Romney Abroad


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
Is anyone else a little embarrassed at the *** Romney's making of himself in England? It seems like every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it.

First he insults the Prime Minister and the Mayor of London, then he blunders about as he discusses his meeting with MI6 in the press, and then he criticizes the sitting president while overseas. None of these are capital offenses by any means, but jesus man, you're acting like a dodo.

It's like a comedy of errors, something out of an old Peter Sellers movie:
eh, I'm not too concerned about it. In the grand scheme of things a few mis-statements aren't going to ruin our friendship with Britian. It is a bit embarrassing for him, but I don't think the Brits are shallow enough to hold that against us...much :) I do think it is indicative that his advisory staff is not prepping him properly or even worse case scenario that the stress is getting to him. If it is the latter, by election time that will be clear so I'm not really worried about it.
It isn't as if he gave the Queen an iPod full of his speeches...
Ah, guys. I'm not in any way thinking this is of political import. I just think it's funny... sort of like if Mr. Bean came over here for an "official visit." :)

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It isn't as if he gave the Queen an iPod full of his speeches...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no, indeed....just so much least you can erase the speeches and put something good on there....
If only people had been as embarrassed by the stupid things obama did and is still doing to Britain...but I guess the British don't mind obama siding against Britain and the issue of the Falklands...I guess that isn't as important as the gaffes Romney made...
If only people had been as embarrassed by the stupid things obama did and is still doing to Britain...but I guess the British don't mind obama siding against Britain and the issue of the Falklands...I guess that isn't as important as the gaffes Romney made...

Well, the British haven't had much in the way of negative to say against Obama, but haven't hesitated when they did.

Likewise, though, they've kind of let Mr. Romney have it on this trip: not supposed to speak of meeting with the head of MI6? Did that, check! Speak negatively of their preparations for the Olympics, basically criticizing the same things that they have, but not being British, and so offending them? Check! INsult the Prime Minister and the Mayor of London? Check!!!

The British are not impressed, apparently, and seem to care about this far, far more than the President giving the Queen an iPod of his speeches, or sending back Churchill's bust, or saying that they're not that special (though he's spoken of "the special relationship" several times in the recent past)........

Just sayin'-not embarassed or surprised at all, but the British seem to be a little peeved......I'm more amused than anything....
Yes, there is also this gaffe that Romney didn't make but obama did...

10. The Compromising of British Intelligence:
The White House leaking national security secrets to make the President look good?
Go on!
An alleged intelligence leak regarding a covert operation that thwarted an "underwear bomb" plot last week is now creating distrust and ill feelings within the U.S. intelligence community and has led to increased talk about intelligence leaks at the highest levels of government, according to terrorism experts on Friday.
Former Central Intelligence Agency officers are openly blaming President Barack Obama, his administration, and possibly his campaign committee for undermining national security and compromising the British domestic and foreign intelligence agencies, MI5 and MI6, for political reasons, according to a U.S. counterterrorism source who contacted the Law Enforcement Examiner on Friday and requested anonymity.
"When presidents are in trouble because of their failing domestic agenda, they attempt to look presidential by getting involved in military or intelligence operations. And Obama has taken that to a whole new level," said the source.

I'm not saying Romney couldn't have been more diplomatic with his answer, but the perfect storm of horrible American news coverage that is now entering its third day is a punishment that does not fit the misdemeanor.
What we're really seeing, though, is our corrupt media at its worst -- a media so partisan and devoid of integrity that they look for any real or perceived mistake to keep the blistering spotlight as far away from Obama's failed record as possible and always on Mitt Romney.
That's not to say that the hysterical reaction from the notoriously hysterical British press shouldn't have been covered by our corrupt news media, but what our corrupt media's doing is much more than that.
Our media is choosing to make this the biggest story in the land; choosing to make this a bigger story than our collapsing economy; and most certainly choosing to attempt to make Romney's "gaffe" a defining moment -- something the corrupt media has never done to our gaffe-tastic president whose international mistakes frequently play like something out of an Inspector Clouseau movie.
In other words, what the media is doing to Romney has nothing to do with journalism and everything to do with partisan politics. Even as we learned our GDP had plummeted to 1.5% yesterday, Romney's London trip remained The Story. And you are damned right this is intentional.
This is all about the media OPENLY coordinating with the Obama campaign to win reelection for a failed president. And the only way to do that is to turn the failed president's opponent into an alternative that isn't acceptable. So as our economy burns and national security secrets fly out the White House window and guns are handed to Mexican drug lords -- the media enters day three of ensuring Romney remains beaten senseless by The Narrative.

Even as we learned our GDP had plummeted to 1.5% yesterday, Romney's London trip remained The Story. And you are damned right this is intentional.

If only people had been as embarrassed by the stupid things obama did and is still doing to Britain...but I guess the British don't mind obama siding against Britain and the issue of the Falklands...I guess that isn't as important as the gaffes Romney made...

First, Romney's gaffes don't embarrass me. They should embarrass him.

Second, I was just as amused when Obama gave the queen an iPod.

Third, your partisan bias is showing. This isn't a thread about what Obama did years ago. It is a thread about what Romney did days ago. :)

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First, Romney's gaffes don't embarrass me. They should embarrass him.

Second, I was just as amused when Obama gave the queen an iPod.

Third, your partisan bias is showing. This isn't a thread about what Obama did years ago. It is a thread about what Romney did days ago. :)

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well, you gotta give Obama some slack tho: What can you give the woman that was until recently considered one if not the richest woman in the world. I am sure like all people her age, she has what she needs anyhow, and given her riches what she doesn't need as well.
The only thing that could tickle her fancy are probably dogs and horses (I hear she has parakeets as well, draws from them for her wardrobe color choice ;)) which I am sure Obama does best not to try to pick something out - besides that it would be cost prohibitive, at least in the horse department.....

ipod? harmless (but I bet the Queen would have rather had some family pictures of the girls than boring speeches)
stepping in it on an international stage? oye...

Now, if Mitt babbles about super secret meetings now....can he be trusted to keep his yap shut when he gets his hands (I didn't say mittens, see) on some real secrets?
“I don’t mind that the British keep calling me a banker, but why do they pronounce it with a ‘W’?” - Mitt Romney

Please be a real quote. Please be a real quote. Please be a real quote! LOL!
Yes,I really do believe that good old Mitt and Sir John (C) spoke about super secret stuff.....please people! Probably just tea and bickies (decaf tea).
Yes,I really do believe that good old Mitt and Sir John (C) spoke about super secret stuff.....please people! Probably just tea and bickies (decaf tea).

As the de facto R nominee and Presidential candidate, he's getting regular security briefings.
As the de facto R nominee and Presidential candidate, he's getting regular security briefings.

But I sure would like to know the first initial briefing at the White house after the oath thing...a bunch of guys in black suits and shades telling the new guy 'nuh-uh, can't do that....', you know, the real reason why they can't keep their election promises - besides Congress.....

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