Stooge Kenpo



Hey guys I did a drawing I intend to make shirts and prints of, it has the 3 stooges doing these guys definately understood motion ;) Its not finished I am going to incorporate the universal pattern into it somehow and it should have some color and effects. let me know what you think.

The pic is on my website;

I also do miniture sculpting and comic work for anyone needing anything (Ron by the way I about have your drawing complete)
I always wanted to get a picture drawn of the 3 stooges and Ed Parker with them with the caption underneath, "Our 4 Fathers."

These guys knew motion. All of them.
the stooges were ahead of their time in hand to hand combat. eye gouges and rakes, foot stomping, holding someone's nose and hitting it with your fist, and the old ***** slap.
,,,but why 'kenpo stooges'? Calling it 'karate stooges' has more of a ring to it and will probably sell more. BTW, will you have it in XXXL. I might order one
Originally posted by Kenpo Wolf

,,,but why 'kenpo stooges'? Calling it 'karate stooges' has more of a ring to it and will probably sell more. BTW, will you have it in XXXL. I might order one

kenpo because the caption and shirt will absically be about the stooges understanding motion.....but i could probably do a plain jane karate version too you are right would sell more but I love kenpo ;) xxxl? im sure we could figure something out
Thanks Brian. I'm excited to see it and will definitely hook you up in return. Maybe a decal of the "KenpoStooges" for your vehicle..??? Hmmm??? I am going to tease you with it for weeks before production just to get even.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I always wanted to get a picture drawn of the 3 stooges and Ed Parker with them with the caption underneath, "Our 4 Fathers."

These guys knew motion. All of them.

For not too mush $$$ you could have that send me an email
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Now add Ed Parker teaching them from a distance.....:)

that would be cool...maybe him in some clouds behind them with thunder and lightening