Personal Self Defense Arsenal


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
So, what does everyone carry when they leave home? What pieces of equipment (firearm, knife, etc) do you have on you and why do you carry that particular item?
Usually a handgun behind my right hip with extra mags opposite, a knife just in front of that in a IWB sheath. A ultility knife that could be pressed into service in my right front pocket. An ASP 26" expandable baton in a vest pocket beside some pepper spray. Ocassionally a small .38 as well Seems like a lot, but running away isn't an option for me.

Just my hands and feet, very boring I know but that is all. I figure after all my years I should know better to be in the wrong scenerio.
Wow I feel kind of naked; I don’t really carry anything on me. I do keep a tire buster stick in the floorboard of my truck.
Throwing stars (specifically for use in parking garages on OSU campus), usually carry one in my right and a reserve in my left---small enough to conceal, heavy enough to do serious damage to an assailant's face and one hell of a shock to some wiseguy who thinks his knife or baseball bat means I'm toast, and a 3" tactical folder that I've adjusted so it opens with a short, quick wrist action---this is just for backup, and further deterrence.

I'm not dead keen on having to carry this stuff, but I lived for a long time in New York in the 60s and everyone carried weapons, so it's not anything new. And I really, really hate parking garages...
I sometimes carry weapons, not always since my area is a relatively safe place,but when I do, I carry my favorite tacticle folder concealed in a place that it very quick access and another folder in a not so easy access place for back up. My best weapons are my feet for avoiding situations-Run-Fu
Glock 19 w/spare mag
CRKT Kasper/Polkowski Companion (double-edged fixed blade)
a pair of waved gen-3 Spyderco Enduras
a Goldsworthy Shadowdancer (reverse-edge blade)
a Surefire E2d flashlight
and occasionally a Taurus 85 .38


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I don't carry much, just a 9 inch mag-light (to act as a striking tool), pepper spray, and a handful of coins (if I don't have the other things on me).
I have been working on cane techniques, but have yet to actually carry one in public.

Usually a handgun behind my right hip with extra mags opposite, a knife just in front of that in a IWB sheath. A ultility knife that could be pressed into service in my right front pocket. An ASP 26" expandable baton in a vest pocket beside some pepper spray. Ocassionally a small .38 as well Seems like a lot, but running away isn't an option for me.

Good Lord!... anyways, I just got Palmela and Rosey(ha ha)
I have a PR-24 next to the front seat..Sometimes I carry my Sig .45...I always have my ProTek Key and Kubotan...
I don't carry any weapons, per se, but my keys are always in my hand when I leave a building after dark or anywhere that makes me uncomfortable, and I don't walk alone if after dark if I can possibly avoid it - to the extent that some of my fellow graduate students think I'm a little over the top on that; after all, I'm trained and they're not, but I'm the one who won't walk out to the parking lot alone - even though they've gotten the same emails about recent attacks on campus that I have.
I am the same as a lot of you, I only carry my keys and not much more. It seems that almost everything is illegal to carry in Canada. Much like Adept, anything but a pen would get me arrested.
I don't carry any weapons, per se, but my keys are always in my hand when I leave a building after dark or anywhere that makes me uncomfortable, and I don't walk alone if after dark if I can possibly avoid it - to the extent that some of my fellow graduate students think I'm a little over the top on that...

Let them think what they will..If it makes you feel comfortable and safe, DO IT...There is no over the top when it comes to personal protection...
A maglight for right now. I will be going through CCW training here very soon and I will be carrying either a Glock 22, Sig-Sauer P226, or a HK USP40. Have not decided which one to carry yet.
So, what does everyone carry when they leave home? What pieces of equipment (firearm, knife, etc) do you have on you and why do you carry that particular item?

One Red and One Black Pen.

A bright light and a folder.

Plus I have this really cool Kubaton that's soooo high tech! It has a way of leaving identifyable dye on my attacker!


:D :D :D :D
As Adept said it is illegal to have weapons here in Oz, but having said that, I have a lot of interesting things in my handbag that could become weapons if the need arose:)
Come to think of it, my handbag would be a weapon itself with the weight I carry in it:uhyeah:
So, what does everyone carry when they leave home? What pieces of equipment (firearm, knife, etc) do you have on you and why do you carry that particular item?

I don't carry anything, aside from my keys.