Pelosi: "We want registration"

If a law goes unenforced, is it even a law?
Yep. Somewhere, sometime, some lawyer will dust it off and use it to bugger some one hard way. Like the RIAA controled Obama Justice Department.

This is the only point of your thread that I would challenge. It's a discussion forum. Furthermore, it is not specifically a US discussion forum, even in the US Politics section. Anyone can participate.

While on the subject of the Constitution, it has a First Amendment, as well as a Second. The Second, to my knowledge, isn't twice as important as the First. But the First, if I understand it correctly, is big enough to talk about everything -- including the second.
A few quotes from the AUTHOR of the Bill of Rights, James Madison, should clarify any confusion.

On the issue of the right to keep and bear arms.....

"A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country."

Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." -James Madison

On the issue of potential threats to liberty.....

I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." -James Madison

On why individual liberty is built around an armed citizenry, as opposed to a standing army.....

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."

"The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted."

"Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions."
If a law goes unenforced, is it even a law?
The very question shows a degree of naivety that illustrates the point.....the fact that it IS a law, means that it can be enforced at ANY TIME against it very much IS A LAW!

And the funny thing about rarely enforced laws, is that they are often dusted off and used against political enemies of those in power.

Tell you what, Marine......i'll quote a famous Marine with a whole lot more experience on that matter than your 18 should listen to him....

"The conclusions seem inescapable that in certain circles a tendency has arisen to fear people who fear government. Government, as the Father of Our Country put it so well, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. People who understand history, especially the history of government, do well to fear it. For a people to express openly their fear of those of us who are afraid of tyranny is alarming. Fear of the state is in no sense subversive. It is, to the contrary, the healthiest political philosophy for a free people.” Col. Jeff Cooper USMC
That was an extremely good post with those quotes from the bill of rights... the latter, hitting home the most...

thank you
I'm staring to really like Texas, and I haven't moved there yet.
Step 1 buy land
Step 2 drop a couple double wides on it
Step 3 invite all my freedom loving friends to move in
Step 4 repel invasion by FBI because we're a "cult" who "worships freedom"
Step 5 try and look good on TV news, remember to say "Hi Mom!" as led away in handicuffs.

Step 1 buy land
Step 2 drop a couple double wides on it
Step 3 invite all my freedom loving friends to move in
Step 4 repel invasion by FBI because we're a "cult" who "worships freedom"
Step 5 try and look good on TV news, remember to say "Hi Mom!" as led away in handicuffs.


You won't get led away in cuffs. You'll get burned alive and your flaming corpse will be repeatedly shot at with automatic weapons from helicopters flying overhead.

Your children and wives will be massacered and your friends will be persecuted for the remainder of their lives.

Your property will be siezed, your homes raized, and your reputation destroyed. History will remember you as a monster, and schoolchildren will curse your name.

In the decades to come, people all over the world will see the story of your death as a morality play. They will learn to never resist the state, and that crazy people get the destruction they invite. Your story will be brought up repeatedly by those objecting to any revolutionary ideas as the deserved fate of all who question the authority of the state.

And if, some day, the truth comes out? That you were nothing more than a small group of people who lived peacefully with your neighbors and wanted nothing more than to be left alone? That you were singled out, tortured, and murdered by an oppressive state? That the state and their friends in the media desperately twisted the truth in order to cast you as the villian? Well, that truth won't get far anyway. And anyone who tries to speak of it will simply be painted with the same broad brush.

Then they too can fear for their lives.

call her office and your own representatives and senators and tell them you will not vote for them in any way if they even think about voting for this kind of BS!!

I really am scarred of these idiots. IF they try such a thing I am afraid the wheels will come off folks. It really is Frightening!! especially since the wording of her statement is almost word for word the one of the NAZI registration act of 1938 from what I understand! that is Frightening!!
You won't get led away in cuffs. You'll get burned alive and your flaming corpse will be repeatedly shot at with automatic weapons from helicopters flying overhead.

Your children and wives will be massacered and your friends will be persecuted for the remainder of their lives.

Your property will be siezed, your homes raized, and your reputation destroyed. History will remember you as a monster, and schoolchildren will curse your name.

In the decades to come, people all over the world will see the story of your death as a morality play. They will learn to never resist the state, and that crazy people get the destruction they invite. Your story will be brought up repeatedly by those objecting to any revolutionary ideas as the deserved fate of all who question the authority of the state.

And if, some day, the truth comes out? That you were nothing more than a small group of people who lived peacefully with your neighbors and wanted nothing more than to be left alone? That you were singled out, tortured, and murdered by an oppressive state? That the state and their friends in the media desperately twisted the truth in order to cast you as the villian? Well, that truth won't get far anyway. And anyone who tries to speak of it will simply be painted with the same broad brush.

Then they too can fear for their lives.


Andy, Bob....

Let me fill you in on Texas and Texican history.

See long before the Alamo we had LOTS of fights with the Mexicans under Santa Anna. It came to a head when a whole bunch of Texicans (both white and Spanish) went down to San Antonio, to the Mission Conception, and kicked alot of Mexican bootie. Then, about a 1000 of them took San Antonio forcing Gen. Cos to drop his saber and leave. Not only was Jim Bowie there, but so was Capt. Fannin and my name sake, Deaf Smith (in fact, except for the Alamo, Deaf was in just about every fight we had with the Mexicans.)

But being a volunteer army most of them went home and kind of forgot Santa Anna was still out there and really mad now.

So Houston really did tell Travis to go down there, Jim Bowie to. THEY WERE TO DESTORY IT. But, seeing a cool way to mess up Anna's plans they stayed. And they partied like no tomorrow for a month. They did not do much to improve the fort. And were shocked, I say shocked, when Santa Anna's army showed up in Feb. (and a real cold February to.)

To make a short story shorter, all 185 Alamo defenders were wiped out. And Fannin, in Goliad, dithered so much Gen. Urrea caught him with his pants down. Killed 400+ of the Texicans by murder (over 20 of them ran off while the Mexicans we shooting.) Deaf Smith and his party found Mrs. Dickenson’s party who had left the Alamo after it fell.

Sometimes I wonder how we succeeded. Anyway, Houston kept retreating hoping for an opening. Sure enough, Santa Anna sent his cavalry off on a wild goose chase (making the error of dividing his forces when he didn't know the size nor disposition of the enemy's forces.) So, this time HE was surprised when Houston showed up and rushed his encamped troops before they could get their act together. And yep, Deaf was there.

So you see, us Texicans fight well, and die well, but sometimes we just sit there till it's pretty late in the day.

Oh, and Santa Anna was actually an early Col. Klink and did so much to help the U.S. Three times he bungled it and lost or sold land to the U.S. And that’s how we got most of the southwest! He screwed Mexico royally.

Here is a huge source of history of Texas. Most of it is what people who lived there actually saw.

Hell, the Right wanted the death penalty for gays and registration for Muslims. It doesn't mean there's any chance of it. According to Snopes the latest anti-gun measure hasn't gotten a single co-sponsor in the Senate. Not one. Feinstein went on the record saying she's not going to introduce any gun control bills because it would be political suicide. The Republicans tried to slide a back-door anti-gun measure through Congress under Gonzales. It would have given the AG the power to decide who could and could not own firearms. It failed to get any traction among the Democrats.

Even if you believe that anyone who isn't a lock-step True Believing witch-burning Manifest Destiny-spouting worker-hating Know Nothing is the Devil - the standard Greedy Old Plutocrat Party Line - give them some credit for basic political sense. With all the other stuff they need to deal with like running the country the Democrats put political suicide low on the list. But the rank and file Republicans can be relied on to salivate like Pavlov's dogs on the issue. So even if there's no chance in hell of legislation getting out of committee your Masters keep whipping it out to keep you scared.