Star "Parry" Set


Purple Belt
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania USA
Fellow Kenpoists,

I have begun to read Volume 3 of Infinite Insights again and as I was reading about the different methods of blocking I thought of the idea to take Star Block Set and instead of doing striking blocks, substitute parries.

This is what I came up with-

upperward parry
inward parry
outward parry
outward downward parry
back elbow

You could also change up the outward downward to an inward downward to vary the sequence.

If you try it out, let me know what you think and what might change as far as the attacks you would use as well.

Good journey!

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
I like to practice the star blocking set while incorporating double
factoring. So there's a parry before each block.
How about instead of the pushdown use the vertical downward parry. This would just follow the theme.
... practicing it as a striking set (with double factors) or as a breaking set, I always get my students to do this as a teaser to keep working it. How about the opposite reverses as in Blocking Set #2 or trailing one count, or two count .... in reverse.

Oss Mr. Conatser, we play with them all. Gee, I guess that would mean we do train the "weak" side from the beginning, not to be weak... and we do all the techniques and forms both sides also. Guess I am just old fashioned. Anybody try Blocking Set #2 or Star Block with sticks yet, cradled position next, how about knives.? Don't forget the reverses, but please don't slash yourself up. There are things to learn in all motion, why discard any? Just too much else to do I guess, but not for my students!!!


Another intresting variation we do is combining different foot manuvers to this set. such as step throughs and cross overs.
I have done blocking set with the clubs, very nice when working with padded clubs. Using a blade is also another view that can be accomplished. And as you metioned, there is also the reverse.

Bill Smith
Blocking Set # 1 or 2 is a "SET" but not the "Star Block", it is a series of many, many exercises or drills. A set has a specific start and end.

The Star Block Exercise or Drill has hundreds of different drill combinations, with or with out weapons, moving in different foot patterns and all stemming off of the original "up in out down back push" sequence.

Originally it "WAS" THEE blocking pattern then Mr. Parker arranged the original pattern of blocks into a specific "set" complete with salutation beginning and end, however, the rest of the permutations became an additional exercises or drills for expansion of the blocks and coordination.

As always Mr. C,

Your clarifation as to the origin is .... well, clarifying. I thought that was the difference, but never heard it articulated. The variations remind me of 18 hands of Lo Han.

Your being back on this forum is appreciated.
