Reagan's Death



Any comments? What did you think of him as a person, and a president?

In my oponion, he is one of the best presidents in the last 100 years. He was truly a great man and will be missed.
Cobra said:
Any comments? What did you think of him as a person, and a president?

In my oponion, he is one of the best presidents in the last 100 years. He was truly a great man and will be missed.

Agreed. I was born when FDR was President so have some experience with those guys. :) I also lived under the threat, was in SAC, of being nuked at any moment and thanks to President Reagan pushing the USSR into a corner that 74-year failed system ended. Now the only Communists left are China, Cuba and the mainstream media in the USA.

BTW, it is Reagan not Regan.
Cobra said:
Any comments? What did you think of him as a person, and a president?

In my oponion, he is one of the best presidents in the last 100 years. He was truly a great man and will be missed.

I don't think this is a good thread to have right now, given that the man just passed away. There are many people who don't think that he is a great man, or that he was a great president, yet, do we really want to have a political debate over him considering his death was so recent? Six months from now maybe, but now is too soon.

I say people should reserve their comments to pay respects for the memorial thread....IMHO.

His economic and foreign policies were a little questionable IMO, but I agree with Paul. Give the man some peace, if only for a little while.

Out of respect for Mr. Reagan, could we please hold back on the discussion of his legacy until after this coming Saturday? I know many folks would like to discuss it, but a few days won't kill us.

Thanks. :)
Cobra said:
Any comments? What did you think of him as a person, and a president?

In my oponion, he is one of the best presidents in the last 100 years. He was truly a great man and will be missed.
Alright, now we can talk about the legacy of Regan.
you could have least spelled his name right

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