Technology Can Catch Thieves


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
More and more home-owners are beginning to step up it seems. Tired of not being able to give police substantial leads to perps when they're burglarized or robbed, now setting up camera traps which catches the thieves in the act and more importantly catches their faces for positive identification.

I see two or three things happening or will or could happen here:
1. More thieves will be caught because of the use of this technology. Which is of course a good thing. Hopefully it will lower insurance rates for home-owners who use hidden camera surveillance which leads to capture and arrest and possible recovery of stolen items/goods.

2. Thieves will be more aware of the technology and take steps to circumvent it by wearing masks, and/or scoping out the premises before hand even destroying or covering the lens (spray-painting) if they see it. Which would probably lead to even more advances on concealment. There are a lot of already clever hidden cameras out there.

3. The use of surveillance cameras by private citizens will be considered entrapment and the ones arrested be let go and free to turn around and sue homeowners for slander or defamation of character and invasion of privacy (because their images were posted on a public forum without their permission). Kinda like a burglar would be able to sue someone because they cut their hand on a piece of broken glass inside their home while they were going through their stuff.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
As the cost of various surveillance and anti-crime technology drops, we do see more use of it in more places we wouldn't traditionally expect. And it does help catch crooks. Except when the owner can't work it or doesn't bother to share unless they're directly asked. (I've worked cases where a neighbor's video surveillance system caught the bad guy -- but until I knocked on the door and directly and specifically asked them to check, they didn't bother. Despite the police cars next door that they were gawking at.)

You also see criminals being more aware of the possibility of surveillance, and taking various steps to fight it. But -- think for a moment about "To Catch a Predator". Despite all the shows -- they're still catching these guys the same damn way.

Reality check: Law enforcement is REACTIVE. The cops do their best -- but the truth is that they don't come until they're called. Which is usually after an offense has happened. Being proactive yourself can definitely help; if you see something, say something. Don't be afraid to bother the cops with "nothing"; that guy wandering around your neighborhood that's making you uneasy is making you suspicious for a reason.

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