Terry Pratchett is Knighted.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Terry Pratchett knighted in Queen's new year honours list

FANTASY author Terry Pratchett is now a real-life knight after being awarded the highest recognition in the Queen's new year honours list.
Pratchett, 60, best known for his satirical Discworld fantasy series, becomes a knight, one of the queen's most important honours, and will now be addressed as a 'Sir'.

"There are times when phrases such as 'totally astonished' just don't do the job," he said. "I am of course delighted and honoured and needless to say, flabbergasted."

In December 2007 Pratchett announced he had a rare form of early onset Alzheimer's disease, and earlier this year he donated $725,000 to research into the disorder.
That's neat! I like his books! I didn't know about the Alzheimer's disease though. :( I hope he'll be okay.

That's neat! I like his books! I didn't know about the Alzheimer's disease though. :( I hope he'll be okay.


My sentiments exactly.

It's a small but probably very real bit of comfort and gratification in the face of some of the cruellest news anyone can get, and he deserves it for his contributions as much as anyone who've ever received that honor.
I am totally delighted and totally saddened. I LOVE his books. Just finished up his latest one Making Money. I didn't know about th eAlzheimer's...such a creative, satirical and brilliant mind...he'll be in my prayers.

Stoked about the knighthood! Pratchett's books are so entertaining. I picked up Nanny Ogg's Cookbook for my last trip out of town.

Arise Sir Terry! :asian:
It's really something! It betokens respect for the whole genre, I'd say.
Nobody deserves the Knighthood more.
And no case of Alzheimer's has ever made me sadder. To think that such a great mind will be destroyed piece by piece...
A well-deserved award for a fantastic writer and one, IMO, that has been long-overdue when you consider the amount of pleasure, entertainment and "yes-I-know-it's-1am-but-I'll-just-read-another-page" moments that he has brought to people because of his incredible writing career.