Ronda rousey: more mma would cause less shootings


Senior Master
Aug 26, 2016
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So in the article rousey talks about how mma is an outlet for aggression and would cause less shootings. I personally disagree with this. While martial arts is a good outlet for aggression and maybe it'll stop guys fighting in the street but not shootings. People who go and shoot up schools or nightclubs etc that's not just a bit of aggression that needs letting out that's mental issues. You go killing random strangers you have something very wrong with you and martial arts would not help with that.

I get it's an mma documentary so they're trying to make sport sound good but to me that's the wrong statement because people like that belong in prison and get mental help not martial art training.
Depends. If it keeps kids who are awkward from becoming isolated, and gives them an outlet, it might be the difference.
Martial arts has been around for well over a century in the west , boxing even longer than that and both have been touted as being good for 'letting out aggression' yet there's still crimes of violence. I think as you say that violent crime isn't caused by aggression as such but people with a very different agenda. What boxing has always been good for and latterly martial arts including MMA is catching the youngsters and giving them a focus other than criminal activities.
Yeah, but look at a clip for the film itself. This documentary looks good on so many different levels, and Kevin Costner narrates it.

Any ideas when and where it will be shown? Will it be shown outside the US?
Depends. If it keeps kids who are awkward from becoming isolated, and gives them an outlet, it might be the difference.
Agreed. More kids in MMA (or any martial art, as well as other activities) may help decrease violence, but not for the reasons Rousey suggests.
Not allowing mentally unstable people to own guns might be a better place to start.
Depends. If it keeps kids who are awkward from becoming isolated, and gives them an outlet, it might be the difference.
Sure, but any activity could possibly fit that bill. I don't think MMA is necessarily better (nor worse) in that regard, and then it comes down to the interests of the individual. It could just as well be Chess Club, Dungeons and Dragons, or country Square Dancing.
Sure, but any activity could possibly fit that bill. I don't think MMA is necessarily better (nor worse) in that regard, and then it comes down to the interests of the individual. It could just as well be Chess Club, Dungeons and Dragons, or country Square Dancing.
I totally agree.
Having some way for the mentally unstable to actually get help would be an even better start.
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. I think both at the same time are better than either individually. Get them help AND keep them from getting guns.
In America, someone has to be getting screwed. Anything that's good for everyone is bad.

Yeah i raised the idea on another forum. Because our system is actually cheaper on the tax payer than yours is and you can get pretty good care for very little money.

Apparently it is communism or something.
Any ideas when and where it will be shown? Will it be shown outside the US?

From what I can gather, it's only showing in theatres for one night. Which leads me to believe it's headed to video right away. I'd go see it at the theatre, but unfortunately the closest showing is a long plane ride.

I'm looking forward to seeing it, though.
If someone is going through a very hard time, and theyre not already doing MMA (or w/e), why on earth would they start? She needs to think back to when she lost to Holly Holm. Then she has to imagine being worse. So much worse that shes considering suicide via mass murder.

Yeah, im sure MMA will fix that right up.
Rousey is an incredibly good fighter. But she also says a lot of dumb crap. I don't know why we expect professional fighters to always have insightful things to say about other topics, though.
Not allowing mentally unstable people to own guns might be a better place to start.

I'm not one of the pro gun guys (nor am I anti-gun), but I wonder how many of the mass shooters used guns that were legally obtained?

The answers to why these things happen and how they can be prevented are never a single answer and solution. Too many people think they are.

And I'm not saying you're thinking too narrowly, as you claimed (rightfully so) that it's a place to start.

I really hope this doesn't spark the absurdity that's all too common.
Rousey is an incredibly good fighter. But she also says a lot of dumb crap. I don't know why we expect professional fighters to always have insightful things to say about other topics, though.

Along with any other "celebrity."
I'm not one of the pro gun guys (nor am I anti-gun), but I wonder how many of the mass shooters used guns that were legally obtained?

The answers to why these things happen and how they can be prevented are never a single answer and solution. Too many people think they are.

And I'm not saying you're thinking too narrowly, as you claimed (rightfully so) that it's a place to start.

I really hope this doesn't spark the absurdity that's all too common.
Most are legally obtained.
Along with any other "celebrity."
Or anyone, really. Why do we expect a bunch of amateur martial artists to hav something insightful to add to any discussion?