mosque? So what? They had it coming. Someone burns down a Synagogue? Well, was it a white supremacist or a Muslim? If it was a Muslim then we care a lot. If it was just a racist, then yawn.

All the things in the world that are real threats, which we really should be concerned about, and some choose to fixate on one threat only - and then misconstrue it entirely so that a tiny subset of a religion becomes the entire religion to them. They want to drag us into a world-wide holy war...and you don't see THAT as a threat? I do.
I am not panicked, but I am likewise willing to admit the truth.

There are people out there that want Islam to be wiped out as a threat to humanity, and they will do anything to achieve that goal.

name ONE

you cant, because NO ONE has suggested that. Much less on MT, at least, i have never seen it. Hell, even my harshest words have been that I consider islam a plague on this world, and the world would be better off without it. But nowhere have i advocated "doing anything" to accomplish this...
Are any of the people you'd consider to be fanatics on these boards conservative? Are all of them people you'd characterize as being progressive/liberal/leftist?

I have met several conservatives i would consider fanatical. None on MT. IMO

There are however several fanatical leftists on this board, IMO
name ONE

you cant, because NO ONE has suggested that. Much less on MT, at least, i have never seen it. Hell, even my harshest words have been that I consider islam a plague on this world, and the world would be better off without it. But nowhere have i advocated "doing anything" to accomplish this...

Religion? No, lets make this quite clear: Not all religions are equal. Christianity should play a large role in modern society, as God intended, for it is the Truth. But the abomination of Islam should be wiped out, destroyed by force if nessicessary - both for its constantly earthly attrocities and oppressions, and for leading people from Christ and thus damning them eternally.

Can We Ban Islam? - Legal Guidelines for the Criminalization of Islam in the United States

CAIR made that demand after receiving a complaint from a concerned Muslim who heard WTKK-FM ( host Jay Severin's Thursday afternoon program. WTKK-FM General Manager Matt Mills told CAIR that in a discussion about how Severin claims Muslims want to take over America, even if it takes centuries, Severin said, "I've got an idea, let's kill all Muslims."

A blogger who bills himself as the “right wing howler” has apparently been silenced by his Internet service provider, HostGator, after a Muslim advocacy group - the Tampa chapter of the Council for American Islamic Relations - complained about content that encouraged the killing of Muslim children
Outlaw Islam Online Petition
I liked this one:

Christian rage at Islam has been growing since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Even early on there were vicious verbal attacks against Muslims, but they haven't really abated much with time. Even now there are apparently those who considers Muslims to be less than human. Jessica Bennett, writes for The Boston Globe:
The statement -- made during [Jay] Severin's show Thursday on WTKK-FM -- was allegedly part of a discussion about how Severin believes Muslims want to take over the world, said Rabiah Ahmed, a spokeswoman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. She said he then remarked, "I've got an idea, let's kill all Muslims."


Even if Severin was only talking about Muslims outside of America, the remark is unconscionable. I exchanged emails with pathetic person claiming to be a military veteran who lambasted Muslims and he refused point-blank to explain whether his bigoted comments were supposed to be about all Muslims or only Muslim extremists. Some people can't tell the difference, some people don't want to tell the difference, and some just don't care.

Martial Talk Study Forum - All Muslim, All The Time. BUT WE DON'T HATE MUSLIMS. Like fun, we don't.
I have met several conservatives i would consider fanatical. None on MT. IMO
Who would you characterize as being a conservative fanatic? Can you give a couple of examples of people whom you consider to be a fanatical conservative? What does a conservative fanatic look like to you?

And did you read the article I linked to? What specifically did you find boring about it? Which parts? Do you disagree with the points that the author of the article made? If so, which ones?
There are however several fanatical leftists on this board, IMO
I understand you'll avoid naming names because that would be rude. But, what sort of behavior leads you to conclude that someone is a fanatical leftist? I asked above what a conservative fanatic looks like. What does a liberal fanatic look like?
i thinks i'm probably more likely to get attacked by a domestic dog than a radical muslim terrorist nut bar. Just my opinion.
that would be against the TOS i believe, and besides that, it would also serve no good, aside to inflame and offend and i dont wish to do either right now

So you will accuse people of being 'lefties' when it suits you!
interesting that they can say anything but no one can say anything about them.......

interesting List Bill

I will think on that.

still tho, if, as you tell us about muslims CONSTANTLY we cannot judge the whole by the nuttier parts, we cant think of those people too harshly, now can we?
now THAT is a large leap

Look at what you said, it was that you didn't want to do it 'right now', that reads as if there's a time coming when you will.

When everyone says 'Muslims' people do realise there are different 'types' for want of a better word of Muslim just as there are Christians and Jews. If we don't like what the Pope says we don't complain about the Methodists for example. Look at the different types of Islam before condemning all Muslims, many Muslims are killed by other Muslims. I think too some need to get it into their heads that because one wants fairness one is supporting terrorism.
Twin Fist, I'd really like to hear your specific thoughts on the article you said was boring. The article specifically addresses some of the issues you're bringing up.

I'm also really interested in learning more about how you see fanaticism. It's relevant to the discussion because you're grounding your entire position on the fanaticism of the radical muslims, whom you believe represent the group.

So, you mentioned conservative fanatics. What does that look like? Can you name one?
you're grounding your entire position on the fanaticism of the radical muslims, whom you believe represent the group.

So, you mentioned conservative fanatics. What does that look like? Can you name one?

no, i dont, i think they represent the fanatics, the problem is, i think there are more fanatics or supporters of fanatics than you do.

conservative fanatics are, IMO, the ones that base thier political decisions on religion, in this case christianity instead of islam

the only real difference is that the christian religion doesnt advocate jihad. Islam does.

look at the clinic bombers. THAT
Christianity was more into Crusades than Jihads. Did a couple on itself I think, even used children once or twice. Good year to be a slave trader those were. :D

As to left vs right, I'm a righty, except when doing Arnis, when I go both ways.
(stick in each hand sickos. :D)
no, i dont, i think they represent the fanatics, the problem is, i think there are more fanatics or supporters of fanatics than you do.

conservative fanatics are, IMO, the ones that base thier political decisions on religion, in this case christianity instead of islam

the only real difference is that the christian religion doesnt advocate jihad. Islam does.

look at the clinic bombers. THAT
So, in your opinion, fanaticism is related directly to religion. More specifically, people who base their political decisions on religion? Do you believe that some of the liberals on the board here do that?
So, in your opinion, fanaticism is related directly to religion. More specifically, people who base their political decisions on religion? Do you believe that some of the liberals on the board here do that?

more like religion can create fanaticism, other things too, but nothing works quite as well as religion

also, athieism is a religion, so is global warming, socialism, and liberalism.

Christianity was more into Crusades than Jihads. Did a couple on itself I think, even used children once or twice. Good year to be a slave trader those were. :D

As to left vs right, I'm a righty, except when doing Arnis, when I go both ways.
(stick in each hand sickos. :D)

500 years ago....*yawn*
more like religion can create fanaticism, other things too, but nothing works quite as well as religion

also, athieism is a religion, so is global warming, socialism, and liberalism.

If liberalism is a religion, would you say that conservatism is a religion, as well?
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