Suicide Jumper


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
A police officer sent this to me. It is not for the faint of heart.

If you have a weak stomach, then don't look at the URL. It is a picture of the demise of a suicide jumper taken shortly after he landed. It shows him with his insides now on the outside. You will see the look of horror on the faces of the bystanders, and that is what to me shows the reality of the situation...

Click here or copy and paste in your address bar:

I couldn't click fast enough - how sick does that make me? This just makes your guts spill out, doesn't it?
gross, i wonder how high the fall was from....all the kings horse and all the kings men aren't gonna be able to put him together again...
Call me chicken, but I didn't click that link. (Or did I?.....)
eeewwww! that was horrible... scrambled brains are disgusting. But somehow it made me all of a sudden hungry. How sick am I?
Hmm. I was thinking, "I'm not going to look." Now that a few of you have posted I know I'm not going to look now anyway. Thanks for the supplemental warnings everyone.
I prefer not to be Joe Egg on this. I eagerly click on links like this because my curiosity boils. I'd rather view the carnage in advance than fry my brain on viewing carnage first-hand. I think one's heart might be poached when seeing something like this without warning. It can scramble one's psyche.
cdhall said:
I may look later. I'm not sure.
Doug I put that warning in place for a reason! This is raw footage! Don't worry about Dan calling you a he going to be with you when you have nightmares over this? I think use your own judgment! :)
it is kinda sad the he felt he needed to end his life like this.....

sometimes...people in his situation feel they are walking on eggshells...and it seems he finally cracked
Zepp said:
That's horrible! MJ, you should be ashamed of yourself for posting this!
Zepp :idunno: it's kinda like feeling the hits in martial arts! You need to experience it to appreciate the realites of the situation! If you blind yourself to the harsh realities of life you may have trouble coping and crack when it happens to someone you love! :)