Say something about the Martial Artist below you!

Indeed I do! His name is Alex and he is a big gray ball of feline fur.

The next person to post is sore!!
very true, rough training last night.

The next person finds this thread more interesting than they first thought

The next person has forgotten a name of a person there were talking to.


Person below me doesn't feel as welcome in a once welcome community

The next person keeps watching re-runs of the Karate Kid! Wax on! Wax off!
VFGzsas,,lswe grrrrr false I am using my elbow.
(Now fingers) After the first word I admit it became easier to type with the elbow still too slow tho.

The next person has a young kid (or had it and now has grown) and hopes when the kid reaches the right age he/she will develope interest in MAs.
Nope - I've already had my birthday for the year.

The person below me says blue is their favorite color.
false orange is

the next person is thinking about martial arts now
True... especially because I'm gonna have a private lesson this Friday! Only now they will be weekly!

The next person freaked out during a belt test (crying, hyperventilating, the works).
Nope... although I have students who've done that

The next person is on MT at work
True, but I'm all better now :)

The next person has integrated theiris training into their everyday lives
True - helps to keep me well balanced.

The next person does well when training, but not at the same level when working out with their Instructor.

The person below me loves to watch all of Bruce Lee's movies.