Policing Chicago - With the National Guard


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Illinois Governer Rod Blagojevich is proposing using the Illinois State National Guard as police units in the city of Chicago to handle the "out-of-control" crime rate in the city. He has also proposed using the State Police in this manner as well.

Chicago which has a tougher ban on firearm ownership than even DC now, is suffering from a wave of violent crime... but the solution our dear governer is proposing is TOUGHER GUN CONTROL LAWS in the city as well as using the Guard as police.

Sounds like an implementation of Martial Law to me....next will be the dusk till dawn curfew with violators shot at dawn.
I am Surge will be effective in the short term as it has been in other cities it was implemented in, and similar to Baghdad, cordoning off whole sections of the city with concrete barriers would probably be helpful.
For all but thirteen years of the last FIFTY-THREE, Chicago has had a Daley, and by the way a democrat, as mayor. If this, and Washington DC, and New Orleans are the way democrats run cities, why would anyone want a democrat to run the country?
I understand involving State Police with dealing with an escalating crime rate, but the National Guard?

It brings up tons of scenarios. What will happen when some little kid gets shot in a cross fire between NG and violent offenders?

Will NG troops respond to every violent policing matter?

I don't think they'll all be equipped to handle the tasks. I just hope they end up being heavily armed scarecrows.
For all but thirteen years of the last FIFTY-THREE, Chicago has had a Daley, and by the way a democrat, as mayor. If this, and Washington DC, and New Orleans are the way democrats run cities, why would anyone want a democrat to run the country?

Is it really that simple?

Red vs. Blue?
Is it really that simple?

Red vs. Blue?
There is, of course, more to it than that.
However, having had a Daley for a mayor for all but 13 years of the last 53, and both Daley's being staunch democrats, why did their policies, aside from the dead voting, fail so miserably that the governor thinks NG troops may be needed?
New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin, and democrat, let a pretty large number of school buses that could have been used to evacuate people get flooded out instead, what success can he claim?
Washington D.C., our nation's capital is a crime ridden hovel, in spite of Marion Barry's democratic leadership...
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome ignores laws he doesn't like.
Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon, was, this week, pitching a fit because Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe Arpaio does his duty and arrests illegals.
What great leadership[/sarcasm]
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome ignores laws he doesn't like.

So does Daley. Just ask all the airplane owners at Meigs Field.

Erm, I mean, former owners.
Bringing the National Guard out for this could be the start of a worrisome trend. That can't be the answer.
Bringing the National Guard out for this could be the start of a worrisome trend. That can't be the answer.

Let's NOT sugarcoat this...'worrisome trend' doesn't do this justice. I am not sure what would do it justice...but I do know that once the precedent is set other jurisdictions will want to jump on the band wagon...just cause someone did it and got away with it.
Let's NOT sugarcoat this...'worrisome trend' doesn't do this justice. I am not sure what would do it justice...but I do know that once the precedent is set other jurisdictions will want to jump on the band wagon...just cause someone did it and got away with it.

That's why Bush relocated them all to the mid-east, for safe-keeping to prvent this sorta thing
I can think of little more demoralizing to the NG itself than to be used to police an American city.

Big D, quit being a troll. This is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue.
I can think of little more demoralizing to the NG itself than to be used to police an American city.
Good point, that isn't the purpose of the National Guard, they are supposed to be Citizen Soldiers, not Citizen Cops
Big D, quit being a troll. This is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue.
Really? What three Republican dominated cities have the same levels of crime and corruption as Chicago, New Orleans and Washington D.C.?
What three Republican dominated cities have the same levels of crime and corruption as Chicago, New Orleans and Washington D.C.?

There are no Republican dominated cities of that size, which you well know. All large urban areas, with or without crime and corruption, trend Democratic.

Now get back on topic.
It's all baby steps toward martial law. I don't know how much time we have left, but people really need to see this for what it is before its too late.
Every Summer, Hartford, CT., one of the larger cities here, is out of control, with shootings, drugs and gang violence. And usually every Summer, the CT. State Police are brought in for a certain amount of time to help the PD. They are usually paired up with officers in cars as well as extra foot patrols. It usually has a good effect while it lasts.

In this case, is the NG paired up with Chicago Police Officers or are they operating on their own? If things are that out of control, it may not be a bad idea to bring in extra help.