Romney out of the race


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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Looks like Romney is out. However, Huckabee is staying in. I'm a bit surprised at Huckabee staying in, unless he is vying for a VP nod to get some influence in the Southern states. He is pretty much out of cash, and won't be competitive in most upcoming primaries.

Overall, I think I would have enjoyed Romney a bit more than McCain. He was well spoken, more conservative, and I thought had a better chance of taking down Hillary/Obama. If there is a valid third party candidate that more closely aligns to my ideals, he will probably have my vote. Otherwise, I'll probably lean towards McCain as the lesser or two evils. Overall, I wish I had a better candidate...
If you heard Governor Romney's speech at noontime today, you would realize, he is not out of the race. He has begun the race for 2012.

Of course, he called 70% of the country ~ those who wish American soldiers out of Iraq ~ terrorist sympathizers. I have to imagine that is not a good way to start his 2012 campaign.

His speech today was disgraceful. It was red-meat for the lunatic wing of the Republican Party. But at best, Mr. Romney is hoping for a one term Clinton Presidency.

In my opinion, his tactics have already killed his future prospects. The Republican Party, isn't going to give him a second bite at the apple, when he could not say something gracious about either Mr. McCain or Mr. Huckabee in his departure speech. Hopefully, he will fade in to obscurity, sooner rather than later.
If you heard Governor Romney's speech at noontime today, you would realize, he is not out of the race. He has begun the race for 2012.
Did not catch it

Of course, he called 70% of the country ~ those who wish American soldiers out of Iraq ~ terrorist sympathizers. I have to imagine that is not a good way to start his 2012 campaign.
have link to it or text? I doubt he used those words. I'd be suprised.

In my opinion, his tactics have already killed his future prospects. The Republican Party, isn't going to give him a second bite at the apple, when he could not say something gracious about either Mr. McCain or Mr. Huckabee in his departure speech. Hopefully, he will fade in to obscurity, sooner rather than later.
If I recall, Edwards did not endorse anyone yet either. It was a rough campaign... I sure don't recall one like this.
Mitt Romney suspended his bid [...] saying if he continued it would "forestall the launch of a national campaign and be making it easier for Senator Clinton or Obama to win.

In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

Sheesh! Electing Democrats is surrendering to terror, folks.
Mr. Edwards, although not declaring support for either Clinton or Obama, actually did indicate he would work with them, and hoped that they would work with him.

John Edwards said:
Now, I've spoken to both Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. They have both pledged to me and, more importantly, through me to America that they will make ending poverty central to their campaign for the presidency.

And more importantly, they have pledged to me that as president of the United States they will make ending poverty and economic inequality central to their presidency.

Concerning "Mittens" ~ his exact language was :

If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

Now, the local sycophant, called the speech the Best Political Speech he has ever heard. And while it is a well crafted speech. It is hardly a speech that is designed to attract the whole of America.
Sheesh! Electing Democrats is surrendering to terror, folks.

No. It is even more draconian than you say.

Waiting, even one more day, to begin the counter-campaign against Clinton or Obama is "aiding a surrender to terror".
If you heard Governor Romney's speech at noontime today, you would realize, he is not out of the race. He has begun the race for 2012.
In my opinion, his tactics have already killed his future prospects. The Republican Party, isn't going to give him a second bite at the apple, when he could not say something gracious about either Mr. McCain or Mr. Huckabee in his departure speech. Hopefully, he will fade in to obscurity, sooner rather than later.
Now that Mitt's out, there are no Republican's left in the race.

There is nothing gracious to say about either McCain or Huckabee....

As I predicted, the dems will take this election.

I'm wondering what to do with my yard signs and bumper stickers...either try to push him as an alternative candidate or keep the memoribila for 10 years and sell it on ebay...
What was his platform again? :idunno:

(rhetorical question)
What was his platform again? (rhetorical question)

Carol, take what little good he did for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Socialized Healthcare, for instance), and flip flop it to the other direction.

Again ... I find the irony complete. The Republican Party decried the Democratic Flip Flopper From Massachusetts just four years ago; and they thought the American voter wouldn't notice a Republican Flip Flopper From Massachusetts.

Ray said:
Now that Mitt's out, there are no Republican's left in the race.

There is nothing gracious to say about either McCain or Huckabee....

Two thoughts on this Ray.

First, governing is the art of comprimise. The fact that your team won't give McCain a look because his name is attached to legislation with "Kennedy" and "Feingold", sort of sounds as if you don't want effective government. That government must by "my way, or no way at all". That may be true in religion ~ well, maybe not ~ well, don't listen to the athiest on that point.

Second, you can't bite the hand that feeds you. If Mr. Romney wishes to take another stab at the big chair in four years, he has to play nice with the organization that is going to allow him to take that shot.

Oh, OK, and a coda:

Mr. Romney dropped between 35 and 45 million dollars of his own money into his campaign. For that amount of dough; he bought an awful lot of free speech, and he was unable to secure sufficient delegates to continue. His ideas ~ apparently ~ regardless of exposure, were insufficient to the task. Imagine what his support would have been, had the playing field been level; that all participants had the same opportunity to be heard; that all participants could share the same amount of free speech ~ either by giving them all the same amount of cash to campaign with, or by restricting Willard from writing the checks himself. In that event, I would expect his delegate count/vote count to be even lower compared to his competition. And that does not bode well for those whom you call "Republicans".
Two thoughts on this Ray.

First, governing is the art of comprimise.
Compromise is useful when you don't want to accomplish anything of value.
The fact that your team won't give McCain a look because his name is attached to legislation with "Kennedy" and "Feingold", sort of sounds as if you don't want effective government. That government must by "my way, or no way at all". That may be true in religion ~ well, maybe not ~ well, don't listen to the athiest on that point.
I'm not on a "team" and find your comment, specifically directed towards me, to be offense. Please stop purposely offending me.
Compromise is useful when you don't want to accomplish anything of value.

That is just a scary line of reasoning. Unwillingness to compromise has led to some of the horrific acts in mankinds' history.

Ray said:
I'm not on a "team" and find your comment, specifically directed towards me, to be offense. Please stop purposely offending me.

I offer no offense. And, I don't understand why you take offense. It is your perogotive to be offended. Please feel free to place me on your ignore list.

Although I find it unusual that one who does not wish to discuss items particpates on a discussion board.

Concerning the word "team";

Ray said:
I'm wondering what to do with my yard signs and bumper stickers...either try to push him as an alternative candidate

I will point out that I do not have bumper stickers, or yard signs, of any candidate; not even my preferred candidate. Declaring publically the support of a candidate ~ through yard signs and bumper stickers ~ is one way in our society which we recognize affiliations.

Seems to me ~ you declared your affiliation on this thread. Are you offended with yourself?
I offer no offense. And, I don't understand why you take offense. It is your perogotive to be offended. Please feel free to place me on your ignore list.

I will point out that I do not have bumper stickers, or yard signs, of any candidate; not even my preferred candidate. Declaring publically the support of a candidate ~ through yard signs and bumper stickers ~ is one way in our society which we recognize affiliations.

Seems to me ~ you declared your affiliation on this thread. Are you offended with yourself?
2nd request: I implore you to quit harassing me.
Unwillingness to compromise has led to some of the horrific acts in mankinds' history.
Compromise has also lead to some horrific acts. An example might be someone who lived in Hitler's Germany and compromised their principles to allow evil to have free reign.
The only real conservative in the race is Dr. Ron Paul. Romney was a pretender. As far as I'm concerned, Dr. Paul is my retreat from disaster.
Personally, I'd enjoy seeing an Obama - McCain race. I seem to be alone in that.

Neither one is compatable with my positions on the issues, but I'm starting to think that may be secondary this time around. What we don't need is another hate and sleazefest, too darn many of those in the Bush-Klinton Dark Ages already.

Why do I think McCain-Obama would give us a postive, issues oriented race that wouldn't leave us in riot and revolution mode the day after?

The only memorable speech Romney appears to have given was the one upon his departure. Hellary is frightening in her (insincere) drive to emote upon poll and demand.... anyone who will laugh, cry, smirk or vomit on cue is a Pavlov's Dog that's planning on taking over the lab...

Good riddance Romney, take Hellary with you.
Did you see this bit ...

Willard Romney said:
The attack on faith and religion is no less relentless. And tolerance for pornography--even celebration of it--and sexual promiscuity, combined with the twisted incentives of government welfare programs have led to today's grim realities: 68% of African American children are born out-of-wedlock, 45% of Hispanic children, and 25% of White children. How much harder it is for these children to succeed in school--and in life. A nation built on the principles of the founding fathers cannot long stand when its children are raised without fathers in the home.

Now, when I learned the craft of the English language, a "paragraph" was held together by an idea presented, usually, in the first sentence.

Here, the governor is apparently going to talk about the 'relentless' 'attack on faith and religion'.

Questions - attack by whom? demonstred how? evidenced by what?

Nope, he talks nothing of faith in this paragraph. He talks nothing of religion in this paragraph.

Instead, after his thesis sentence, he flip flops into pornography. I don't remember the commandment, thou shalt not watch movies of people screwing. He calls pornography in our society as celebrated. Occassionally, I hear of a gay pride parade. But, I don't recall ever seeing a 'I screwed my neighbor's wife' parade. Seems to me, that today, especially with satellite TV, pornography is still a pretty private thing.

Maybe, Mr. Romney was railing against the Marriott and Hilton corporations. After all, they are the largest perveyors of pornography in the country.

But, then, he flip flops again. He is not talking about pornography, nor about faith or religion. Now he is talking about government welfare programs that cause out of wedlock childbirths. (all in two sentences ~ amazing ~ what is he talking about).

I can't help but wonder, what welfare program is he talking about? Put a name and a program on it. My best guess is abstinence only education. That is the most certain government program to lead to out of wedlock childbirth. Recent records show that out of wedlock births show a marked increase in recent years (9 to 12 % higher in 2005 as compared to 2002).

Notice how he attacks first 'African American', second 'Hispanic', only lastly coming to 'White' children. Although, when looking at actual people, as opposed to the subtle racism on display here, the actual number of people born out of wedlock by Whites is greater than African Americans, or Hispanics.
non-hispanic white out of wedlock births = 577,617
non-hispanic black out of wedlock births = 407,756
hispanic white out of wedlock births = 437,209
hispanic black out of wedlock births = 28595
(2005 data from the CDC)
He closes the paragraph with a 'we are the world' type of nicety that everyone would agree with, although Bill Cosby gets attacked for stating. It makes one wonder.

Whomever it was that put together the Governor's speech, he or she certainly knows which code words to throw in to appease the conservative ilk of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Shawn Hannity. But I think the speechwriter, perhaps earned a "C" in English Comp.
Did you see this bit ...

Now, when I learned the craft of the English language, a "paragraph" was held together by an idea presented, usually, in the first sentence. ...
The speech may have been crafted specifically to the target audience. That's one of the recommended things to do in a speech class. Also, where a paragraph begins/ends isn't always apparent in spoken was probably sectioned for ease of reading.

Notice how he attacks first 'African American', second 'Hispanic', only lastly coming to 'White' children. Although, when looking at actual people, as opposed to the subtle racism on display here, the actual number of people born out of wedlock by Whites is greater than African Americans, or Hispanics.
non-hispanic white out of wedlock births = 577,617
non-hispanic black out of wedlock births = 407,756
hispanic white out of wedlock births = 437,209
hispanic black out of wedlock births = 28595
(2005 data from the CDC)​
As I read his comments, he said "percentages" of births out of wedlock, not the "quantity" of births. Percentages and/or quantities could probably be used to support a point, depending on what the point is and how relevant the numbers are.
Whomever it was that put together the Governor's speech, he or she certainly knows which code words to throw in to appease the conservative ilk of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Shawn Hannity. But I think the speechwriter, perhaps earned a "C" in English Comp.
Again, the speech was probably crafted to a certain audience.

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