Something you don't see in Thailand......

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
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Something you don't see in Thailand is students holding pads. Holding Thai pads is an instructor position. You could likely train here every day for 10 years and not ever hold pads. The pad holder is the Kru(instructor).

However learning to hold pads is typically day 1 stuff in an "American Muay Thai" or "kickboxing" school or in a western county. Maybe not day 1, but something you will do in a short amount of time. Why? Economics.

As mentioned in my post about Maslow's needs, you just can't have an instructor holding pads for every student. And private lessons are often too expensive to be practical for your average student. It's economics effecting outcomes.

Thai's make about 300 bhat a day, and you can get first rate private lessons for about 500 bhat in Thailand per hour or day. But in the US you would pay maybe $45 to $75 an hour for typically a less qualified instructor.

The advantage is students learn to hold pads in western countries, the bad news is a student is holding pads. This isn't an admonishment for having students hold pads, just acknowledging the realities that a business has if they want enough students to keep the lights on.
Yeah that is why you never miss and all your strikes are wrecking balls.

We had a guy who couldn't understand why I wasn't catching his punches rather than him hitting the pad.

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