Ricardo Revealed.........

Originally posted by Michael Billings
Who will promote you to let you hang out with 10 Dans? I only know 2 Dans.

Dennis Conatser. His price is a little steep, but affordable!;)
Originally posted by RCastillo
Dennis Conatser. His price is a little steep, but affordable!;)

Oh yeah......... Well, 10 generations of Castillo's will be indebted to me if that happens.

(and you would still have to earn it and test in front of the board)! :shrug:

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
HMMMMM, Dan Castillo. no Ricardo sounds much better.:rofl:

YEAH, I like it! Master has a nice ring to it, though!;)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Go see the general section with the thread labeled "arts I plan to master":rolleyes:

There's no planning here, it's been done!;)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Again, I'm at a loss for words.

No worries, I'll develop a list of complimentary vocabulary for you!

From your friends at Tracys Kenpo Karate!

Originally posted by RCastillo
The line in the sand has been drawn, who shall cross first?:eek:

Don't matter I'll go first. As the low rank around here.:mad: