stoopid question no3


Purple Belt
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
essex england
thurs saw me at my first master james sinclair class.
the class was hard fast slow thought provoking intense relaxed and fun.
almost everything i did was new to me-having trained only since feb.

i did bong sau for the first time (except the 20min of my 1st ever lok sau last monday)
although i have read watched it a million times i cannot get the turning action with my heels in sync...... yet!

any help /advice on how i can get my heels to do the work?
not my toes- dang karate memory (holding hard and fast)

I did bong sau for the first time (except the 20min of my 1st ever lok sau last monday) although I have read watched it a million times i cannot get the turning action with my heels in sync...... yet!

Any help /advice on how i can get my heels to do the work?

Start with just the footwork. Move slowly, and as you're turning from side to side, pay special attention to how your body is applying the concept that your brain has. Pay attention to which muscles are being used, and your balance, and how it feels when you think you've got it right. If you listen to how your body is working, you'll be able to make corrections for yourself.

...and then listen to Sifu. Common mistakes that people make when they're learning to turn like that are that they uproot themselves, don't move their bodies at one time, and over (or under) rotate. Sifu can help you correct this.

Once you've practiced the technique properly, it will be much easier to integrate it with your bong sau.

thank you.

gretaly appreciate the time you took to reply to a very basic question :(

Don't let the trunk turn the body,let the knee initiate the turn,turn on the sole of the foot as you are transferring weight to the back leg.You should be at 45*and your body should be resting over the top of the center of your foot,do not bob or sway,turn up the elbow as you turn,extend the wrist along the centerline.this is the method I was taught,hope this helps
thank you again. i have been working on this today on my own. i have a private lesson on weds so that will be a key focus for sifu to watch.
It takes time to get things right in wing chun, hence the word muscle memory

It is good that James Sinclair is teaching you though - he will definately some of your questions!!!
thanks kamon guy.

having watchd him on dvd. it is quite awe inspiring to see it up close:supcool:

and the lesson was hard ,not in effort per say but the thought processes going on with the explanations etc.

i am aware that i have just begun a very long journey.and i ,m enjoying the process, just fustarated by my own perception of my progress.

got the wall bag dvd and used that last nite... absolutely great training aid!

...although i have read watched it a million times i cannot get the turning action with my heels in sync...... yet! ... any help /advice on how i can get my heels to do the work? ...not my toes- dang karate memory (holding hard and fast)

Matsu--I admire your enthusiasm, but ...patience, patience. If you trust your Sifu (and you should, or else change schools), then direct you questions to him. Remember, other WC/WT schools may do the stancework differently. Their advice (that is our advice) may not be helpful to you, especially at the beginning. It's a basic premise of each Wing Chun/Tsun branch that everybody else has it wrong-- LOL. Get used to it and don't worry about it. Even in the best families there's always bickering. And, with WC, your in a great family! Good luck in your training.
Matsu--I admire your enthusiasm, but ...patience, patience. If you trust your Sifu (and you should, or else change schools), then direct your questions to him.

I couldn't agree with this more.

thanks kamon guy.

having watchd him on dvd. it is quite awe inspiring to see it up close:supcool:

and the lesson was hard ,not in effort per say but the thought processes going on with the explanations etc.

i am aware that i have just begun a very long journey.and i ,m enjoying the process, just fustarated by my own perception of my progress.

got the wall bag dvd and used that last nite... absolutely great training aid!


Yeah people don't realise when they train with the likes of Kevin Chan, James Sinclair, Alan Orr etc, that it is like a tennis player being taught by Andre Agassi!!

But like people have said on here, bear with your training.
thank you all for your input.
i appreciate all aspects of wing chun and as with everything in life the more you read ask....listen and learn the easier you will develop your own mechanics.
so everyones input although it might not be relevant to my wing chun specifically the thought processes you all have gone through at my stage in your development will help me in mine.
nothing can beat experience and it all gets thrown into the cooking pot.
i am a hairdresser and we teach our assistants that you learn from everyone, a bit here a tad there and develop it into your own.
for example quicksilvers advice about the knees has helped me. my weight shifts wrongly and by concentrating on my knees i can make it alittle more fluid.
today i had a nigh on 2 hour lesson with sifu tody. we did lok sau bong sau and probably 30mins on just turning.he advised me that by concentrating on my hips connected through my lats upto my shoulder and driving me with the hips i can get the movement right.
my tendency to rise up is stopped by me thinking about the knees more than the feet.
this is all boring as hell i,m sure for most of you but the next newbie that searches for "turning" this might help.
i realise more every session that i am in a very good place to be,amongst some very respected WC people and their advice will be paramount to my wing chun development..... but i would still like to hear how you guys got to where you are now.
sorry for the rammble.and fanx again for the advice.......
oh and YAY sifu told me its never to early to use the mook jong as a training aid.:jaw-dropping:
Good,I didn't think so,If anything it would serve as an aid to your training.Wish I had it!Protractor!Protractor! Please let us know how you progress!

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