KT:Free Flow...

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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Free Flow...
By Juggernaut - Thu, 12 Apr 2007 18:44:50 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Since I have begun on my kenpo path of my martial arts journey I have learned about many things including about my past experience through my exposure and practice to kenpo.

Lately I have been focusing on the use of the Universal pattern. I printed an enlarged pic of the pattern itself and hung it on my wall. Through my past experience in the arts and my understanding of the dynamics of motion and structural alignment (thus far) I have been able to understand, apply, and seamlessly connect many paths of motion. I really enjoy it too... And with each passing week that I learn more of kenpo...there is that much more that is or has the potential to be unlocked based on ones perception, experience, and so on.

Doing all of the above has inspired a question for all of you much more knowledgable kenpoists.

Considering the primary aim of the self-defence techniques are to teach dynamic principles and structural alignment, manipulation, power, penetration, etc. Aside from your regular kenpo practice on basics, forms, self-defence, and sets how often do you practice free flowing your movement? I don't mean prefixing or suffixing your self-defense techniques but spontaneously free flowing with various paths of motion with all of your "tools" at your disposal.


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