Pelosi: "We want registration"

yep, true.. learn from history.. if they try to register guns refuse to comply. I think if they do that the wheels will come off folks.. it will be a very unhappy thing!
We've had registration for atleast 30 years, and there has been no attempt to seize our weapons. I've even heard we're consired to be one of the least regulated states in the Union. Right after Texas.

That strikes me as odd. Your profiles says you live in NE, by which I presume you mean Nebraska? I lived in Omaha for a couple years, and that doesn't sound right to me. I used to go to gun shows in Beatrice all the time, there were no registration laws then. So I checked...

Gun Law Nebraska:
Rifles and Shotguns
  • Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No
  • Registration of rifles and shotguns? No
  • Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No
  • Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No


  • Permit to purchase handgun? No
  • Registration of handguns? No
  • Licensing of owners of handguns? No
  • Permit to carry handguns? Yes as of Jan. 1, 2007.

If you're talking about Instant Background Check, that's nationwide, and that's specifically NOT registration.

And you know, if you guys are THAT afraid of what the government does, I think the simple solution would be to move. I hear Mexico is lovely this time of year, and I doubt they have too many fire arms regulations.

Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws of any nation in North or Central America (you might note that this is a good example of how gun laws don't stop criminals from having them).
Article 11 of Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos lists prohibited "military firearms" in Mexico. They include:

  • anything full-auto
  • any semi-auto handgun larger than 380 (e.g., 9mm, .38 Super, or larger)
  • any revolver in .357 Magnum or larger
  • any rifle in larger than .30 caliber
  • any shotgun larger than 12ga or with a barrel shorter than 25".
Where there are prohibitions, there are penalties. The penalties for possession of prohibited "military firearms" include: 3-12 months in prison for bayonets, sabers and lances, 1-7 years for .357 magnum revolvers and any revolver larger than a .38 Special, and 2-12 years for other prohibited weapons. You don't want to run afoul of this law!

Iraq seems nice in the fall, and I know they have it (in the law) that any male citizen is allowed to own an AK47.

Well, that seems reasonable. So if the government should begin to restrict free speech or the free practice of religion or the press, the solution should be not to try to fix it, but to move to another country. Is that it?
We've had registration for atleast 30 years, and there has been no attempt to seize our weapons. I've even heard we're consired to be one of the least regulated states in the Union. Right after Texas.

And you know, if you guys are THAT afraid of what the government does, I think the simple solution would be to move.

I find these comments (and the ones you've made in the thread on the same subject in the study) pretty disturbing. You're okay with registration because "no attempts have been made to seize our weapons." You're also okay with banning certain types of weapons for no reason other than what might happen if they were allowed (making reference to the thread in the Study). Finally, your recommendation for those unhappy with the unconstitutional actions of the government is "move."

Seriously dude...WTF? You're a Marine right? If so, the sentiments expressed above are pathetic coming from someone who swore an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

What happens when/if you get the order to confiscate firearms from American citizens? Are you going to follow the oath you swore or are you just going to use the "Nuremberg defense" when you're committing treason?
He does not sound very much like a Marine to me or even an American citizen. I find it disturbing, but also sickening that they can warp your mindset into thinking that way.

He will make a good little Gestapo.
Gents, friendly notice, lets drop the shots and digs. Thank you.
That strikes me as odd. Your profiles says you live in NE, by which I presume you mean Nebraska? I lived in Omaha for a couple years, and that doesn't sound right to me. I used to go to gun shows in Beatrice all the time, there were no registration laws then. So I checked...

Gun Law Nebraska:

If you're talking about Instant Background Check, that's nationwide, and that's specifically NOT registration.

Hu... I've never tried to buy a firearm, so I don't personnally know. My mom tried to buy a rifle about 30 years ago, and she needed a permit. They might have repealed it, or something. I don't know. I'll stop using that as a point though.

Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws of any nation in North or Central America (you might note that this is a good example of how gun laws don't stop criminals from having them).

Well, that seems reasonable. So if the government should begin to restrict free speech or the free practice of religion or the press, the solution should be not to try to fix it, but to move to another country. Is that it?

And with a government which largely does nothing, it effectivly has no real gun laws. Kinda like 'if a law is never enforced, is it really a law at all?'

No, but these so called attmepts to destroy your rights and take your firearms seem to be more like the paranoid ravings of someone from Wako. They will not and cannot take your firearms wholesale from you. They can do that with some, but not all. It will never happen wholesale. Oh, and 'why don't you leave' is kinda my reply to anyone who likes to complain our country. Don't like, leave.

Seriously dude...WTF? You're a Marine right? If so, the sentiments expressed above are pathetic coming from someone who swore an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

OK.... I don't see any action against the Constitution. When I do, trust me, I'll be one of the leaders of the revolt against the government.

What happens when/if you get the order to confiscate firearms from American citizens? Are you going to follow the oath you swore or are you just going to use the "Nuremberg defense" when you're committing treason?

If for some reason I am ordered to confiscate weapons wholesale, I'm pretty sure my platoon sgt would say something like 'lets just go re-capture this country for America'. He's already told me he owns like 5 rifles and a couple hand guns. Almost every Marine I know own atleast 1 firearm. Most own more then that. You can count on the fact that if the military is ordered to confiscate American weapons, most would end up being the leaders of the revolt.
Ah, Waco, where rather than arrest someone during their many trips into town, the FBI chose to burn innocent women and children alive. Gotcha.

If we're going to focus on the Constitutionality of a gun ban/seizure, understanding the meaning behind the 2nd might be in order, and an awareness of several more recent court cases, including SCUS cases which affirmed the rights of individuals to own guns.

No where in the USC does it authorize the Federal government to create or maintain a list of who owns what. Therefore, the Federal does not have that authority. The States do.
No where in the USC does it authorize the Federal government to create or maintain a list of who owns what. Therefore, the Federal does not have that authority. The States do.

Or to the people. That's also in the Constitution.

2 words......


They wont be getting anything from me. I have told my wife and my family what to expect and they understand. I also took the oath to support and defend the constitution from ALL enemies. I refuse to stand for a tyranical gov or system that infringes on our basic liberties as specified by our forefathers. Thats the reason that all able bodied males from 17-45 are required by law to be a part of the militia. It the peoples job, its societies job to protect and preserve ourselves and each other from tyranny-oppression-or any such infringement on basic rights and liberties.
Some bring up the argument that things were different then... stfu!
The basic principle stands regardless if its 1776 or 3076... You will not deny me my right to protect and preserve myself, my family and my fellow citizens.. you are not authorized to do such and any indication that this is taking place of any kind is immediate cause for revolt.
Thats just the way it is and it has nothing to do with being against the govt or domestic terror or anything of the sort. I love my country so much that I served it in uniform with the full knowledge that I am sacrificing my life and limb so that my fellow citizens can enjoy the freedom and liberties promised to the people by the people and for the people. I bleed eyes are white... and my gun is blue...I am nothing but American through and through. You dont need to come get me... I should come get you! I believe in the constitution and I will die for that belief... that does not make me a threat to national security or a terrorist... it makes me a free citizen of the united states and a memeber of our society. So if the .gov is monitoring this...dont mind me I am just a concerned citizen as you should be also.... besides...

Some bring up the argument that things were different then... stfu!


This is the only point of your thread that I would challenge. It's a discussion forum. Furthermore, it is not specifically a US discussion forum, even in the US Politics section. Anyone can participate.

While on the subject of the Constitution, it has a First Amendment, as well as a Second. The Second, to my knowledge, isn't twice as important as the First. But the First, if I understand it correctly, is big enough to talk about everything -- including the second.
Ah, Waco, where rather than arrest someone during their many trips into town, the FBI chose to burn innocent women and children alive. Gotcha.

If we're going to focus on the Constitutionality of a gun ban/seizure, understanding the meaning behind the 2nd might be in order, and an awareness of several more recent court cases, including SCUS cases which affirmed the rights of individuals to own guns.

No where in the USC does it authorize the Federal government to create or maintain a list of who owns what. Therefore, the Federal does not have that authority. The States do.

Waco? 2nd amendment? State's rights?

Careful Bob, you're starting to sound like a militia member.

I'm a Jeffersonian Libertarian. Which today is probably enough to get me on a dozen lists as a suspicious person. lol
Waco? 2nd amendment? State's rights?

Careful Bob, you're starting to sound like a militia member.

No, he's sounding like a concerned American and he should be concerned. I'm originaly from England and kissed the ground when I arrived here in the States. It's a shame however, that the US is becoming more and more like the UK. The first amendment is at risk with recent talk of the "fairness" doctrine, which by the way is designed to target talk radio and therefore the Conservative/Libertarian movement. I wonder if this will extend to the leftists at MSNBC and people like Bill Moyers at PBS (which we tax payers partially pay for). In Britain there is freedom of speech, but only if you say what the government wants you to say. A slip of the tongue can get you a stint in jail. It reminds me of Lenin's famous quote to the people of Russia. "You have the right to say anything you want, as long as I have the right to shoot you for it".

Then there is the push to tighten gun control laws, especially in California. It's almost as if the legislature wants decent Americans to be at the mercy of thugs, gangbangers and creeps who own weapons because they have no respect for the law. Again this reminds me of the UK. You shoot a guy on your property who wants to kill you and then rape your wife and guess what, your going to prison.

With draconian taxes and and a push for universal health care, we may as well hand the federal reigns over to Gordon Brown and have the US run out of Whitehall. I don't know about you, but I want control of my life and want minimal government interfeerance.

If you want a taste of things to come here, go live in the UK, especially the North and you'll see what I mean.
I am anti-registration, I feel that it is a way to side step the 2nd amendment and if it gets in place how long would it be before they took away the right to transfer ownership thus allowing a slow, patient disarming of America.

I do not know if I could disarm anyone as a Police Officer; I probably could not based off of the person I was contacting. I am a very strong proponent of the the right to keep and bear arms and I do not want the Fed's taking my guns away either.

Whenever these topics are broached it troubles me to no end but I do feel that the citizens of this country will not hold still for a tyrant government no matter how long they draw it out in an attempt to make it socio-facist entity a slow in coming reality. I do have faith in our country and we have suffered poor leadership in the past let us all just hope that the current administration is not as socialist as the conservative media makes it out to be although at the current time those hopes seem to be wishful thinking.

Nancy Pelosi's views really do scare me and I really believe that the Democratic Party, especially those in power honestly believe that what they do is what is best for the country because they are "smarter" than us simple citizens and because they see guns as bad and not as tools then a document written centuries ago should be able to be re-written by those enlightened individuals who are so much smarter than the commen men and women of this country.

This coming from a woman whose state needed almost 10 billion dollars in bail-out money and is getting ready to release a third of their prison population (a high majority of which are illegal immigrants).

This is frustrating.......

This is the only point of your thread that I would challenge. It's a discussion forum. Furthermore, it is not specifically a US discussion forum, even in the US Politics section. Anyone can participate.

While on the subject of the Constitution, it has a First Amendment, as well as a Second. The Second, to my knowledge, isn't twice as important as the First. But the First, if I understand it correctly, is big enough to talk about everything -- including the second.

Allow me to pump my brakes a bit... I wasnt referring to anyone in this forum or this thread when I stated that...although it does not come across like that. I was referring to previous arguments that I have had with anti-gun or neutral people in the past in other places regarding this issue and the militia and the 2nd amendment as well as the oath... the argument that times were different back then and there was a threat of invasion and all the blah blah has been thrown at me plenty elsewhere and thats why I threw it in there (in case there were any anti-gun lurkers)
that is all... I respect all of you and would not present my convictions or opinions in that manner on this forum...
We've had registration for atleast 30 years, and there has been no attempt to seize our weapons. I've even heard we're consired to be one of the least regulated states in the Union. Right after Texas.

And you know, if you guys are THAT afraid of what the government does, I think the simple solution would be to move. I hear Mexico is lovely this time of year, and I doubt they have too many fire arms regulations. Iraq seems nice in the fall, and I know they have it (in the law) that any male citizen is allowed to own an AK47.
Mexico is a gun control paradise.

And i'm not going anywhere.....that's where you're confused. ;)