Proactive citizens defending neighborhood (Robocop)


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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There is a citizen who is tired of night time drug dealers and homeless people roaming and trespassing on properties. Often times, there are used syringes and condoms left on the ground for children during the day to pick up. The police haven't been able to curb this problem much, so a citizen decided to take action...

Meredith says people often toss used syringes and condoms onto the playground.
Terrill, an engineer by trade, is also a board member at the day care center. Tired of cleaning up after the shady characters, he decided to take action. That's when he built his downtown Darth Vader of sorts.

The police is objecting and saying that the owner of the robot may be charged with assault.

Police Major Lane Hagin says the robot is definitely a different crime-fighting idea. "There's no problem with the robot going up and down the street or being visible or any of the other things it does -- with the exception of spraying water on people."
Hagin adds, "Then, it becomes an assault no matter where it happens."

- Ceicei
I think it's a great idea.

It's sad when the cops get uppity about people defending their own areas.
Seeing as the cops cant do it, someone should.
Hello, Neighbor watch is excellant program....only thing it takes all the neighbors to "WANT" to help out.

It means getting as much people to be involve (proactive citizens).

Hahaha! "Okay, you! Put the condom and syringe down NOW, and move along!"
"Don't force me to spray you with cold water!"

Hahahaha!!! That is a good thing!
If it's effective, go for it, if the police can't or won't do anything about it, then they need to shut up and leave things alone. Citizens have a right to take back the streets from the scum bags pure and simple and if the police can't or won't help, then they are part of the problem.

I like this, harmless, but seems effective so far according to some.
I think this is a great idea. I hope he watches out for himself as well, because some of those drug dealers might not appreciate his effect on their customers.

On the water spray point. I don't find the cops as being "uppity", they are stating fact. He is opening himself up for potential litigation/prosecution, whether we like it or not. As has been commneted on this forum previously, the police's actual role is to enforce the laws, not protect people, per se. If squirting people with water is against the law, then he becomes as much at risk as the vagrants he is trying to run off. This is not unlike some of the other Use of Force discussions on this board. Two wrongs don't make a right in the eyes of the law.

What he should do is put a radio/music player in the thing instead. There have lists of music likely to discourage loitering (although I think they're age specific). Either that or a smell or strobe light. Water may sound good, but it's physical (no matter how harmless his "canon" really is). Other modes can be just as, if not more, annyoingly effective.

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