some more opinions wanted


2nd Black Belt
Sep 16, 2010
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Ok, these things are prolly covered in threads somewhere else, but I'll just combine the things I'm interested in hearing your take on into 1 thread. I only have the opinion of my 4 1st degrees, would like to know what others think. A lot have to do with various habits I'm having to break.

Colored uniforms on students - The last main instructor didn't care what color they wore. The head instructor came back and saw students wearing red and black (a green and a yellow belt) and was on the fence, color of your uniform doesn't mean anything, just color of belt. I flat out banned anything other than white. I let the students that already had colored uniforms keep wearing theirs, so they didn't have to incur the cost of a new uniform. Century is greedy.

Colored uniforms on instructors - I only wear white or black. I have one instructor in a blue/black 'team' uniform, and another that wears red with black stripes. I think that if you earned the black belt you earned the right to ear whatever color you want.

Side kick - Some how, these kids were taught how to throw a side kick without pivoting the standing leg and getting the hip rotation. They were also taught to swing the foot backwards like a pendulem as they chamber. I can't even do it, totally screwed up. I preach it over and over, I point out when they get it wrong. I'd about to the point that i'm just going to say 'no pivot = push ups'. We go up and down the line, we work with each kids one on one. We do 4 count kicks. Anyone have any tips that they do with the kids that work?

Sparring gear - Mouthguard/cup must have, gloves/feet to spar other students, headgear under 18. No chest protectors required. I've never used one. Are they really worth the extra money?
Ok, these things are prolly covered in threads somewhere else, but I'll just combine the things I'm interested in hearing your take on into 1 thread. I only have the opinion of my 4 1st degrees, would like to know what others think. A lot have to do with various habits I'm having to break.

Colored uniforms on students - The last main instructor didn't care what color they wore. The head instructor came back and saw students wearing red and black (a green and a yellow belt) and was on the fence, color of your uniform doesn't mean anything, just color of belt. I flat out banned anything other than white. I let the students that already had colored uniforms keep wearing theirs, so they didn't have to incur the cost of a new uniform. Century is greedy.

Colored uniforms on instructors - I only wear white or black. I have one instructor in a blue/black 'team' uniform, and another that wears red with black stripes. I think that if you earned the black belt you earned the right to ear whatever color you want.

Side kick - Some how, these kids were taught how to throw a side kick without pivoting the standing leg and getting the hip rotation. They were also taught to swing the foot backwards like a pendulem as they chamber. I can't even do it, totally screwed up. I preach it over and over, I point out when they get it wrong. I'd about to the point that i'm just going to say 'no pivot = push ups'. We go up and down the line, we work with each kids one on one. We do 4 count kicks. Anyone have any tips that they do with the kids that work?

Sparring gear - Mouthguard/cup must have, gloves/feet to spar other students, headgear under 18. No chest protectors required. I've never used one. Are they really worth the extra money?

I've taken Japanese karate for 5 years and Soo Bahk Do for over one so I have seen different things.

In Soo Bahk Do everyone wears white uniforms from white belts to the master. Only the color of the collar is different depending on what colorr your rank is. In my Japanese karate everyone had colored uniforms including instructors. I perferably like Soo Bahk Dos version better.

I don't have any suggestions for the side kicks though. I can't understand how they can throw a sidekick without pivoting. :confused:

For the Japanese karate I took, if we were not a blackbelt, we had to wear a mouthpiece, helmet, gloves, feet pads, shin guards, chest guard, and cups for guys. Blackbelts only needed gloves, cups, and mouthpieces. For Soo Bahk Do, because it is light contact, only mouthpieces, helmets, gloves, and cups are required but that is only for tournaments. For nrmal sparring in class nothing is required.

IMHO only mouthpieces, cups, and gloves should be required personally.

Hopes this helps.
As the laundry lady in my house I like the idea of colored uniforms. but that is your decision what you want to see. I also like th idea of having your instructors in something a bit different, easy to see at a glance, but again, your call.

Sidekick...we did focus kicks, stand by the wall and do kicks a t slow/medium speed, control the mechanics. Does not do much for the pivot but at least the swinging back is controlled, and 15 on each side is plenty, BURN baby burn... ;)

Add shin guards and elbow pads to the gear list. the cloth elbow bads don't cost but 10 bucks or so but nice to have over the bony parts, same as a little cussion over the shins...had a sick looking bruise once from colliding with a very stout leg of a big kid...we never had chest guards...but - in this day and age I would make the head gear requirement, too. Nobody can really afford these days to get hit in the noggin, but that is my personal oppinion.
1. Uniform - Which part of the word "Uniform" is not understood?
2. side Kick Pivot Drill. A. Shoulder to wall . Place hand on wall for balance . B. Hand not on wall reaches behind and grabs belt. (Keeps from rolling shoulder and turning back to opponent - Used for practice only. Guard up all other times. ) C. By count - Up on 1. No pivot yet Knee is bent & raised so thigh is parallel to floor or higher foot parallel to floor- Check students foot position. Support foot remains parallel to wall - Out on 2. Students must pivot, empasize ball of foot pivot so foot points to wall. Leg is extended. Check foot and body position. Back on 3 - return to position #2. Check foot position. Down on 4.
Count does not have to be 1,2,3,4. Can be 1,2,3,2,3,4.

3. Safety gear. reccomend head protection for all if on a hard floor. The protection is for the students head when it hits the floor more so than from the kick or punch.
Regarding uniforms, gear, and costs...

Macho and Century both have distributor programs. They'll let you in as a non-profit club at the Y, too; you may need a letter from the Y confirming that you're with them. I happen to prefer Macho... but that's just my preference.
The Y is set up as a tax exempt with Century and the Y pays shipping, which is nice bc Century charges retarded amount for shipping.

Head gear is a must, I was interested in opinions on chest protectors. I have 1 person, an instructor, that has one, but she's also 4'9 amd weighs 95 lbs (not joking). She's the biggest argument for cups, as she cracked an instructors during sparring one night.
IMO, you should run from Century. Bold Look will give you a wholesale account since you teach out of a rec center and only charge around $14 for white uniforms. Their uniforms are equal quality to Century, but I like the cut a little better. Belts are $2. Shipping from Bold Look is under ten dollars.
Tiger Claw will give you a wholesale account if your Y director writes a sentence or two stating you run a martial arts program at their facility.
I also have an account with KWON, but they focus mostly on TKD and Judo, so I end up using Bold Look more in the end.

You are right to make the students wear the same uniform. I read a good article years back stating that different color uniforms and different patches create cliques and sub-groups among the students. It is kind of like the rich kids wearing nicer clothes at school making the other kids feel inferior or like how the jocks wear one type of clothing and the skaters wear another, thus making the groups even more seperate.

Personally, I think white uniforms are impractical on kids, and medium or lightweight ones give the observer a far better view of the wearer's underwear than I like to have. :eek:

White shows dirt too well. I do think that everyone under black belt should have to wear the same uniform (hence the term), but I would go with black--it looks cleaner and thus wears longer, so it's cheaper in the long run.
Personally, I think white uniforms are impractical on kids, and medium or lightweight ones give the observer a far better view of the wearer's underwear than I like to have. :eek:

White shows dirt too well. I do think that everyone under black belt should have to wear the same uniform (hence the term), but I would go with black--it looks cleaner and thus wears longer, so it's cheaper in the long run.

White uniforms have become the tradition in TKD as well as the Okinawan and Japanese karate styles since that was all that was available when these systems were formalizing their structure. Black uniforms didn't come about until later, and they were a hallmark of the Hawaiian-derived arts like kenpo or kajukenbo.

I agree that black is more practical. It's just one of those things...
Colored uniforms on students..
In my experience only white uniforms are acceptable at WTF tournaments. I agree with Master Weiss about uniformity.

Colored uniforms on instructors
In my experience only the school master wears black pants or all black. Black belt students have black collars.

Side kick - Some how, these kids were taught how to throw a side kick without pivoting the standing leg and getting the hip rotation.
Not a tip but a comment: This is a recipe for future hip replacement.

...headgear under 18. No chest protectors required. I've never used one. Are they really worth the extra money?

1. Everyone should wear headgear.
a. Reduces chance of head injury.
b. Required for tournaments. Train like you compete.
2. IMO, chest protectors should be required.
a. Reduce injuries. I've had ribs cracked through a hogu, and have done that to someone else. Would've been worse without.
b. Hogus allow full power kicking. Without them, my experience is that people hold back...why practice that? They also keep some people sparring who would get hurt too much otherwise.
c. Required for tournaments. Train like you compete.
Regarding uniforms, gear, and costs...

Macho and Century both have distributor programs. They'll let you in as a non-profit club at the Y, too; you may need a letter from the Y confirming that you're with them. I happen to prefer Macho... but that's just my preference.

I like the Macho medium weight uniforms (I think they are the medium weight)

ours held up for 4 years as the only one, with plenty of washes (and no visible panties either.)

The over the counter pricing irks me, but through our instructor we got good deals.
We most likely can't get wholesale as we only order individual pieces as the students pay for them.
You can get wholesale through Bold Look even if you order one item at a time.
For example, a white vneck would be 13.99 with about $7 shipping. The middle weights are 2 or 3 dollars more. Of course, if you order more than one item, the shipping works out better. I usually get my items within 3 or 4 days.
I am a big fan of Bold--they have been good to my school over the years and they are the only company that sells black v-necks with NO tkd logo. My younger students wear those. Also, they are very aggressive on price matching.

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Chest protectors - No, absent a medical condition. Teach them to block instead.
"Pain is a wonderful Instructor,. But no one wants to go to his class." Choi Hong Hi.
For side kicks, have them stand next to something - can be a chair, stack of pads, something. You HAVE to pivot, rotate your leg so bottom of foot is facing forward (towards target), kick over the obsticle, then retract WITHOUT touching the object they are kicking over.

Basically doing the drill like Mr. Weiss suggests - 1) knee up 2) pivot 3) extend leg/kick 4) retract leg 5) pivot with knee up 6) put foot down. It is just this is being done over an object which requires them to pivot and re-chamber properly or they hit the object. Once they get the step by step, you can combine some of the steps like 1) pick up knee to chamber and pivot so supporting foot is backwards 2) rotate leg up and kick and rechamber 3) put foot down and pivot back to fighting stance. Or it could 1) pick knee up 2) pivot, kick, rechamber pivoting back 3) foot down. Whatever you feel works best.
Right now we do a 4 count without holding onto anything. 1 - knee up 2- pivot 3 - extend leg 4 - retract leg and set down. Walls are out, lined with glass. I tell them to pratice with a chair at home and show them how, going to make them use chairs in class tomorrow night. I'm going to try and get video of this side kick for you guys to see.
Ok, these things are prolly covered in threads somewhere else, but I'll just combine the things I'm interested in hearing your take on into 1 thread. I only have the opinion of my 4 1st degrees, would like to know what others think. A lot have to do with various habits I'm having to break.

Colored uniforms on students - The last main instructor didn't care what color they wore. The head instructor came back and saw students wearing red and black (a green and a yellow belt) and was on the fence, color of your uniform doesn't mean anything, just color of belt. I flat out banned anything other than white. I let the students that already had colored uniforms keep wearing theirs, so they didn't have to incur the cost of a new uniform. Century is greedy.

Colored uniforms on instructors - I only wear white or black. I have one instructor in a blue/black 'team' uniform, and another that wears red with black stripes. I think that if you earned the black belt you earned the right to ear whatever color you want.
Our organization dictates white uniforms, period. 4th Degrees and above get a stripe down the pant leg, certified instructors get a black collar. A few other things but that is it.

Side kick - Some how, these kids were taught how to throw a side kick without pivoting the standing leg and getting the hip rotation. They were also taught to swing the foot backwards like a pendulem as they chamber. I can't even do it, totally screwed up. I preach it over and over, I point out when they get it wrong. I'd about to the point that i'm just going to say 'no pivot = push ups'. We go up and down the line, we work with each kids one on one. We do 4 count kicks. Anyone have any tips that they do with the kids that work?
Tell them to visualize that they are standing next to a table. There is a ball on the table. In order for them to kick the ball and not bang their foot on the edge of the table, they have to pivot and chamber the kick so that their butt and their heel are both pointing at the ball. Now they can make contact without hitting the table.

I normally hold a blocker in front of them to simulate the table, but I've been known to actually drag a table out and set it up. Whatever it takes.

Sparring gear - Mouthguard/cup must have, gloves/feet to spar other students, headgear under 18. No chest protectors required. I've never used one. Are they really worth the extra money?
Our organization requires them. I personally don't like them, but they didn't bother to consult me on the deal. :lol:
I am getting video of this sidekick tomorrow night so I can show everyone. So messed up.
Right now we do a 4 count without holding onto anything. 1 - knee up 2- pivot 3 - extend leg 4 - retract leg and set down. Walls are out, lined with glass. I tell them to pratice with a chair at home and show them how, going to make them use chairs in class tomorrow night. I'm going to try and get video of this side kick for you guys to see.

If walls are out they can do a partner drill using their hand on the partners shoulder.

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