Reputation System Reset Pending...Dec 07

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
I'll be resetting the rep system in December.

The current ranking list will be archived and everyone set back to zero.

Some other minor changes will be implemented at that point to refine the system for a better balance for everyone.
I'll be resetting the rep system in December.

The current ranking list will be archived and everyone set back to zero.

Some other minor changes will be implemented at that point to refine the system for a better balance for everyone.

Bob why are we doing this? I have worked hard over the Years to get mine. I guess I understand. You are the boss so I will have to start over. I can do it.Go Terry Go Terry
Noooooooo! Don't do it!

Most of us can only craft posts worthy of positive reputation rarely and, similarly, most of us make our better and more profound posts early in our membership.

To wipe away the history of 'good things that have been said that met with public approval' ... totalitarian dictatorship I cry, where's my pitchfork .... ?
Ah, go for it Bob. Actually, from time to time, this should be a good thing...say every couple of years or so. Think of it as a mass extinction event. Clearing the playing field allows new things to evolve.

Who is going to be the new mammal?
Bob why are we doing this? I have worked hard over the Years to get mine. I guess I understand. You are the boss so I will have to start over. I can do it.Go Terry Go Terry

Noooooooo! Don't do it!

Most of us can only craft posts worthy of positive reputation rarely and, similarly, most of us make our better and more profound posts early in our membership.

What they said...
I'll be resetting the rep system in December.

The current ranking list will be archived and everyone set back to zero.

Some other minor changes will be implemented at that point to refine the system for a better balance for everyone.

Do you have some new super cool software for us?
First, a moment of silence.



:partyon: :partyon:


oh, and mine will still be disabled, if that's still allowed.
Basically, because in a year or 2, the top 10 folks here will be able to with 1 shot jack up someones rep 10 stars, while the bottom 10 folks will -never- gain any, unless one of the "gawds" reps em. Completely defeats the purpose of the system. I don't even use it anymore because I hit so hard.

It's a system thats supposed to be fun, yet hold some meaning towards poster-quality, yet in checking where rep points are being issued, it's really turned into "I disagree with you in he study so heres some neg points" and "yay you post a lot in chat, heres more points, yay another star, go stud go."

The other thing is, an occational reset of the system is good, and recommended. It rebalances the field, and in truth, the cream will continue to rise back to the top.

The changes were announced some time back, but I got sidetracked with life and haven't had time to prep for it until now. So, this is a couple week heads up.

I'll be posting the revised scoreing system shortly so we can tweak it before it goes in. There's also some enhancements that should theoretically keep things better balanced for a long time to come.
Where's my sword?
Well, then, I offer myself as a sacrificial lamb. Lets see how many dings it takes from Constellation class rep holder(s) to get me to a negative red star. :D

Actually, I think this is tacit permission to just go nuts with the repping for the next two weeks.

Well, then, I offer myself as a sacrificial lamb. Lets see how many dings it takes from Constellation class rep holder(s) to get me to my initial green blip. :D

Actually, I think this is tacit permission to just go nuts with the repping for the next two weeks.


Hey look ya just got another Star..
Basically, because in a year or 2, the top 10 folks here will be able to with 1 shot jack up someones rep 10 stars, while the bottom 10 folks will -never- gain any, unless one of the "gawds" reps em. Completely defeats the purpose of the system. I don't even use it anymore because I hit so hard.

I don't rep very often myself, for just that reason. A reset sounds good to me.
The reset is fine with me. Anyone that says that they worked so hard to get their current reps, well... You know we still like ya!! Remember! The reps don't make the person.
Well, then, I offer myself as a sacrificial lamb. Lets see how many dings it takes from Constellation class rep holder(s) to get me to a negative red star. :D

Actually, I think this is tacit permission to just go nuts with the repping for the next two weeks.

As an example, Kacey would have to neg you 21 times to put you into the red.
It would take Exile only 17-18 shots.

Either of them hitting anyone with less than 10 green would put the person into the red in 1 shot.
Well, then, I offer myself as a sacrificial lamb. Lets see how many dings it takes from Constellation class rep holder(s) to get me to a negative red star. :D

Actually, I think this is tacit permission to just go nuts with the repping for the next two weeks.


I was thinking that too!

It's too bad I used all of my available cleverness to get what little rep I've got now only to be thrown away, well that and the extreme kindness of not-so-strangers.