S&T Evading a fight, pursuit by an aggresor who is faster than you



How do you withdraw from an engagement when someone can out run you? I hanv'nt realy had to do this before and I assume I would weave a bit but ultimatly I would be forced to stop launch an attack to keep distance than bolt again untill they got tired of it.
Your outlook on this is interesting and could be very affective however dont forget that you have other options if you have made the choice of not fighting. One of our most powerful weapon alot of people seem to forget....(try to use some verbal skills) talking more than not can resolve a scituation. Think of all of those people who work in a jail or prison most correctional facilities do not allow any weapons to enter even by there own staff, and the few that do only allow weapons that are less than lethal such as pepper sray or riot batons. should evading by retreat and talking fail maybe you should reconcider your decision not to fight.
Assuming that they've made the choice to fight for you:

You can always try to fall back on fighting dirty. Hit them in the knees with some nearby object (chair), then see how fast they can run.

It is important to remember not to turn your back on them however. At least not until there's some safe distance.

Not much, but that's what I've got. Hopefully none of us ever piss off someone more athletic than us.
this is more a theoretic situation, I always talk my way around fights.. actualy I have rarely ever even gotten intoa situation I needed to talk out of, second I personaly don't realy distinguish between dirty fighting and clean fighting, I don't start fights and if someone realy wants to press the issue they are not a moral person. In that regard givin a set of "gentelmens rules" would not apply, so I simply fight by the implicit rules set (none).

Ok Lets say you know who the person is, lets say you have seen them get in a fight with someone else abd you don't think you could take them, now granted if I have no choice and I'm fearfull of getting pounded I'm gona fight like a lunatic because I have nothing to loose, but the idea realy is to avoid injury.
Marc MacYoung has a book on this topic worth a look calles, I believe, Street E&E.
In urban areas, there are many places to hide. If you have stamina, then you can at least get him so tired he won't try to pursue you. But someone who's very conditioned and very fast, I don't really know what to tell you. Try to find something like a 2x4 or a glass bottle, something.
try hitting 2" above their knee either inside or outside their quads should cramp and theywill have a hard time standing let alone running or you could target their ribs knock the air out of them then they wont be ablre to chease very far
Originally posted by sweeper
How do you withdraw from an engagement when someone can out run you? I hanv'nt realy had to do this before and I assume I would weave a bit but ultimatly I would be forced to stop launch an attack to keep distance than bolt again untill they got tired of it.

The assumption that speed can't be "outrun" is not correct.

If you were runnning on a track that would be correct. He'll outrun you. But that's theoreticle (sp?). You're not running on a track, but running in real life. And then there is alot of other considerations. Some of them are timing and balance. Using the two should place your oppenant in such a situation that you can take care of it.

And I mean this as a picture of running, and the physical confrontation.

so you mean like zig zag a little stop sudenly and throw a kick out to stop his forward motion again than run again?
That could be a way.

Another is to "push" him while running.
Another is to use the enviroment; conors, box'es, sticks anything.

The really question is running going to help. If your the slow part, you have to make that your upperhand, and you will win.

I to tall (big) to run fast, not to talk about to old, so I'd opt for the first option. Just when he thinks that he'll get me, I'd turn at kick his kneecape off (really depending on how grave the situation is..).

well if I can't fight for whatever reason. say I injured my arm, or say there are three of them and they are all bigger than me and I don't think I should chance it.. presuming talking has failed, what option do I have?
Your not really leaving much for me to work with is thier a answer your looking for here.

I wouldnt give hurt arm/missing arm whatever i would have to be sure to go home and not the grave, not saying im all powerful just that i wouldnt give up.

Hard training breeds warriors..........
Sweeper. Can't run and can't fight OK!.......

Alot depends on your location. Lets say you happen to be on the side of town that has a lot of men dancing with men. You could put your one hand on your hip and look them straight (Oh did I say straight - never mind) and say with a stern voice, "That color makes you look fat". They will more than likely take offense at such a cruel statement and start to cry.

In all seriousness, your option quota is nil. If you physically can't do anything to protect yourself you are as they say SOL.
I thought possibly that you mite be able to do something along the lines of what some people have advised potential rape victims to do. But if it's a guy or guys that just want a piece of you, that won't deter them. I think you have depicted a no win situation. SORRY........
well it's strictly theoretic, I realy can't see this situation comming up all to often. I'm fairly fast, I play soccer so rappid acceleration endurance as well as being able to move fast backwards and sideways are all strong points for me. But I could theoreticly be injured in class and have a soccer injury that would prevent me from running away, of course in reality the only times I had soccer injuries that have prevented me from running I actualy had trouble walking so in the future If that happens again I'm going with a cain so I'll be up a weapon.

I'm simply proposing a situation where you want to run but you can't out run them, it realy doesn't matter why you don't want to fight, but rather how do you deal with the situation. and if "you'er SOL" is the answer than it's the answer..
hmm this is theoritical situations...
let's play it in theatres then(i mean sparring Mat/ring)
assume urself that u hav plastered on one hand(let's say better hand)
first pshyched up urself(well on Mat u can't put the real fears n worries so u need time to psyche up or charge up as they say in DBZ :D)
when u think u r ready step on to mat with 2 or more oppnt...
n now start playing tag(i mean sparr) seriously enuff to trouble u

this is not xactly No Win situation... it's tough but possible...
then practice on situational sparring in real environment(how many times u practiced in outside ur dojo??)
in ur situation i assume u r totally in crap...
remember plaster can hold ur hand for a bit u can use that hand as a set up too, n use ur wrong hand as hitting.

so wat u choose?
ur maker? or life but with lost hand??
i'll chose the later

remember it's about smart n efficient rather than fast n dead...
thinking about positioning, it's faster than speed n stronger than strength.
if street gives an advantage for an oppnt then it gives advantage for me too...
after sparring sometimes u'll find something which u can take it down n think about it...
try sparring n then let's talk about our Notes :)
Originally posted by sweeper
what option do I have?

I don't know.

But I know that you cant look for an exact answer on a question that's not exact. You'll end up with alot of maybes and what if's.

If you're worried about this senario, start training in Systema. :D

Sorry - couldn't resist!

But seriously, we do train with multiple attackers while in awkward positions (eg. lying down, etc.). It all depends on the situation of course, but it is possible to use the attackers against each other.

Here's one of my favourites...let's say you have 3 guys surrounding you and the one in front is mouthing off at you...attack the guy behind you first. Then you're not surrounded anymore and you have more space to work.


Disclaimer: I train for self defense and I've never been in a real fight...I mouthed off at the toughest kid in my class in Grade 3 and I soon realized the errors of my way when he threatened to meet me after school. Lucky for me he didn't want to miss his bus.:)
Originally posted by TheLady

Here's one of my favourites...let's say you have 3 guys surrounding you and the one in front is mouthing off at you...attack the guy behind you first. Then you're not surrounded anymore and you have more space to work.
Janice i dunno how systema works(tho i hav heard only good things about it)
but if u r surrounded then u forgot the lesson No 1 in SD
which SHOULD Talk about awareness, if u r surrounded then u r almost screwed(just take it like that)
if i m bad mouthing with someone i take special care n try to use all my senses so that no one can surround me(even some of his freind join him later from ur back)
i mean u don't want u wont be in situation
but we all know **** happens
so let's all train...

anyways in most of situations where u r at immediate disadvantage u CAN use the surprise factor to ur advantage.
well I'm not realy worrid about dealing with multiple attackers, it was just an example, the question realy is just focused on running and being run down, I have done multiple partner sparing (well 2 on one and 3 on 2) but it's not the same thing, I spar outside but not nesisaraly in an environment I would have to fight in (that could cover anything).
Hail a Cab.

Lets see em outrun a cab.

I agree that your chances for "survival" in this circumstance are going to be based on how well you use your surroundings and environment. HIDE. Find a COP. Find a CROWD. Run into a Store or restaraunt. Put yourself in a position where they will be less likely to want to come fight you... I.E. surrounded by people...