Target Focus Training


Yellow Belt
Feb 27, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
So the thing is everyone sees what TFT does and they say yeah I understand that and that makes sense and then they get to the spinal reflexes part and they make that the main focus for their argument and by doing this they miss the whole point of what TFT is about. TFT is about "Injury" pure and simple, it's not about tapping the guy in such a way to get a spinal reflex and then stepping in again to get another and another, or anything like that.

I totally understand where TFT is coming from and it's one of THE best training systems I've seen, ever. No-matter what anyone thinks, when you find yourself confronted with an enraged attacker, the best thing for you is to hurt him before he hurts you.

Sure none of us wants to be in a violent situation and it's part (hopefully) of our training to AVOID it at ALL COST. In a perfect world we may NEVER be violently attacked and faced with life or death actions. Unfortunately this world we live in IS violent! I personally prefer to prepare myself as much as I can, for that ONE TIME I may be faced with such a sudden, possibly deadly attack.

What TFT's systems teach is IMPOSSIBLE to do as a sport. Infact, what they teach might never be used in one person's life time, but, what they teach is (In my personal opion) so powerful that when you do need to fight to survive, you will know exactly how to destroy your attacker. You're mind will be prepared for the situation, making you willing, not just able, to do what ever it takes to survive, and you will know how to use your body to deliver the most damage. You will also know WHERE to hit inorder to break your attacker as fast as possible.

I'm not really proud to say that I have a history of violence because of the company I kept and my previous lifestyle. I have been attacked with a knife once, I've been involved in gang fights and I've been shot. Again I"M NOT proud about it, but I know how it goes down in real life. When you are attacked, there is no time to defend. You must react almost instinctively by turning the table on him and take control. The only time when it's safe to leave is when he can't get up. You don't need to kill him, but you must be willing to if the situation calls for it, otherwise he'll do it to you.

My history with violence and my life long interest in traditional martial arts led me to research and study effective real life self defense. At first it was just a passion of mine as well as to be able to effectively protect myself and my family. Only recently I decided to share my knowledge through my site, because, I kind of got scared for other people's sake when I saw what information is being offered to everyday people, regarding how to defend themselves when faced with real danger. Many times I just shook my head (I still do many times!). I buy ALOT of training products and I still keep up with my research, and Target Focus Training is one that I personally recommend.

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