Slightly concerned about my school.


Yellow Belt
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Southeastern USA
I've been practicing TKD for around 2 months now and have already been promoted to High White Belt. My Graduation is the 20th of this month, and for some reason, I absolutely do NOT feel I deserve this promotion. We are graded every month for a stripe on the belt. 4 stripes equals qualification to take graduation test. After my first month, I passed my first stripe test, which I felt I did below satisfactory on. On my second month, I was tested again, but this time, I was tested on the remainder 3 stripes at once. According to the master, I passed, I however disagree with him.

I noticed a trend with the belt exams, even if a student of a much higher ranking, such as blue, purple, red or brown, does not accomplish their required material, the master will still promote their stripe. I personally don't think this is right, however I am new to this whole scene and could be completely wrong.

For some background:

The "master" is 2nd Dan BB. He only teaches the class on occasion, and usualy for only 30 minutes of classtime or less, even when he is there at the dojang.

He employs two other black belts who, from my observations, are much more talented and knowledgable than the master. The master is very forgetting of the martial arts that is being taught and it makes him appear as though he doesn't practice enough, or isn't dedicated.

The two other employed BBs are very well trained and are very very talented. I find it a privelage to be taught by them.

My questions here are:

How should I approach this situation?

Am I a victim of McDojo due to the what appears to be rapid promotion?

How long should I be training per stripe? (I feel at least 3 months per stripe. 4 stripe x 3 months = 1 year per belt)

I don't mean any disrespect, I just want proper guidance. X.X;
I've been practicing TKD for around 2 months now and have already been promoted to High White Belt. My Graduation is the 20th of this month, and for some reason, I absolutely do NOT feel I deserve this promotion. We are graded every month for a stripe on the belt. 4 stripes equals qualification to take graduation test. After my first month, I passed my first stripe test, which I felt I did below satisfactory on. On my second month, I was tested again, but this time, I was tested on the remainder 3 stripes at once. According to the master, I passed, I however disagree with him.

I noticed a trend with the belt exams, even if a student of a much higher ranking, such as blue, purple, red or brown, does not accomplish their required material, the master will still promote their stripe. I personally don't think this is right, however I am new to this whole scene and could be completely wrong.

For some background:

The "master" is 2nd Dan BB. He only teaches the class on occasion, and usualy for only 30 minutes of classtime or less, even when he is there at the dojang.

He employs two other black belts who, from my observations, are much more talented and knowledgable than the master. The master is very forgetting of the martial arts that is being taught and it makes him appear as though he doesn't practice enough, or isn't dedicated.

The two other employed BBs are very well trained and are very very talented. I find it a privelage to be taught by them.

My questions here are:

How should I approach this situation?

Am I a victim of McDojo due to the what appears to be rapid promotion?

How long should I be training per stripe? (I feel at least 3 months per stripe. 4 stripe x 3 months = 1 year per belt)

I don't mean any disrespect, I just want proper guidance. X.X;
Each belt = a kup or it should. There are 9 kups. At your rate you will get you Black Belt in 9 years. If that is OK with you then so be it. I say if you go to class at least 3-4 times a week you should get you BB in 4-5 years. But that is just an average, it can be a bit longer or a bit shorter, depending on the student.

As far as you head instructor (not master, as master is 5th Dan and above) I would have concerns. We just went over this exact thing you describe in our instructor classes today. We were taught to be confident and to know our stuff. We were told that if a color belt is being taught and we don't know our stuff the that color belt will not respect us and will see us as not being good teachers, as he will see us as not knowing what we are doing. We were also told that we can only make 3 mistakes to any single student before we are dismissed in that student's mind. Seems that my Master was correct see that you have this exact issue and express doubt in his teachings.

I cannot tell you what to do nor would I suggest one way or another but I am sure you will do something as you already have concerns and doubt in your mind.

Good luck whatever you do.
From my personal experience I cannot take martial arts from an instructor that I do not respect. Whether it be from a skill, knowledge, or moral stand point. Remember you are paying for his instruction. If you feel that it is lacking go with another dojo. I am sure there are other TKD places around you.
First off you are a white belt making commits about your instructor, what is wrong with the world when someone with very little knowledge believe his BB ar better? Have you actually trained with your instructor? What is the basis that he knows nothing? Did his two employees train under him? I would try and really ask question before jumping into a ring of fire and as far as is it a Mc dojo who knows but the way he grades it will take you 4-5 years to get to BB an that is not the norm from a Mcdojo, they give BB aways in 12 - 18 months.
If he is a 2nd dan then he is no master instructor. I have 2nd and 3rd dan assistants. Did his assistants learn under him? You should reread your post. You will find all the answers you need. I would run.....not that you will find the next school any better. They are businesses after all. Next time look a little closer at the school b4 you sign up.
I've been practicing TKD for around 2 months now and have already been promoted to High White Belt. My Graduation is the 20th of this month, and for some reason, I absolutely do NOT feel I deserve this promotion. We are graded every month for a stripe on the belt. 4 stripes equals qualification to take graduation test. After my first month, I passed my first stripe test, which I felt I did below satisfactory on. On my second month, I was tested again, but this time, I was tested on the remainder 3 stripes at once. According to the master, I passed, I however disagree with him.

I noticed a trend with the belt exams, even if a student of a much higher ranking, such as blue, purple, red or brown, does not accomplish their required material, the master will still promote their stripe. I personally don't think this is right, however I am new to this whole scene and could be completely wrong.

For some background:

The "master" is 2nd Dan BB. He only teaches the class on occasion, and usualy for only 30 minutes of classtime or less, even when he is there at the dojang.

He employs two other black belts who, from my observations, are much more talented and knowledgable than the master. The master is very forgetting of the martial arts that is being taught and it makes him appear as though he doesn't practice enough, or isn't dedicated.

The two other employed BBs are very well trained and are very very talented. I find it a privelage to be taught by them.

My questions here are:

How should I approach this situation?

Am I a victim of McDojo due to the what appears to be rapid promotion?

How long should I be training per stripe? (I feel at least 3 months per stripe. 4 stripe x 3 months = 1 year per belt)

I don't mean any disrespect, I just want proper guidance. X.X;

The word McDojo gets thrown around way to much by people who know way to little about any particular organization. If you have a problem or any issue with your Instruction/Promotion speak with the "Master" if he answers your questions to your satisfaction and remain happy with your school then stay. If you are unhappy respectfully move on after the end of your contract.
What organization does your school belong to?
That make a huge difference in testing protocol.

As to you chief instructor (school owner?), some people are just not cut out to teach. For what ever reason. But the man holds the doors open and employs 2 other guys whom you describe as dedicated. One or two month is not really long enough to understand how the show is run.

There is not much you can do about how the school is run and how they grade, but if you do not like the way they do things, you can always shop around for another place.
First off you are a white belt making commits about your instructor, what is wrong with the world when someone with very little knowledge believe his BB ar better? Have you actually trained with your instructor? What is the basis that he knows nothing? Did his two employees train under him? I would try and really ask question before jumping into a ring of fire and as far as is it a Mc dojo who knows but the way he grades it will take you 4-5 years to get to BB an that is not the norm from a Mcdojo, they give BB aways in 12 - 18 months.


Normally I would agree with you, but on this one I see the students point. If a white belt can obviously see the instructor cant remember how to do something as he is teaching a white belt, the most basic of skills, then yes, I too would question his ability.


Stripes are stripes. I dont do them, but many do for many reasons. Some to grade a students ability before promoting to next rank, This can be because the instructor does not know the students well enough to keep track of.... some do it as a way to generate income.

First, as a white belt, I would be too concerned with the whole "feeling your ready". If you can display the techniques and have learned what is needed, then it is time to progress to the next step. You have a lifetime to "perfect the Material". having said that, when it is time for he actuall BELT test, you should have perfected the material at a "WHITE" belt level. not a black belt level of perfection for a white belt.
It is good to want to perfect your technicues and want to feel comfortable progressing, but remember, your only progressing to a yellow belt.... not a black belt. Each belt you should learn your new techniques and CONTINUE to perfect techniques learned prior to that belt. If you learn what needs to be known for white and never do it again..... you will not improve your skills. you will then be checking off another box toward black.

As you progress toward BB, you will have practiced the basic techniques a million times and you should be ready for Black.

As for the instructor passing students who dont seem to be able to know or remember their stuff during a test.... look at it this way.... do they know it during class and are they just nervous? or are they really horrible and the instructor is just promoting them to get the money. sometimes "SOME" instructors have already tested thier students prior to testing day. They watch in class and have already decided that they are ready. The test is just a formality and a chance to perform infront of people. Some instructors have more sympathy than others (I dont.... you can fail a test with me....). Some instructors believe in being HARD and tough, while others have a softer approach to teaching. If you are really concerned, pay more attention to yourself and making yourself the best. over time you will know the difference of what kind of instructor you really have... after all it has only been 2 months.

Until then, remember, he is still the instructor (even if he is only a 2nd....) and he should know what is best and when you are ready.
My Graduation is the 20th of this month, and for some reason, I absolutely do NOT feel I deserve this promotion.

I dislike the term "graduation" being used in martial arts. It sounds so PC and makes me think the school that uses it is a belt factory. My son's day care facility uses the word graduation too when they move a kid up into a higher age category. Meh.
D1jinx I understand your point white belts can question and should, my only concern is if the instructor is actually mking mistakes or is he interptating it as a mistake? You see I from time to time will do something wrong to see if my instructor or students cathes it and to see if they are really paying attention to what is being tought, just another way of looking at it. Thanks for your reply as always I respect what you have said.
Welcome to MT!

As you can see, there are a lot of opinions, but you are the student so you must decide for yourself.

Some times when we take classes with higher ranking students and watching instructors demonstrate, we feel a bit overwhelmed and in awe of the people around us. Sometimes this makes, especially a beginning student feel a bit uncoordinated, unskilled, and in-adept. This is understandable. I still feel that way sometimes after training 7 to 8 years. (lol). The thing to remember is that the expectations of a white belt are different from the higher colored belt ranks. A white belt will look and preform like a white belt, a yellow belt will look and preform like a yellow belt. etc. Cut yourself some slack and soak all of it in like a sponge and keep practicing!!!
I can give you a few reasons for a perception that the head instructor may not recall some matrial as well as lower ranked instructors.
1. You may be right. The instructor may simply have never learned it.
2. The instructor may not pracice it enough
3. The instructor may have learned any number of variations before the now current curriculum was decided upon and there may be difficulty keeping the current revision in his brain whereas people who only learned the current revision don't have this issue.
4. The instructor may have learned a large volume of material and know it well but not be able to recall at what rank students learn each item without referring to printed materials.

I know that I fall under items 3 & 4.
I can give you a few reasons for a perception that the head instructor may not recall some matrial as well as lower ranked instructors.
1. You may be right. The instructor may simply have never learned it.
2. The instructor may not pracice it enough
3. The instructor may have learned any number of variations before the now current curriculum was decided upon and there may be difficulty keeping the current revision in his brain whereas people who only learned the current revision don't have this issue.
4. The instructor may have learned a large volume of material and know it well but not be able to recall at what rank students learn each item without referring to printed materials.

I know that I fall under items 3 & 4.

Option 5: having outside matters on the mind...
There's also the simple possibility that the instructor hasn't worked that particular material in a while because he's working on other things.

There are red flags about this school; students do seem to be promoted quickly, based on the OP's statements. But he's a new white student with very little time in. Perceptions are often deceptive until shaped by experience. I think the best advice is to simply stay open, train hard, and evaluate things as they progress.
D1jinx I understand your point white belts can question and should, my only concern is if the instructor is actually mking mistakes or is he interptating it as a mistake? You see I from time to time will do something wrong to see if my instructor or students cathes it and to see if they are really paying attention to what is being tought, just another way of looking at it. Thanks for your reply as always I respect what you have said.

you know.... I have actually been guilty myself of forgeting some things in the middle of teaching. call it lack of concentration or just plain being mentally lazy but i have been right in the middle of doing something and ...poof.... it gone. I think i should have been a magician.

Thanks for the reply... I too see your point.

Some times when we take classes with higher ranking students and watching instructors demonstrate, we feel a bit overwhelmed and in awe of the people around us. Sometimes this makes, especially a beginning student feel a bit uncoordinated, unskilled, and in-adept. This is understandable. I still feel that way sometimes after training 7 to 8 years. (lol). The thing to remember is that the expectations of a white belt are different from the higher colored belt ranks. A white belt will look and preform like a white belt, a yellow belt will look and preform like a yellow belt. etc. Cut yourself some slack and soak all of it in like a sponge and keep practicing!!!

well put.
I would advise you to ignore the speed on which you are ranking. You said there are two instructors who you feel are very talented. Think to yourself, is the amount you are paying worth the instruction you are receiving from the school. That is are you learning at a reasonable rate, learning things you want to learn, and enjoying the environment and people. If the answer is yes you feel it is worth it; then why worry about how fast you rank or even if the head instructor is so-so. On the other hand, if you are going broke trying to pay for class fees, grading fees, buying equipment and the like (and check if higher ranks cost more, sneaky trap there) then maybe it's not the school for you.

I would say that to grade from white to yellow is generally about 3 months, one school term. The way you describe it the rate you are going isn't beyond belief at all, just most school won't put stripes on white belt ranks. If you still think you are grading too fast and don't want to cause disrespect, make up excuses as to why you can not attend your grading (work, injury, etc) and that should slow you down. But then again, he is the instructor, sometimes he knows better than a white belt when they're ready to grade. Don't forget that.
yeah, we were ( and I am) about 3 months a belt til 4th gup. then about 6 months a belt til 1st Dan . sure there are always exceptions, shorter and longer, but this is the standard for us. Averages about 36 months from white to 1st black, but by NO MEANS the standard. can b longer. no real time limit such as "its been 3 months u need to test" dont believe in that. I do believe in, "its only been 2 months, you need to wait"... but like I said, each person is different and you cant really put a time line on it, just an average for students in the past.

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