Pros & Cons of this kind of training/testings?

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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There's a "trick" going on in this. The one guy is aiming at pads, and then suddenly the other guy attacks. First guy's "attacks" aren't going to disrupt that attack, so the guy with the pads gets a free shot.

Which is why you move off line to hit. But yeah. Their might be one or two fundamentals they should know before someone goes full noise like that


2nd Black Belt
Oct 2, 2018
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That was so corny that it actually made me laugh.

But this is Muay Thai, not Karate choppin'. Although the Kyukushinshins are rough as hell....although won't punch to the head....but hey, lets break all the ribs and rupture kidneys, no prob.
Ribs, yes. Kidneys, no. Liver and spleen are fair game though :)

Gerry Seymour

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This teaches them proper points of defense, etc.
Except, it doesn't. It sets up a false scenario. He controls what they deliver (by what he asks for with the pads), so creates openings they might not otherwise allow. He doesn't have to defend, at all, so is able to easily pick openings that might not really exist for someone who's trying not to get kicked in the face. It may teach something, but it's not teaching proper defense, the way it's used here. It might be possible to use it skillfully to draw them into showing their usual weaknesses (which should be pronounced when they are that tired), but I don't see that happening here.

Gerry Seymour

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Which is why you move off line to hit. But yeah. Their might be one or two fundamentals they should know before someone goes full noise like that
As tired as they are, it could be they know that, but are too tired for the "lean" involved. But the way he positions the pad partly determines their approach, and what openings they have, so he can actually make stepping off-line less inviting (and seem less necessary) by what he feeds.


Master Black Belt
Jun 7, 2015
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Essex, UK
It's not as bad as it looks, but I'll tell you why later.
Ok, it is not as bad as it looks. They are all adults and volunteers. I have done the same at times and have asked partners to kick my legs as hard as they can and it still looks bad to me (at first sight).

So imagine what will think the casuals wondering which martial art should they start, if any. I don’t think it is good marketing. My 50 cents.

PS: I do support advanced students must train/test hard at times. Just not too earlier and not on Youtube.


Master Black Belt
Nov 19, 2010
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san jose
Ok, it is not as bad as it looks. They are all adults and volunteers. I have done the same at times and have asked partners to kick my legs as hard as they can and it still looks bad to me (at first sight).

So imagine what will think the casuals wondering which martial art should they start, if any. I don’t think it is good marketing. My 50 cents.

PS: I do support advanced students must train/test hard at times. Just not too earlier and not on Youtube.

I think they were going for that look, whether or not it helped, I'm not sure. Very true that it would scare off the casuals. You've just given me very good feedback, thanks. I think I am too rough with the way I instruct the new people.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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As tired as they are, it could be they know that, but are too tired for the "lean" involved. But the way he positions the pad partly determines their approach, and what openings they have, so he can actually make stepping off-line less inviting (and seem less necessary) by what he feeds.

I was going to mention that they should have been fitter.

I assume the test wasn't a surprise.

Some of the guys could kick the pad and be in position to stop the return shot. It was not the shell game where everyone looses.

Gerry Seymour

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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
I was going to mention that they should have been fitter.

I assume the test wasn't a surprise.
Yeah, that's not unreasonable. If they're hobbyists, most of them probably aren't going to choose to train to that fitness level for a test.

Some of the guys could kick the pad and be in position to stop the return shot. It was not the shell game where everyone looses.
I'm just thinking how I could game that as the one holding the pads. It'd be pretty easy to put them at a defensive disadvantage by the sequence I make them give me. The really talented ones might be able to keep up, or even guess where I'm going, but the defense they used wouldn't be the same defense you'd use with a person you're actually hitting (or trying to hit, anyway). They'd have no way to do to me what I'm doing to them, since they're having to follow the pads.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, that's not unreasonable. If they're hobbyists, most of them probably aren't going to choose to train to that fitness level for a test.


Then they have a bad training doctrine.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm just thinking how I could game that as the one holding the pads. It'd be pretty easy to put them at a defensive disadvantage by the sequence I make them give me. The really talented ones might be able to keep up, or even guess where I'm going, but the defense they used wouldn't be the same defense you'd use with a person you're actually hitting (or trying to hit, anyway). They'd have no way to do to me what I'm doing to them, since they're having to follow the pads.

It is more that if some people can beat the game then it isn't fixed.

It saves me going. "Well I think here..." And you going. "I think there"

Gerry Seymour

MT Moderator
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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
It is more that if some people can beat the game then it isn't fixed.

It saves me going. "Well I think here..." And you going. "I think there"
That's one way to look at it. It depends what the point of the game is. Just because someone's good enough to overcome the "fix", that doesn't mean the fix isn't there. It just means a better fix would be needed to trap that particular person. Something that would be a training trap for the average person wouldn't be much of a training trap for an elite fighter. If the point of the training is to train an elite fighter, it's no longer a trap. If the point is to train hobbyists, and it tricks nearly all of them in an unhelpful way, then it's a trap.


Senior Master
May 16, 2014
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some pad holders could use their position as a way to be abusive. there have been some people that i know (myself included when i was younger) that delighted in punishing lower ranks. you justify it by telling yourself that you are helping them get tougher but in actuality its just a Stamford Experiment of another sorts.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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I will say these guys have a lot of "want to" to be in the ring but no, not a lot of technique there. And very little is to be learned from a bunch of people standing outside the ring yelling at you while you are about to pass out.
Totally agree with this. No technique there and the pad holder is giving them a beating.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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Muay Thai student testing (from the op's video) is not the same as Muay Thai student tryouts. One first involves existing students the second involves people trying to prove they right to be a student.

If you are trying out for a team or gym of professionals then the beatings are going to be tough, because they aren't looking for beginners. Some gyms and teams won't even let you complete the tryouts if they see you are too far below the skill level needed to compete.

The Tiger version doesn't have that "gotcha" element. When they're working the pads, it looks like the person is expecting the exchange, rather than the pad-holder taking advantage of the fact the other person isn't hitting them, but the pads.
That's because you are looking at it in the form of a Tryout vs Testing. The intensity is no different from how other contact sports try to quickly weed out future team mates. It's all about "making the cut"

The title on the Op video is confusing.. Is it a Testing or a Tryout?


Master Black Belt
Nov 19, 2010
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san jose
I don't like it. The only thing they are learning at that point his how to get beaten up

It's not that bad, really. But it does look bad if someone wanted to try the gym out from a new person's POV, as Marques mentioned. So logical, yet I think this is where I've made mistakes.

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