Symbols and Patches...

Satt said:
You know I have seen that before, but I have been wandering what it means. I saw a guy with a few stars on his collar part if his gi. Could you explain??? Thanx.
The Stars are, if I remember correctly, a Rank indicator...

As far as camo goes, I often train in Camo BDU pants. Or black ones.

We rarely wear uniforms at all in training. One or two people at our school do... but most people wear black BDU pants and tshirts. Occasionally someone trains in regular street clothes, you know, like Jeans or whatever. Its one of the things I enjoy about being in a dojo that does not stand on "traditionalism" as far as formality is concerned... we train in comfortable clothing that equates what we wear on the street.

I was thinking about the Patch question, and didnt really answer because I dont have any patches on my GI jacket... but it's fair to mention I do have a "Nin" symbol on my Biker Jacket, as well as the Bujinkan logo painted on the back... thats the one I wear when I ride.
Sorry about my typing i type one handed and i rarly ever reread what i type :p

We dont wear bandanas in my class cuz they would fall off in rolling :p
And there is a guy in mine who wears tank tops but hes really skinny so now one complained, oh there was some preppy girl who mixed us up with those lame 'kick boxing' courses(ya know where they just stand and kick over an over not a actual MA but is good for stamina i would guess :p) and she came in and like biker shorts and like a half shirt tank top and the female instuctor told kept hinting that is not what to wear by saying stuff like "You shoudl buy one of our shirts for next time" and so on so on

Oh and patches, theres a Karate BB in my class who has a bunch on his Gi Pants but tahts all from his karate class, if i was going to wear patches i woudl probly just wear it on jackets or whatever that i wear outside of class
Satt said:
You know I have seen that before, but I have been wandering what it means. I saw a guy with a few stars on his collar part if his gi. Could you explain??? Thanx.
Maybe he's a Trekkie? :D
