Stupid thing you've done in training

My little voice just says "Oweee!" a lot.;) I broke another toe by stepping in too close on a blend last night. Second time in several months I've done that. Pretty soon I'll be able to qualify snapping toes during blending as the stupidest thing I've done in training.:mad:
12 stitches of stupidity (two inside, 10 outside)

From training solo with a live knife after being awake 2 days straight because of overtime.

And Then...

Re-opening the cut shortly after when I was too embarassed to tell my instructor the extent of the damage and said "I just cut myself" and proceeded to let him use me for wrist locks and throws...

I don't know which was worse, bleeding on the training floor infront of the class, or having him yell at me because I was so stupid in front of the class.

I was about two weeks into a new school and was really excited about it. I couldn't make the Monday adult class so I went to the Tuesday junior class. The whole first half was squat thrusts, frog hopping, sprints, you name it, I was dying. So at the end he made us race. I took off like a bat out of hell, my legs turned to jello, I couldn't stop and went thru the wall into the waiting area where all the parents were. I was bloody and embarrased.
Mr. Prime Minister, you're stupid. :(

Oh, by the way, nice so-called "blind trust" you had on CSL while you were Finance Minister. I am so not voting for you.
During my first month of JKD class my instructor was getting frustrated with me for stopping me punches an inch or so in front of his face,so he told be "If you don't fully commit to it,I can't get any realistic practice of my own". He must have thought that I wasn't going to reallt do it,I hit him HARD in the face!
Originally posted by Gary Crawford
During my first month of JKD class my instructor was getting frustrated with me for stopping me punches an inch or so in front of his face,so he told be "If you don't fully commit to it,I can't get any realistic practice of my own". He must have thought that I wasn't going to reallt do it,I hit him HARD in the face!
Wow, he had your fist and his foot in his mouth at the same time.:rofl:
I had a cane slip out of my hands. Whatched that sucker fly across the matts towards the mirrors! I was thinking "oh please, oh please, oh please, don't break" Lucky for me it hit with the rubber tip.
Which stupid thing of many it seems. After doing 600 kicks, and doing 20 minutes of line drills, dislocating my knee with a tornado round kick--body went one way knee another--too loose.

Or after becoming black belt and remembering how unfun it was that black belts never let them hit you. So...after 3 matches, a new white belt said she was too tired to kick so I let in a punch. White belts can't punch, right?
Well, lucky me, this one could and broke the top rib below the sternum. A little known fact about her was that she was a former MP in the army. She could punch through a brick, no problem. Never will let a white belt hit me again...
ive done to many stupid things to think of one specifically. anymore they all just run together
Well while I sparring I dislocated my thumb and kept on going without telling my instructor! Oh and I remember one guy I sparred with was unfortunate enough to get a bloody nose from me when I really didn't mean to make that much contact!
It would had been the time I told my father that I was a man in his dojo, he palm struck me in the chest and then went to help me up with one hand and palm struck me again after one more time of this , my reply was no sir I'll stay here on the ground never again did I try to confront him in front of his students and peers.
Practicing front flips in knee-high water at the ocean for resistance. As I'm pulling my body into the tuck, I think to myself, "I waonder what would happen to the mechanics of the flip if I pulled my knees toward my head, instead of my chest". And did just that. Broke my nose, and collapsed the maxillary sinus on the right. Required facial reconstructive surgery to make me look like something other than Quasimodo bred with deflated rubber ball.

Waking up form the surgery was the absolute worst part of it all. Wake up hurling b/c drippage into the stomach during procedure; instant raise in blood pressure in the head, sensed right at the bone donor and repair locations as searing pain.

My partner was attempting a rear bear hug attack and while I was just barely starting the technique, both of us lost balance and fell over backwards. I landed on top of my partner. Now this thought went through my head, "If this was an actual attack and we fell over like this, what would be the logical move for me to do?" While thinking this, I did a light outward elbow strike to my partner's throat and choked him. I didn't see where my elbow was going (I thought it would be the head, not the throat)....

I just realized then that even with a "light" touch, the elbow apparently packs *a lot* of power. I'd hate to think what an elbow strike at full power would be like...

- Ceicei
I don't know if this is the most stupid thing I have done, but it was the most embarrassing. I decided I was going to go to class even though I was having, um....lets just say intestinal problems. Well, wouldn't you know it, I was asked to lead the warm-up that day, and as I was going through the crunches and counting them off, when on the up stroke I let out 2 loud "numbers" that the class was not expecting. I know it is a natural body function, but still..........
Using full length shovel handles as escrima sticks to build up strength, coordination and speed. I became overzealous and tore a rotator cuff muscle in my right shoulder.

That was stupid.
I was two days without sleep and sword training with my teacher's 300 year old Korean fighting sword.

Somehow, while resheathing, the darn thing filleted my ring finger on the outside near my cuticle. It was a small cut, but diagonal and so it bled profusely. Given that I was tired, hadn't eaten, etcetera, I did something very pu**y-like...something I had only ever done once before.

I...(hangs head)...dropped...the....sword....:waah: :uhoh:

That was so embarassing. In the first place, I have a high tolerance for pain, I have staved off shock before with ease, blood doesn't bother me, I've cut myself deeper and much more seriously without fainting.:(

We still can't figure out how the sword cut me like it did because of the position and direction of the cut. I think it has a spirit.

Went to a testing once years ago. Came right from University and had been drinking a bit. I had to fight the Grandmaster's son, whose high roundhouse was unbelievably fast. Sober, I barely had time to react to it. Drunk, I had no chance, Granted, I wasn't stinking drunk, but just enough to slow down my reflexes. I still have the broken nose. Had to go to the emergency room, bleeding all over the place. Very nasty.
MichiganTKD said:
Went to a testing once years ago. Came right from University and had been drinking a bit. I had to fight the Grandmaster's son, whose high roundhouse was unbelievably fast. Sober, I barely had time to react to it. Drunk, I had no chance, Granted, I wasn't stinking drunk, but just enough to slow down my reflexes. I still have the broken nose. Had to go to the emergency room, bleeding all over the place. Very nasty.

friends don't let friends drink & spar....LOL

Gary Crawford said:
During my first month of JKD class my instructor was getting frustrated with me for stopping me punches an inch or so in front of his face,so he told be "If you don't fully commit to it,I can't get any realistic practice of my own". He must have thought that I wasn't going to reallt do it,I hit him HARD in the face!
My first night of sparring in my (relatively) new tkd school, the sabonim decided to spar with us. I was one of two women, and the lowest-ranking student in the class. [I was permitted to spar at orange belt because I'd had prior experience in karate.] Cutting to the chase: the sabonim asked me to spar with him so he could see what I had. He threw a roundhouse kick at my head (easy for him - 6'3" and me a foot shorter), which I trapped. I immediately went to sweep his other leg, as I'd been taught, and stopped abruptly, in spite of the shouts to go ahead and do it. He wasn't too happy with me even though I let go of his leg at that point. KT:idunno:

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