Pellet Guns are for Kids? Think again...

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
This thing is flat bad ***. At almost $600, it clearly isn't any kid's toy. At 1200 feet per second in 22caliber, it will drop small varmints (and the neighbor's noisy dog) easily.
The ULTIMATE Pellet Gun


I think you'd almost have to call this Silent but Deadly...
Talk to Lisa about expensive pellet guns.
Yeah, but it's pretty and highly accurate. :)

Pretty it ain't, but I'll take your word on its accuracy.

Heck, it looks like it should operate like one of the robot sentry guns from Aliens.
Pretty if you're expecting a laser beam to shoot out the front of it.:sniper::snipe2:
Looks like both of them would be a blast to shoot.
Actually, how accurate is it?


In my hands, not so much...:lfao: :D

However, that gun is designed for one thing and that is shooting in air rifle competitions.

Standing at 10 meters. The "10" is about the size of an ink dot on a paper.

The picture below is what we would call a perfect "10"

During the competition your shots are marked in whole numbers (1 to 10) however in finals (top 8) the shots are marked by the tenths. This would be considered a 10.9

The picture below has been enlarged.


  • $Target.jpg
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In my hands, not so much...:lfao: :D

However, that gun is designed for one thing and that is shooting in air rifle competitions.

Standing at 10 meters. The "10" is about the size of an ink dot on a paper.

The picture below is what we would call a perfect "10"

During the competition your shots are marked in whole numbers (1 to 10) however in finals (top 8) the shots are marked by the tenths. This would be considered a 10.9

The picture below has been enlarged.

Enlarged? Good lord you're shooting bullseyes in targets the size of quarters! Damn!
TEN GRAND?! Does it make things any more dead than a cheaper rifle?

It is for high level shooting comps and for snipers. The general public really has no need for anything of this level.