So what is a DATU of Modern Arnis

Bob Hubbard

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The problem is, most people here can't understand you. Your writing style is very difficult to follow, which combined with the spelling errors, makes many simply ignore you. A man babbling incoherently on a street corner earns the odd look and avoidance. Many people here have suggested you install a spell checker. That alone will stop probably half the trouble you're having.

I'm sorry, but blaming dialup is a cop out. At least half our members are on dialup. I'm sorry you are disabled, and it's nice to have veterans on the board, but your disability cannot be so severe since you are able to teach seminars and events.

You had a fair chance. Your name was mentioned out of curiosity as no one here had really heard of you. Most of our members are from the 80's and 90's, very few from the 70's. Your claims, confusing posting style, as well as contradictions are what earned you a negative reputation. You still do have a fair chance. Correct your spelling problems, space things out a bit, and take some time to reread things before you hit "post".

Many of us are aware of the cultural and religious nature of Datu in the PI. The question is, what does it mean in Modern Arnis? As has been noted, Remy used a number of different titles. He could have called it "Prince", or "Shogun", or "President", but he chose "Datu", from his homeland. From my admittedly limited experience, the Modern Arnis Datus are welcome in the PI, and I believe at least 4 of the 6 have been there within the past few years. Most recently, both Kelly Worden and Dieter Knuttel, if memory serves me right. I heard no bad press about those visits, in fact I believe they came back with honors. I also recall no comments attributed to Remy that MOTT, etc were superior to Datu. So, for me, it's a leadership position, within the art as a whole, the highest, second only to Grandmaster. That position, to me, is reserved for Remy himself.


Brown Belt
May 11, 2006
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chico ca
Mr Hubbard --My wife showed me how to spell check;
Thanks.I understnad what you are saying of Datus may to be understood to be.I have seen Datu rites.They become Like a Warlord or Shogun--
The title implies over Grandmaster.Hence spitiual leader.
I can except your thoughts on its meanings.
I only state some might see it for what it is.
Thats great Mr.Warden has been over there & excepted.But
is it possable(just asking now) that they havent been were the
actual Datus are & recieved exceptance?
I wont stipulate that Grandmaster provided a rare title as He Was Kind &
Loved the arts with all his being,
If we except it as being 2nd to Grandmaster--I ask it be published &
deemed that this will be the rite & not disputed.This will stop the
entry of the possable other arts that Embedded Datu to their art.
Proffessor was the Founder of His Art Juast as others.
Hence the founder has All Rights to Rank as See Fit Or Deamed.
This is the standard law & or rights to the Arts.

This is only a suggueston that may be alterd to your ways & or utilised for the Arts preservation & Historical rights.
I stand by Remys Dream & gols & suport 100% of what He has out lined & or deamed the best for the arts.
I will note that Datus will mean as such-& I hope some kind of way with Datus has come to bring the What is a Datu to "Honor the Datus" 2nd in comand!
Rich Parsons

Rich Parsons

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PeteNerd said:
So given these assertions I guess one could logically conclude that the Datus of modern arnis are the leaders of the different tribes of modern arnis. Then the question is, how many tribes of modern arnis are there?



Thank you for responding. :)

I like your question here.

So would the leader of a tribe not already given the title of Datu be a Datu if they are the leader(s)?


Yellow Belt
Aug 12, 2005
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Rich Parsons said:

Thank you for responding. :)

I like your question here.

So would the leader of a tribe not already given the title of Datu be a Datu if they are the leader(s)?

It seems to me that the title of Datu in Modern Arnis is more of an honorific title, given to people that were seen as leaders. Are all Datus leaders and are all leaders Datus?

Another question is what is the point of a title if people don't believe it is valid or respect it. The titles in and of themself don't necessarily demand respect. I've seen discussion about one member who claims a title as "Master and Guardian." Whether his claim to this title is valid or not, doesn't really matter because pretty much no one believes him.

I'm just curious where you are really trying to go with this Rich. You're fishing around for something.



Orange Belt
Nov 10, 2004
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New Jersey
It is a possibility that with so many high ranking Masters in Modern Arnis, GM Remy wanted to establish a way to differentiate those who had special qualities that stood out among the rest, without sparking jealousy between the Master ranks.

I believe that awarding the "Datu" title might have been his way of saying that you were not only an excellent instructor/practitioner of Modern Arnis, but also that you were an exceptional individual that even other practitioners of equal rank could look to for leadership and guidance.

We might never really know. IMHO someone should have asked these questions when GM Remy was around to guide us.

-Rich Acosta


Brown Belt
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
chico ca
There is away to know---Remy also told me of notes on the art
& maybe they could be looked at or Remy jr to confirm exactly what the title was to imply for the status so "With out a doudt we as there ones who teach & collect History are 100% on what Respect-Honor-the entilements of the art to them & mre then that
What is mean for historical & todays referance to mark in time;
Remy had inovated a place & so special it was granted to a
small unique group of exceptionaly skilled & talented warriors.
Rich Parsons

Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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PeteNerd said:
It seems to me that the title of Datu in Modern Arnis is more of an honorific title, given to people that were seen as leaders. Are all Datus leaders and are all leaders Datus?

Another question is what is the point of a title if people don't believe it is valid or respect it. The titles in and of themself don't necessarily demand respect. I've seen discussion about one member who claims a title as "Master and Guardian." Whether his claim to this title is valid or not, doesn't really matter because pretty much no one believes him.

I'm just curious where you are really trying to go with this Rich. You're fishing around for something.



You are very intelligent and see that I have an idea.

I have no motive towards any Datu or Senior Master or Master of Tapi Tapi.
As a practitioner of an art and a staff member here, I would like to disucss certain things, and drive conversation and also possibel straighten things out for less confusion.

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