Some questions regarding self defense


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
Reaction score
If your attacker is running full throttle at you with the intention of knocking you down what should you do? There is not enough time to run away, he has caught you by surprise. Let's say he succeeds in knocking you on the ground and has his knees on your elbows and is having fun hitting you in the face. What can you do to get out of this debacle. Somebody I worked with suggested bringing your knees up and hitting his back with them, causing him to get knocked off you, as his weight is forward. I have a hard time believing this would work, than again I know almost nothing about groundfighting, the guy on the ground in this scenario was me in 8th grade! All informed suggestions appreciated.
dont let him knock you down.

it doesn't take much to either evade or interrupt an attack like that.

just time it right and take an angled sidestep just before he reaches you and push, strike, sweep, etc. the timing is crucial. move swiftly when he is one step away.

or strike the knee of his advancing leg when he gets in range.

this second option can be a bit dangerous, so use caution in training.


RedAnt Gung Fu
I stood there like a deer looking at headlights and got knocked down. I didn't know how to do anything back than except really amateurish wide punches, didn't know how to fight. I know a lot more now, thanks for your advice.
not that i have had many fights in my lifetime, and i dont know exactly what id do in that situation, in that time and place. i play rugby, i know it isnt a martial art, but ive learnt from rugby that if someoe is charging at you, if you cant get out of the way, the best thing to do is to meet the charge head on, brace yourself and steel youself to take the smash. even if you get took down, your took down on your terms. but ive only everhad this happen to me in a rugby situation, not a dangerous real life situation.
Step to the side and let there momentum take it course.

Joab: Well, that's worth trying, but having played football, its not all that hard to tackle somebody who steps aside as you run towards them. But thanks, it might work.
I stood there like a deer looking at headlights and got knocked down. I didn't know how to do anything back than except really amateurish wide punches, didn't know how to fight. I know a lot more now, thanks for your advice.

Aot of folks have that deer syndrome until they get proper training. Glad your training is paying off for you.
not that i have had many fights in my lifetime, and i dont know exactly what id do in that situation, in that time and place. i play rugby, i know it isnt a martial art, but ive learnt from rugby that if someoe is charging at you, if you cant get out of the way, the best thing to do is to meet the charge head on, brace yourself and steel youself to take the smash. even if you get took down, your took down on your terms. but ive only everhad this happen to me in a rugby situation, not a dangerous real life situation.

Joab:That might work now, I'm big, a little too big at 260 pounds, not kilos, and wide, I was very skinny back than and the guy running towards me was much stronger.
Joab: Well, that's worth trying, but having played football, its not all that hard to tackle somebody who steps aside as you run towards them. But thanks, it might work.

True but the last time a saw a drunk in a bar running at someone to take them down they sure was not thinking about proper football tackling. I have actually just stepped to the side and help with a push in the back so they would fall on there face.
Aot of folks have that deer syndrome until they get proper training. Glad your training is paying off for you.

Joab: I'm bigger and more confident now, and I'm not in junior high anymore, live in a small town, never get hassled. Don't know if my training has done any good besides confidence, no one has attacked me since I got into it.
Let's say he succeeds in knocking you on the ground and has his knees on your elbows and is having fun hitting you in the face. What can you do to get out of this debacle. Somebody I worked with suggested bringing your knees up and hitting his back with them, causing him to get knocked off you, as his weight is forward. I have a hard time believing this would work, than again I know almost nothing about groundfighting, the guy on the ground in this scenario was me in 8th grade! All informed suggestions appreciated.

You are on your back? Do a pelvic thrust causing him to lose his balance and concentrate on not falling forward and the pressure on your elbows should decrease long enough for you to wrap your arms around this thighs and twist the guy off..
True but the last time a saw a drunk in a bar running at someone to take them down they sure was not thinking about proper football tackling. I have actually just stepped to the side and help with a push in the back so they would fall on there face.

Joab: He was drunk, its not hard to defeat somebody who is drunk, their motor skills are shot.
Joab: I'm bigger and more confident now, and I'm not in junior high anymore, live in a small town, never get hassled. Don't know if my training has done any good besides confidence, no one has attacked me since I got into it.

Confidence in one ability has a great value when and if the time ever happens again. I hope you may never have to find out. I envy the fact you live ina small town, wish I was there with you.
You are on your back? Do a pelvic thrust causing him to lose his balance and concentrate on not falling forward and the pressure on your elbows should decrease long enough for you to wrap your arms around this thighs and twist the guy off..

Joab: That's a good idea, does that come out of
BJJ? Just curious, I want to take it some day. Thanks.
ive been insituations when i freeze. its horrible. your minds telling you to do something but you just cant do it.
as terryl965terryl965 said, alot of people have the deer in the headligts thing. i think people over come it with cnfidence or pure need.
the confidence probly comes with training and stuff. i think im gonna have to get some training going, but rugby is very good for building confidence.
you dont even relay need to be that big when having someone charging at you to hold your ground, ust kind of dig your heels in. but as i say again, ive only had this happen to me on a rugby pitch. not in real life. in real life suppose if its a bad enough situation, your brain will take over and it will know what to do.
Confidence in one ability has a great value when and if the time ever happens again. I hope you may never have to find out. I envy the fact you live ina small town, wish I was there with you.

Joab: yeah, confidence has kept me out of a lot of fights over the years. Its a nice little town that nobody in the area seems to know about, very wooded, rural, my wife and I are blessed.
Joab: That's a good idea, does that come out of
BJJ? Just curious, I want to take it some day. Thanks.

I don't know WHERE it originated.The ICHF has a real good Ground Survival Program...
Let's say he succeeds in knocking you on the ground and has his knees on your elbows and is having fun hitting you in the face. What can you do to get out of this debacle.

Pull your Spyderco folder from your back pocket and gig him in the kidneys. Repeat as needed till get gets off you.

ive been insituations when i freeze. its horrible. your minds telling you to do something but you just cant do it.
as terryl965terryl965 said, alot of people have the deer in the headligts thing. i think people over come it with cnfidence or pure need.
the confidence probly comes with training and stuff. i think im gonna have to get some training going, but rugby is very good for building confidence.
you dont even relay need to be that big when having someone charging at you to hold your ground, ust kind of dig your heels in. but as i say again, ive only had this happen to me on a rugby pitch. not in real life. in real life suppose if its a bad enough situation, your brain will take over and it will know what to do.

Rugby man that is one tough sport.
As he runs in , step 45 degrees , and do a roundhouse knee to the bladder region , whilst grabbing him on the shoulder or arm with both hands to amplify the force of your knee strike .

If you get mounted like that with some one high up on your chest with their knees on your arms that is a very bad situation to be in and it means that you have made some mistakes leading up to that point .

When you go down try to keep them in your guard , if you are mounted keep your elbows in so they can't move up high on your chest , and start bridgeing like crazy so they can't have a stable platform to hit you or get themselves settled on you .

But like the other guy said I would probably try to bridge and then get my arms out , then bury my head in his stomach and pull him down and roll him .

But I was in that situation you describe when I was about 10 or 12 on the ground with a kid on top of me and if I remember correctly I think I spat in his face , it gave just enough distraction to enable me to struggle free , and then I went after him with half a house brick , hey he was a big guy and I don't fight fair .