Stupid thing you've done in training

Well, actually, i just did it a few days ago.

Me and my buddy were practicing jump rolls. Basically you try to jump over something high then roll.

Well..i jumped over, kinda got into a handstand and for some reason my hands just let go.

My face went sideways into the ground..not a pretty sight. My whole body has been sore for the past 2 days, and i think its because of that. :p
Black Bear

Are you still active on MT? Man, we had some good conversation...back in the day.

When I dated my girlfriend (now wife), she was into roller skating. I thought I could to a kick while wearing fall was cushion by the "jewels". :erg:

After a little laughter from her, I got her sympathy and nursing.
Practicing Iaido form and lost focus in front of my instructor. I jammed my iaito into my leg. Still have not lived it down :)
I know alot of you will think this is funny, but i really did this,
in 1975 i was working with a yellow belt and i was showing him a step drag
with a back fist, and following it up with a roundhouse kick,well as i was doing this another student across the floor yelled really loud, i truned around to see what happend, and when i turned back it was just when he threw the roundhouse and ,well yes it did it got me right on my nose, that kick broke my nose, the blood would not stop.
well you know what i had to hear about this," hey George a yellowbelt broke your nose". well you know i don't do that any more:)
most embarasing moment? probably the over energetic front snap kick where my boton leg stoped being the bottom leg..felt stupid for that one
This thread probably could go on and on as we all continue to do stupid things... My last one was overdoing upperbody workout, punching bags, pushups and yoga twice a day and everyday until one Friday, an all hour punching session ended me up at the clinic for a cortisone shot. Then my other shoulder acted up. After a month's rest they are better but now I have to rebuild...much slower though. Patience is a virtue. TW
Stupidest thing Iv'e done in training is go into complete reality mode when knife training the person I was attacking manged to pin my hand with the knife close to his body. I managed to grapple him to the ground and then proceeded to rip my hand out and stab him in the kidney and spine a couple of times. Stop was called and he was then attacking me after about 10 seconds I realised one of my fingers was pointing the wrong way. Went to hospital thinking I had just pulled it from it's socket after X rays I was told I had a spirtal fracture operated on and had and still have two pins in the finger.

Well I suppose in rality I survived but I thing that was pretty stupid. :)
Afetr two weeks of training I thought I was pretty good for a white belt....til another white belt caught me with an uppercut to the right floating rib. I think I actually looked to my left to see if his hand came out the other side...before I dropped to the ground in pain. Bruised three ribs with that shot. Never left my elbow up again.
Walked too close to a guy doing a 'chuck form. You can figure out the rest.

1.) traveling on business and was practicing with octagon 'chucks in the room and WHACKED myself right behind the ear. I about knocked myself out - saw stars for about 30 minutes, was dizzy and felt like getting sick.

2.) JUST moved into our house, with newly painted walls, and was practicing with my 'chucks in the living room (after assuring my wife that I would only do this in the basement) .... 'chucks slipped out of my hand and punched a perfect octogon hole in the wall.

3.) Practicing with escrima sticks in the newly painted house - whacked the door jam and left a nice little dent.
My brother and I are afflicted with a condition called Ballsculitis. The effects of the illness are that everytime you touch a weapon you get hit in the balls by it at least once.

So I was using some double nunchuku's and doing my form. Instead of having them go over my inner thighs...they went a little too close to home and I smashed my boys with both nunchuku's at the same time. I was don't for the count and all I saw was my brother laughing. His case of ballsculitis caught up with him the next do thou so it was a nice bit of karma.

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