So, Did Santa Bring You any MA Gear?

You need to understand the situation at hand my friend.
It is almost impossible for non martial artist's to buy a true martial artist anything good. So I have devised a simple system at my house. Find something tell the wife then buy it and then she gives it to me. That way I always get what I want!
(she likes it too by the way)

This year it was BJ Penn's new book Mixed Martial Arts the Book of Knowledge and some Kettle Bells.

This system has stood me in good shape for a number of years and has kept me from getting some of the worthless MA junk that is peddled out there.
I kinda did.

I got a couple of Visa gift cards with which I bought a knife and some kettleballs myself.
Nope. I got exactly what I asked for from my mother, which was stuff for my house - but I would never ask her for TKD stuff; she just doesn't understand TKD, and doesn't want to.
I received a free-standing heavy bag. Haven't filled the base yet, so I'm not sure how well it will work. The free-standing bags always seem like they're easy to tip over, and it would be a hassle to do reps if you have to keep picking up the bag.
For my husband there were a supporter and other little but necessary thingies for daily training, LOL. I want a new dobok so santa can wait to bring it to me, I'll be happy anyways, lol.
It might not fit entirely into the realm of MA gear, but I got a new Glock G17. That is as close as it got this year. I think I might see about some kettlebells next year.
Nope. I got exactly what I asked for from my mother, which was stuff for my house - but I would never ask her for TKD stuff; she just doesn't understand TKD, and doesn't want to.

Kacey you got some nice desk top mini swords from Santa remember
Oh by the way Kacey brought me some cool books, one that got stolen about two years ago and was never replace and a great CD of a BB test that she conducted. Really cool items.
I received a free-standing heavy bag. Haven't filled the base yet, so I'm not sure how well it will work. The free-standing bags always seem like they're easy to tip over, and it would be a hassle to do reps if you have to keep picking up the bag.

Even the best free standing bags will fall over from time to time. Use that moment to go from striking on your feet to striking a downed opponent. Works great and teaches you to change in the moment!
Even the best free standing bags will fall over from time to time. Use that moment to go from striking on your feet to striking a downed opponent. Works great and teaches you to change in the moment!

Great idea, Brian. Thanks!

I just filled it with 250 lbs of playground sand and tried it out. It stays up quite well. In fact, unless I make ridiculous improvements in my striking power, this thing ain't going down. It gives just enough to be springy, and base movement is negligible. I had my reservations about free-standing bags, but I think this is going to work out nicely.
Kacey you got some nice desk top mini swords from Santa remember

Very true - but I wasn't thinking of you as Santa... although with a white beard and a suit... hmm... :) And they are very nice - too bad I can't take them to the middle school with me, but I think that'd be a real problem. I guess they'll just have to stay at home.

Oh by the way Kacey brought me some cool books, one that got stolen about two years ago and was never replace and a great CD of a BB test that she conducted. Really cool items.

I'm glad you like them. You're very welcome!
I got a great big bundle of sticks and a lump of coal, They are great breaking gifts.Ha Ha! I also got a couple of good M.A. books. Happy New Year to all!!!! All the best in the arts
I got the group shots taken at the the 2007 Meet and Greet in Buffalo..If that counts??