Pictures of my karate kid cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!
Great picture and a cute kid!! I soooooo wish I had pictures of me from when I started.......I don't have any until I was a purple belt but would have loved to display each picture/stage with my belts in some sort of shadow box.

Thanks for sharing the picture!! Oh yeah......curious.......what do the "SWAT" patches stand for? I've never seen that before.

:asian: :karate:
Thanks everyone.
You can tell he loves karate ALOT..

Starting on the right arm, Kenpo patch and swat
on right chest Ninja's patch ( name of kids class)
left chest yellow patch ( school logo Tutle Ilsland martial arts academy)
left arms Tigers ( name of class NOW)
swat ( perfect attendance there different grades of swat)
scholar patch ( excellents in school as in elementry school they incourage excellent scholl report cards)
team leader ( helping karate class with instructor)
alot more sawt patches and scholar patchs some are on his pants he gets alot of them. :)

He has the most patches in his division. and will be grading for his orange belt soon just after Christmas. :asian:

LOL, He's getting his orange, same rank as adult orange. He's got a few more belt then teen/adults have. He will be junior black around age 7-8, if he's keep up like this.. He just loves it.

I'm very proud of him, he's always practicing,ON Daddy! LOL
I can't wait to see him be in the demo team this Febm and see how well he does in the tournament this time. Last year he got 2 trophy's.

It is great! Thanks for sharing his accomplishments with us.

- Ceicei
kenpo Tiger
Our swat is preety well the same added the perfect attendence.
its like an all in one.. Mr/Mrs Whiteye Only give them out to students who attend all classes with good behavior. Very Strick..

Nick my son had i don't know 20 or more swat, LOL i have them on his pants now.

The only patch he doesn't have is splits club, he's not quite there yet.

I love my son's intructors there great. Super nice poeple.

He's really cute. I hope Mama gets to join back in some day. Its fun and it keeps them going through high school (the toughest years). TW
Thank you,

I will join, as soon as my doc says it ok. I just had some masive sugery and may need more.

My son, i thin is it for the long run.. He's instructorsare always telling his is punsh and kicks are very hard, He does military push ups like his instructors. LOL, He's more interested in what the older kids do rather then what he does . They say its called the eye of the black belt. :karate:

I looking to now buy a belt rack for all his belts. He has obviously more then adutls have, so i bet i'll need 2, 10 belt racks.

We bought him a punching bag, he's got the small padded sticks, not sure how to spell it escamas (spelling?). He's now learning whats call Kali 1. with 2 padded sticks, he learnd to hit them in seequance with his instructor, while walking in circles.

Hey there Norma. How did your child get into the martial arts? Did your child show the initial interest or did you? I only ask because I hope when I have kids that they want to be into martial art as well. That picture was so awesome. It must be a good feeling to be a part of that.

Be blessed,
I have had a interest in it, and when i was pregnant i knew i wants my child to be in it.. So when he was 3 we took him to a karate school and let him watch the ninja's there called, 3-4 years play and kick. He loved it so we signed him up for a summer programe 6 weeks long and he didn't want to leave, so we inrolled him, its now been 2 years since then. he was in the ninja's for just 6 months and his instructor said he is more then capable to get into the tigers group and do more. So i switch him and in less then a year his up 6 belts. He does all the activities, mall demo's he first to say he wants to do it. When he was at the Mr Arsnault seminar last year he corrected him, how funny was that, Mr Arsnault brought him to the front of the class and said to the 15+ year old to watch a master at work, LOL we got it on tape.

We incourage him to practice at home with daddy!
