So, who here plays role playing or video games?


Blue Belt
May 2, 2006
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Anything like D&D or Champions (tabletop- just to name a couple), or PC/PS2/Xbox games? I'm curious who among the MT roster of members is a fellow gamer. :ultracool

Tabletop games are few and far between now, as most of my old gaming buddies have "grown up".

So, there's always World of Warcraft. ;)
My son is an EverCrack II addict! I mean Everquest II. Sorry. ;) Costs me $30 a month in subscription fees. He gets my money's worth out if it. :p I don't play video games or RPGs.
I'm an ex-MERP gamer (if you know that acronym then you are a real geek) who just doesn't have the time for pen-and-paper RPGs any more. I do love fighting games on my PS2 and fantasy RPGs on my PC.
We have an Xbox 360 that doesn't get much use. Maybe we need more game selection. My son likes the Age of Empires series. Lately, I just don't seem to have the time. When I do have free time, I prefer to be on the mat :)
Im a world of war crack addict err thats world of warcraft hehe :)
I used to play a lot of D & D type stuff a long time ago (D & D, Traveller, Runequest, MERP/Iron Crown, Aftermath, Space Opera) before computer gaming began it's rise and rise.

As time went by, groups drifted apart, got married, jobs ate more life and so on, I just got less and less opportunity to play. Even if we got a campaign going, it never reached a satisfactory conclusion as players schedules clashed, DM's didn't have the time to create stuff and sundry other things got in the way.

Nowadays, I play electronic games quite a bit but refuse to shell out for monthly installments of on-line gaming. I also refuse to upgrade my PC any more ... I have a mortgage to pay and rebuilding a top end spec'd machine every year just wasn't viable any longer.

So now I mostly play Age of Empires over LAN once a week and GranTurismo several nights too. I'm no longer as highly ranked as I once was (when I used to race in the multi-board OLR global competitions) but I'm still pretty good. The thing I enjoy the most now is spannering the cars i.e. tuning and honing the suspension to get the most out of it.
I'm an ex-MERP gamer (if you know that acronym then you are a real geek) who just doesn't have the time for pen-and-paper RPGs any more. I do love fighting games on my PS2 and fantasy RPGs on my PC.

Middle Earth baby! :)
No time anymore, but back in the day... D&D mostly. Any Paranoia fans?
I am old enough to remember Ye Olde Avalon Hill board games... which means I am way too old for the WWII shooters like Medal of Honor I play on PS2 when the other 5 family members are not around. :shooter:

Sometimes I also watch a movie - uninterrupted!!!! - on the PS2.

Guilty, but rare, pleasures...:angel:
Main systems were AD&D, Stormbringer, Shadowrun, and Cyberpunk. Bit of Runequest and Mechwarrior/Battletech (not really roleplaying.) Was helping develop Ars Magica into a LARP for WOTC before their discontinued their LARP side of the business, and played in a local Seattle based fantasy LARP for years.

I'm currently on the dev team for a role-playing system that should go public in about a month if we get the kinks of the intro milieu worked out. But that has been all remote work, since moving to Wyoming I really haven't gamed at all for the past 6 years except for when friends visit or I'm in Seattle play testing the system.

How could I forget about MechWarrior :eek:. I suppose because I think of it as a wargame with some 'personalisation' attached. I've had a BT novel on the go for years, based around my regiment in the 3rd Crucis Lancers :eek:.
Anything like D&D or Champions (tabletop- just to name a couple), or PC/PS2/Xbox games? I'm curious who among the MT roster of members is a fellow gamer. :ultracool


Table Top RPG's:
Shadowrun Second Edition (* I have Third and Fourth as well Just not playing it right now *)
StarWars (* On hold - hope it starts back up *)


Lots of games I used to play or could still play given people to play:

many many more

Also board games if I could find people looking to play :D
I am old enough to remember Ye Olde Avalon Hill board games... which means I am way too old for the WWII shooters like Medal of Honor I play on PS2 when the other 5 family members are not around. :shooter:

Sometimes I also watch a movie - uninterrupted!!!! - on the PS2.

Guilty, but rare, pleasures...:angel:

Wow, Avalon Hill! The first game I actually bought for my Commodore 64 was an Avalon Hill football simulation game. Unfortunately, the cassette tape it was on only loaded once. :angry:

This is the wrong forum for some of the role playing games I've played.
How could I forget about MechWarrior :eek:. I suppose because I think of it as a wargame with some 'personalisation' attached. I've had a BT novel on the go for years, based around my regiment in the 3rd Crucis Lancers :eek:.

You're a fan, too? Well someone, at least, will know where my cybername comes from then..........

On another note - that Iaido position is known as "Torture hiza" in these parts.:jediduel:
You're a fan, too? Well someone, at least, will know where my cybername comes from then..........

On another note - that Iaido position is known as "Torture hiza" in these parts.:jediduel:

Ah, yes, the Grey Death Legion. :D

I play Battletech/Mechwarrior myself when I can get my friends to sit down long enough (I actually recently procured a copy of the old first edition Mechwarrior book- I always preferred that 'era' of the storyline).

Currently Playing (Tabletop):
Mutants & Masterminds 2e
D&D 3.5

Have, and Would Like To Play:
Scion: Hero
Street Fighter
Star Wars Saga
Mechamorphosis (think the Transformers RPG, based upon D&D rules, without the licensing issue)
Virtual (think Tron RPG, as above)

(I have several other games, whether hardcopy or PDF, but those are the ones that most interest me). :)

MMO and other online games
City of Heroes/Villains (account currently inactive)
Battlefield 2 (PC)
Xbox Live (classic): Crimson Skies, Burnout Revenge

Video games I'm looking forward to (after I get a 360!)
Orange Box, Bioshock, Thrillville: Off the Rails, Mass Effect :)
Well I'm 24, and I still play a lot of video games. I have an XBox 360, set up with surround sound and big 101cm LCD. And I just find it so engrossing. Most of my friends have grown up and past this stage. But I can't. Who cares though huh'? I still train a lot, work full time, and hold down a social life. It's such a wonderful and therapeutic escape!!!

I'm a big shooter fan, and also RPG's (not online though)

Currently playing Bioshock & GRAW 2, whilst waiting for Halo 3, GTAIV, Assasin's Creed and Mass Effect!!!

Long live Microsoft!!! LOL...

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