Political database

It is nice to have this information in one place, isn't it. I reference this database all the time. Sometimes a little scary or sad to read though.
This came off of it...

Speaker: Limbaugh, Rush - Radio Host

Date: 9/1/1994

"If you have any doubts about the status of American health care, just compare it with that in other industrialized nations." [Told You So, by Rush Limbaugh, p.153, reprinted on Fair.org]

The United States ranks 19th in life expectancy and 20th in infant mortality among 23 industrialized nations, according to the CIA's 1993 World Fact Book. The U.S. also has the lowest health care satisfaction rate (11 percent) of the 10 largest industrialized nations. - Health Affairs, vol. 9, no. 2

I didn't know this. That's a crappy record for us. Wonder if its gotten better in the last nine years?



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